View Full Version : How do I know if my burm is ovulating?

02-07-17, 02:27 PM
All but 1 of my snakes were purchased as babies or almost yearlings, including my burm, so I have limited experience with adult/mature snakes. She's grown a lot since her gotcha day in October 2016, and I'm wondering if she's starting to ovulate. Without an ultrasound machine, I'd like to know if there are any tell-tale signs of this. She looks swollen, has been a little "hissy" off and on lately, but otherwise, she seems her normal self. And I'm not finding a lot of success Googling this question; most of the answers pertain to gravidity and not ovulation.

02-07-17, 03:16 PM
Snakes rarely ovulate unless bred or previously bred within the last 12 or so months.

02-07-17, 03:50 PM
There could be some kind of follicular development taking place but not an ovulation unless you're experiencing parthenogenesis (99.99% Sure that isn't the case...), so things will dissipate after a couple of weeks.

02-07-17, 09:00 PM
I had to look up parthenogenesis. And no, definitely do not think that's what's happening.

So my snake will only "PMS" if she gets exposed to mating? My husband keeps saying she's going to start PMSing with me, but he could also be pulling my leg.