View Full Version : 1st one of the year!

02-14-17, 02:18 PM
My beautiful eastern black neck garter courtesy of Albert! Got him this morning and man....he took my breath away!

Still needs a name. Thinking of something romantic (not romeo) due to the holiday!

02-14-17, 02:37 PM
Wow! What a beauty!

How about Sir Galant? He looks really galant, with that stripe down his back.

RAD House
02-14-17, 02:46 PM
Welcome to the water snake world. You will enjoy him, I suggest giving him a enclosure as realistic as possible if you want to enjoy their true nature and clown like behavior.

02-14-17, 02:49 PM
Awesome pick up, Mink!

EL Ziggy
02-14-17, 02:54 PM
Wow Mink, that's one amazing looking critter. That orange stripe is off the charts! You should name him Fabio. Didn't he used to make the ladies swoon? :)

RAD House
02-14-17, 03:33 PM
As for a name how about Cyrano, in honor of Steve martins portrayal of the love sick character from the play. I feel Steve Martin and garters have quite a bit in common in the character department.

02-14-17, 03:50 PM
Lol, Meso.

I'm thinking Armani actually. And if he gets a gf in the future, sje can be Goochie haha.

He is a ways off from a permanent set up though. He (should be) the last snake for a while as all my savings will be going towards PVC enclosures.

Also, I was stunned at how amazing he looks! No offence Albert, but your pics couldn't touch how awesome he is in person! Lol.

EL Ziggy
02-14-17, 04:16 PM
No Mink! You have to name him Fabio. Have you seen this dude's hair? :)


02-14-17, 04:23 PM
LOL! Yes, I know Fabio! He also had his beautiful nose broken by a goose while riding in a roller coaster. Lol

EL Ziggy
02-14-17, 05:01 PM
LOL, I didn't know about the goose and the broken nose. I figured you were too young to even know he was Mink. You are wise beyond your years ;).

02-14-17, 05:15 PM
Lol! I'm not young any more! Big three oh!

EL Ziggy
02-14-17, 07:41 PM
If 30 isn't young anymore I must be ancient at 51 :). Any breeding plans for your garter(s) Mink?

Albert Clark
02-14-17, 09:37 PM
Good to see he arrived to you in great shape Mink! He's already missed around here although I'm glad he's in good hands. He does have a shy personality until it's time to eat. Lol. Enjoy him.

EL Ziggy
02-14-17, 10:37 PM
Hats off to you again AL on another stunning critter you've produced. I can't remember if I saw your garter clutch.

02-14-17, 11:23 PM
Pretty! I'm always tempted by the garters.

02-14-17, 11:37 PM
Yes. I will be on the look out for a female. Also wanting a pair of neon blue cali red sided. So far he's pretty neat. Depending on how things go and how much I see him out and about, e may be moved to my bedroom for regular viewing haha. As usual he is doing what most snakes do best, and that is hiding haha.

Also, he is officially dubbed Armani and his future gf will be Chenelle. =)

dave himself
02-15-17, 02:09 AM
Beautiful snake Mink congratulations :)

Albert Clark
02-15-17, 08:00 AM
Hats off to you again AL on another stunning critter you've produced. I can't remember if I saw your garter clutch. Yep. Thanks. This was kind of a secret project EL! I was competing with someone on productions of Eastern Blacknecks. I will have a new litter of Easterns in the spring hopefully.

02-16-17, 02:12 AM
Armand is very handsome mink! Congrats! :D

Albert Clark
03-10-17, 08:15 PM
Mink, any update on Armand? Has he taken a meal yet?

Albert Clark
03-11-17, 03:34 AM
Mink, any update on Armand? Has he taken a meal yet? I meant Armani! Got his name twisted a bit.