View Full Version : Pics of early blisters/scale rot?

02-09-17, 06:04 AM
Anyone has pics of early symptoms of blisters? I think our unlucky whiteout girl has it...

I really hope it's not what I think as she was healthy for the last 6 months (maybe some of you remember that she was having very bad protozoa and pneumonia for more than half year after I got her).

Of course I'll go to the vet with her as soon as possible, but the vet won't have time until next week. Would just like to see if it really is blisters, or maybe something different.

It's like she has some dry oil on her belly that shines opaque, and the edges of some scales are brownish-yellow and looks like they are scratched/vanquishing. Hard to describe it well, maybe pics will help.

She has it on the sides of her belly (around 5 damaged scales on one side, and a looot more on the other side), and there are these small transparent "dry film" pieces that fell/sticks from it.

As for husbandry she is always on paper towel due to problems with lungs from the other beddings. Also, could it be because she throwed her water bowls few times recently? I really keep her tank clean and hospital-style due to the vet confirming that she has poor immunity and all the previous health problems we had with her.




02-09-17, 03:42 PM
LOOKS like a bit of scale rot. I would definitely be doing a topical treatment and consulting a vet especially considering the complicated history with this one. :(

02-10-17, 01:41 AM
I was recommended to use 50/50 water/betadine solution for the damaged scales and to wait until the next shed to see if it'll heal on its own. Of course if nothing changes or there will be new damaged scales then we'll go to the vet asap.... but considering that we still need to take our turtle for checkup we will probably take her sooner too, just in case.

02-12-17, 07:05 PM
Oh no! I have no knowledge on this particular subject sadly but I hope she gets better! :(

02-13-17, 04:23 AM
Any change? Blisters form very rapidly usually, first sign of blisters usually is a blister.. I have pics on an old drive somewhere.. theyre harder to diagnose when said blister has already popped. Doesn't seem to be the case though, the scales look irritated but not raw (Also blisters are more likely to form higher up the body) Could be scale rot or some infection.. Does it smell like rot?

02-13-17, 09:47 AM
My husband took a look at these pics, and he's not sure, but doesn't think it looks like scale rot.

How was her last shed? Is it possible this may be stuck shed? Scale rot will have a pretty bad smell, and will often times turn the scales red, peel, and look generally infected. The betadine wash won't hurt her, but if it's not scale rot, there may not be a whole lot of change. If it's stuck shed (if she's got a lot of immunity issues, I'm guessing her sheds may be a little challenging too), the bath in general will help get some of that off.

Are these blisters that are oozing at all? Can you lift the scales to make sure there isn't anything in there? I'm sure there isn't, if she's on paper towels. It doesn't really seem like she has the opportunity to develop scale rot from what you've described.

I don't know. Post an update if you can.