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jay's reptiles
02-03-17, 07:42 PM

Just copy and paste this youtube video into your search bar or just click on it if it lets you. This guy is insane

02-03-17, 08:12 PM
Its amazing what the human body can do and the lengths people will go to in order to explore the unknown. what a crazy guy, this takes guts, but it kinda comes off as stupid

02-03-17, 08:14 PM
thus guy does the same thing. check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q_m-rDUNw0

02-04-17, 09:48 AM
Until one fine day he gets an anaphylactic shock and drops dead.

The added value of such activities is nil. I rather see someone showing how to properly care for mambas or taipans in captivity then some guy showing how he can take back to back bites from them. Especially worried he's handling those snakes with others in the room. He maybe immune but one unexpected situation and the mamba is hanging off the nose of one of his buddies there.

02-04-17, 11:03 PM
Why would someone intentionally stress out a snake like this for the simple entertainment value of it? It makes no sense to me. There's no educational value that I know of for something like this.

02-05-17, 12:17 AM
"I'll keep doing this until the vaccine is in the field."

Uh...that's not what a vaccine does.