View Full Version : Introducing Dr. Coil
02-02-17, 10:39 PM
New to the forum. Thought I'd go ahead and introduce Dr. Coil, my Blue Racer. I've had him since August. Despite their unfriendly reputation, he is actually very curious and fun to watch. If anyone has any tips or other important information, please feel free to share.
02-02-17, 10:49 PM
I love his name! He's a beauty
02-02-17, 11:02 PM
Is he captive bred? If not have you successfully switched to captive bred?
02-03-17, 06:47 AM
Beautiful snake! I think Snoopys 2nd question meant to ask if you successfully switched to frozen/thawed if he wasn't capture bred :D
02-03-17, 07:52 AM
Sweet! I've toyed with the idea of racers. I think they'd be very cool, in the right setup. Keep us updated as he grows.
02-03-17, 08:03 AM
Thanks GyGbeetle. He is not captive bred, I found him under my desk at work. If Tsubaki is accurate about the second part of your question, than yes, he eats thawed pinkies. That part took a heck of a lot of patience, mainly because he (and I'm guessing racers in general) is an extremely nervous snake and if I moved at all after getting him to capture a pinky, he would drop it an run. He is a voracious eater now though, gets all excited as soon as he sees the tongs come out. I'll keep posting as he grows. Thanks all.
Jim Smith
02-03-17, 08:13 AM
Pretty boy. I love how they periscope much like Garters.
02-03-17, 09:40 AM
Thanks GyGbeetle. He is not captive bred, I found him under my desk at work. If Tsubaki is accurate about the second part of your question, than yes, he eats thawed pinkies. That part took a heck of a lot of patience, mainly because he (and I'm guessing racers in general) is an extremely nervous snake and if I moved at all after getting him to capture a pinky, he would drop it an run. He is a voracious eater now though, gets all excited as soon as he sees the tongs come out. I'll keep posting as he grows. Thanks all.
LOL yes, I meant to ask if you've switched to rodents/frozen thawed. Was curious because I want one myself but they're near impossible to find CB. I have heard they can be pretty difficult.
dave himself
02-03-17, 10:41 AM
Beautiful snake, please keep us posted with updates :)
02-03-17, 10:54 AM
Well Dr. Coil is my first and only snake, so I'm not sure how he compares to "normal" as far as difficulty/switching to frozen thawed. But I'll expand on my experience for comparison. When I got him he was about 12 inches long. I first tried warming a pinky in warm water and leaving it in the cage. No luck. After a few weeks I became concerned and looked around on the internet for ways to feed a snake that won't eat. Finally tried holding/restraining him and offering the pinky and that's how I first got him to eat. It would take around 30 min as every time I moved, he'd stop and wait. Did that a couple of times, then went back to trying to leave the mouse in the cage, figuring he'd gotten a taste for it, no luck. Back to the internet and read about trying to coax him to eat by presenting the mouse and slowly moving it away from him. That was pretty frustrating. At first he was just afraid of me and would start flipping out. When he would become interested and strike, he usually missed, and when he was successful, he would drop it an run as soon as I tried pulling the tongs out of the tank. Finally I just decided to try and remain motionless after he captured it until he was done. That's what finally started working, but the first few times sucked as I would have to stay motionless hunched over the tank for more than hour in some cases. His aim and nervousness improved quickly after the first few tries though and now he anticipates it and he's done eating in less than a minute.
02-03-17, 10:56 AM
A few more pictures as I figure out how to post them.
I definitely need to work at where you are working... :)
02-03-17, 01:20 PM
Dr Coil is awesome! Glad he finally started eating. I know firsthand how frustrating that can be.
02-03-17, 03:06 PM
I definitely need to work at where you are working...
Yeah, we actually do get a lot of snakes in our building, though they are mostly adult black rat snakes.
02-04-17, 11:56 PM
If you found him under your desk I'd personally release him when the weather warms up. He's more useful out in the wild where he could potentially be part of the breeding population.
02-05-17, 06:48 PM
If it were a snake that is commonly available as cb, I'd agree about releasing him. But racers are difficult to come by. I'd like to see more established in the hobby so we CAN get some captive babies eventually. I've considered trying to breed some myself, but to get them I'll have to take young ones from the wild.
02-05-17, 10:38 PM
If it were a snake that is commonly available as cb, I'd agree about releasing him. But racers are difficult to come by. I'd like to see more established in the hobby so we CAN get some captive babies eventually. I've considered trying to breed some myself, but to get them I'll have to take young ones from the wild.
If that was their aim, that's one thing, but it just seems like they picked up a random snake in their house to keep as a pet. Not everyone is willing or able to start up a breeding project, especially for a species rare in captivity.
02-05-17, 10:57 PM
but it just seems like they picked up a random snake in their house to keep as a pet
That's about right, and I don't feel guilty about it, nor do I have plans to release him. Fact of the matter is that it's perfectly legal, he's healthy and doing well. He's my pet now and I came on here to share my enthusiasm about him.
Hello whistlepig. Welcome to the forum, and the herpetoculturist hobby. The clock on how long it takes before you get your next snake starts... now! :laugh:
If you have a juvenile Coluber sp. (Racer/Whipsnake/Coachwhip) eating for you, captive hatched or otherwise, you're doing something right. It sounds like your experience was similar to mine. I have a Eastern Yellowbelly Racer (Coluber constrictor flaviventris, south Texas locale) that I collected as a hatchling, took quite a bit of work to get it started. The technique you describe of holding the snake in hand until it takes the mouse is called tease feeding. The animal bites not so much as an attempt to eat, but in defense. The behavior you describe of the snake striking and missing is also that of a defensive animal. Tease feeding is a useful method with animals that readily bite in defense, particularity those, like Coluber, that tend to bite and hold. The idea is to do exactly as you did, get the animal to bite and then freeze. The feeding instinct takes over and the animal eats, so long as you don't spook it. Very nicely done. I wouldn't recommend a Coluber as a first snake, but you're already past the hard part. My Eastern Yellowbelly is about a year and a half old now. It's feeding response is currently nothing less than vicious. I started it by assist feeding it the thighs of adult mice, and before long it took to tease feeding mice legs and pink mice. I recently picked up an Eastern Coachwip (Coluber f. flagellum) hatchling at a show, it was hatched from eggs produced by a female who was gravid when she was collected. It tease fed for me right off the bat, though there were a few times in the first couple months when it was just too nervous, so I'd assist. It has surprised me recently by taking f/t pink mice simply left in its tub. Coluber are highly visual predators, I didn't expect it to eat something that wasn't moving. You never know unless you try, I guess.
Don't worry about field collecting, as long as it is done legally and responsibly there is nothing wrong with it. Although, if it was found indoors could it still be considered "field collected?" Ha! Interestingly, one of my Rat Snakes I actually found in my house. Many of us started in the hobby with a field collected animal, myself included. But do know that since you have taken this animal in and fed it, it's your responsibility for the rest of its life. It is never a good idea to release a captive animal. Nor is it legal. Congrats on your new charge (well, August, newish?), I'll also be watching for updates. And seriously, it wont be long you'll be wanting more snakes, lol.
02-06-17, 07:05 AM
If that was their aim, that's one thing, but it just seems like they picked up a random snake in their house to keep as a pet. Not everyone is willing or able to start up a breeding project, especially for a species rare in captivity.
While I understand your point, I'm generally not greatly opposed to field collecting. Obviously I think there are exceptions and limits. But, I think we should just agree to disagree, rather than getting too deep into it. I've never seen this be a productive argument. I doubt either of us will change our opinions, and that's fine.
While I understand your point, I'm generally not greatly opposed to field collecting. Obviously I think there are exceptions and limits. But, I think we should just agree to disagree, rather than getting too deep into it. I've never seen this be a productive argument. I doubt either of us will change our opinions, and that's fine.
Wise words. :)
Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your little one, whistlepig.
02-06-17, 09:18 AM
That's about right, and I don't feel guilty about it, nor do I have plans to release him. Fact of the matter is that it's perfectly legal, he's healthy and doing well. He's my pet now and I came on here to share my enthusiasm about him.
There was a Looney Tunes character that used to collect all kinds of animals, and love them and squeeze them and make them all hers :) I don't know why this statement made me think of that character. I wish I could remember her name or get a good pic/meme of it.
02-06-17, 09:23 AM
Found it! Elmyra Duff. I don't know why she was my favorite character
02-06-17, 04:43 PM
Before I saw the*post of her name, I was*thinking she was Elmer Fudds daughter. If I remember correctly, she was part of the Animaniacs...great show.
And seriously, it wont be long you'll be wanting more snakes, lol.
I don't doubt it. I already feel the pull, hopefully my rational brain will continue to hold it at bay. I don't have the space to start a snake collection. haha.
02-06-17, 05:31 PM
Before I saw the*post of her name, I was*thinking she was Elmer Fudds daughter. If I remember correctly, she was part of the Animaniacs...great show.
I don't doubt it. I already feel the pull, hopefully my rational brain will continue to hold it at bay. I don't have the space to start a snake collection. haha.
I didn't have the space either. And only wanted "just the one". I ended up with 11 just a few months later, and I'm already looking at more from my wish list
02-06-17, 05:33 PM
PS.. I'm a scientist for a living. I use logic and reasoning in my daily life. And yet I still ended up with 11 snakes, all housed in my bedroom. So good luck!!!! :)
02-06-17, 06:24 PM
lol. Yeah that might be where things are headed. Luckily I have other deterrents. I'm pretty sure if I started filling up my bedroom with snakes, not only might I risk bodily harm from my wife, but it would almost certainly lead to an animal arms race between snakes and cats. Not ready for that...yet. :D
02-06-17, 10:05 PM
lol. Yeah that might be where things are headed. Luckily I have other deterrents. I'm pretty sure if I started filling up my bedroom with snakes, not only might I risk bodily harm from my wife, but it would almost certainly lead to an animal arms race between snakes and cats. Not ready for that...yet. :D
Did I mention I have 5 cats? I was terrified of snakes up until May of 2016, when my husband conveniently volunteered us to watch my son's science teacher's snake for the summer, before asking me. That was snake #1. Took me about a month to fall in love, and I asked the science teacher if he would ever be willing to part with Fang. This ended the Cold War with snakes. But Fang was around 6th grade kids for years, so I don't think anything phases him
RAD House
02-08-17, 12:04 PM
While I understand your point, I'm generally not greatly opposed to field collecting. Obviously I think there are exceptions and limits. But, I think we should just agree to disagree, rather than getting too deep into it. I've never seen this be a productive argument. I doubt either of us will change our opinions, and that's fine.
...and somehow you always seem to get involved in these arguments. I am just giving you a hard time. I do not agree with wild collection for the common pet owner. Firstly as a beginner in the hobby there are many species that would better suit you than a racer. I agree that once in captivity it should never be released, and it worries me that once you have a pissed off adult on your hands your tune may change very quickly. Wild caught animals tend to be afflicted by sickness and parasites and do not often live nearly as long as their captive bred counterparts. Have you considered any screening and treatment options? If you are planning on bringing in more animals this should definitely be done.
02-08-17, 02:53 PM
Thank you for voicing your concerns MesoCorney. I will keep them in mind (particularly the screening and treatment issues) especially if I ever decide to add to my collection (which I have stated I am not interested in doing at this time). I appreciate that you have a different viewpoint than my own, but I had planned on using this thread to update the status of Dr. Coil as he grows and would appreciate it if I could do that without having to scroll through pages of lectures and scoldings from people who assume they know something about my competency in taking care of my snake. My suggestion is that if you or anyone else who wants to argue the wild/captive bred point with me or others simply find one of the old threads that deal with the issue and bump it to the top. You can even call me out in it, something like “I have been concerned of late about newbies posting about wild catching and trying to raise difficult species (ehem, whistlepig)…”. That way if I or others would like to debate this point, those interested parties could choose to do so without tacking on needless posts on this particular thread.
02-08-17, 02:56 PM
Where in Illinois are you located? Im in the southwest suburbs and have honestly never seen a wild snake.
02-08-17, 03:27 PM
They're there. I used to live in Palos Park when I was a kid and we used to catch garter snakes all the time. Now I live in the southern part of the state, about 90 miles from anywhere.
02-14-17, 10:48 AM
I was looking back through some of my pictures last night and found some of Dr. Coil when I first got him in August. I was amazed how much he has grown and how much his patterning has changed. Hard to notice as much when you see him every day. Thought I'd share the contrast here, the turtle shell makes a good reference for size C_-gjpZ7rYd54m0u53a3LJIMAYxUVa71B8VCQ/WP_20160815_08_29_53_Pro_LI.jpg?psid=1 uF21KZ4UPQ3q-nH5UG56zDOh5ko01Qn60hhYBkV9jjl0u13R0PE7ulHcddy8CS7 rymKp1vy-BJ2fepFCXB63dL_JixVJ3XLxOqaiy2w/WP_20170212_13_31_06_Pro_LI.jpg?psid=1
02-14-17, 07:02 PM
Oh my! He's grown quite a bit! What a cute little guy.
02-15-17, 02:32 PM
Sorry about the repost, but noticed my links don't appear to be working anymore. Trying imgur now.
02-24-17, 07:28 PM
Just*adding some more recent pictures of Dr Coil. *
02-25-17, 10:15 AM
Sorry, one more. I had him out while cleaning his cage and got a really good close-up of his head, so had to post it.
02-27-17, 01:04 PM
He is so pretty. Such a photogenic little guy.
03-08-17, 10:51 PM
That is an awesome snake, dude!! I love racers and whips, I've got a young w/c flagellum of my own.
Don't let the haters get you down, keep up the good work!
Also, I keep mine in a really cluttered setup with lots of fake plants. It seems to make it feel more secure. One side I provide belly heat in mid 80's and a basking spot thats in mid 90's. Cool side at about 70. Mine takes f/t from tongs right now but I have had mixed results leaving f/t or live pinkies in an upside down paper cup for it to crawl into.
03-09-17, 07:07 AM
He's awesome! I love his coloring.
03-09-17, 09:21 AM
That is an awesome snake, dude!! I love racers and whips, I've got a young w/c flagellum of my own.
Thanks! I don't know much about coachwhips except that their a sister taxa, so I assume similar behavior and look? I saw your picture in the photo contest, nice looking animal. I like your setup too, I'll have to consider adding more clutter, but he has calmed down a lot. It will only be occasionally that I'll not realize he's nearby and move to fast and he'll get startled and flip out a little. Incidentally, while not something I would purposely do to him, there is something quite comical about seeing a snake "jump" and fall back down on his back, haha.
He's awesome! I love his coloring.
Thanks! His coloring is very context specific. Most of the time he just looks gray. It's only when the lighting is right that his blue comes out. I've tried to find out more info on how coloring and patterning works in snakes to see if the blue I'm seeing is the beginnings of his adult coloration and will become more prominent with time or if it will always be a subtle thing, but haven't found any more technical information about it.
03-09-17, 09:52 AM
I expected him to be in a top hat for some reason. Must be his fancy name. Do you handle him, or is he kind of too wild for that?
03-09-17, 04:28 PM
I expected him to be in a top hat for some reason. Must be his fancy name. Do you handle him, or is he kind of too wild for that?
No top hat, but I do have a picture of him with a Santa hat photo shopped on, if that counts.
I take him out once a week or couple of weeks, especially when I clean his cage. He doesn't bite, but he does seem to get stressed out by the experience, so I try to limit how often I good him.
well he's just beautiful! i love how nicely he poses!
03-14-17, 07:24 AM
I wanted to try out posting a video, so here's one of Dr. Coil eating. Nothing innovative and no cool music or text, but have to start somewhere.
03-14-17, 07:27 AM
I wanted to try out posting a video, so here's one of Dr. Coil eating. Nothing innovative and no cool music or text, but have to start somewhere.
The video is set to private, so you will have to change the viewing audience to public/unprivate the video but I can push the button and the video does appear to be in your post.
03-14-17, 07:30 AM
Good to know. My first time trying things out with youtube. I think I made the change, let me know if it made a difference.
03-14-17, 08:19 AM
Good to know. My first time trying things out with youtube. I think I made the change, let me know if it made a difference.
It did make a difference. So cool to watch the good Dr. eat haha.
03-14-17, 08:22 AM
Love the video. Awesome little snake. They're so different than most commonly kept snakes. As I mentioned before, I've often considered trying to breed a pair of racers. This thread is inspiring me. I'm tempted to drop my tiger rat snake plans and do this instead.
i love the way he moves! makes getting from one side of the cage to the other look like an extreme sport! cool vid!
EL Ziggy
03-14-17, 08:58 AM
Very nice critter. It'll be really cool to watch his progression. Thanks for sharing.
03-14-17, 07:11 PM
Thanks everyone. I do love this little guy and will continue to share the pictures and video. Hopefully I'll learn how to spice up the videos in the future. Good to know he is an inspiration, I do think it would be cool to breed racers and let more people get exposed to how interesting their behavior can be. However, those tiger rat snakes looked super awesome as well.
03-17-17, 12:29 PM
Some updated photos today, made it almost a month since the last set (the video doesn't count). Bear with me, I'm like a parent of an only child who can't help but show pictures to everyone. haha. Anyway, Dr. Coil is going into shed so I'm trying to limit my picture updates to every time he sheds.
03-17-17, 01:01 PM
He's a good-looking little guy.
What is his behavior like? Is he very active? I know racers generally are, but just wondering how that translates to a well-fed racer in captivity.
03-17-17, 01:15 PM
Thanks. Good question, which is somewhat difficult for me to answer since I've never owned another type of snake. From what I've gathered on this site, I get the impression that normal pet snake behavior is relatively inactive except when the animal gets hungry. My experience has been quite different. He is active at least 50 % of every day, a lot of days I'd say it's a higher percent than that. He will become inactive for maybe 24 hrs after eating.
I've had to sort of guess with feeding frequency. Since he is an active snake, I've settled on every 3 days. As of today he is 450 mm (about 18 in) and I feed him two large pinkies at every meal. I'll be trying to move up to fuzzies the next time I go to the store. Hope that helps. He's set up right by my desk at work and I watch him all the time, so if you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
03-17-17, 01:20 PM
Yes, 50% of the day is definitely a lot more active than most captive snakes. My indigo, which is supposedly an active species, stays in his hide the majority of the time. He's more active in the warmer months, but even then, he usually just takes a stroll or two each day. I think one thing that interests me about racers is that they seem like indigos on crack. LOL.
03-17-17, 04:20 PM
Haha. There are times when I think he may indeed be on crack.
I don't know what is typical, more or less active with age, but I wonder if he will become less active as he gets older and the meals take longer to digest.
03-18-17, 05:51 AM
I don't know what is typical, more or less active with age, but I wonder if he will become less active as he gets older and the meals take longer to digest.
Probably somewhat. But most snake species are also a little less apt to hide once they're larger. Less predators for adult snakes.
03-18-17, 09:54 AM
Thanks. Good question, which is somewhat difficult for me to answer since I've never owned another type of snake. From what I've gathered on this site, I get the impression that normal pet snake behavior is relatively inactive except when the animal gets hungry. My experience has been quite different. He is active at least 50 % of every day, a lot of days I'd say it's a higher percent than that. He will become inactive for maybe 24 hrs after eating.
I've had to sort of guess with feeding frequency. Since he is an active snake, I've settled on every 3 days. As of today he is 450 mm (about 18 in) and I feed him two large pinkies at every meal. I'll be trying to move up to fuzzies the next time I go to the store. Hope that helps. He's set up right by my desk at work and I watch him all the time, so if you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them. Wow! My snake is a the most inactive snake ever. I have had him for 3+ MONTHS, and have only ever seen him out once. He just stays under his water bowl all day despite my 5 hides and foliage to cover him! Must be cool to see your little guy, I take him out to handle every day so I can see mine is still alive;)
03-18-17, 10:09 AM
What kind of snake do you have? I do enjoy being able to just sit around and watch him explore the cage and dig through the substrate, and for that reason he probably worked out to be the perfect kind of snake for me to have. However, there are trade-offs, being held seems to really stress him out, so I don't take him out all that often. That doesn't bother me too much though. However, one thing I would like to be able to do, is take him outside for either change of scenery or taking pictures like it seems like a lot of people on here are able to do. I'm pretty sure if I put him on the ground outside of his enclosure, I may never be able to catch him again. He is extremely fast.
03-18-17, 10:15 AM
What kind of snake do you have? I do enjoy being able to just sit around and watch him explore the cage and dig through the substrate, and for that reason he probably worked out to be the perfect kind of snake for me to have. However, there are trade-offs, being held seems to really stress him out, so I don't take him out all that often. That doesn't bother me too much though. However, one thing I would like to be able to do, is take him outside for either change of scenery or taking pictures like it seems like a lot of people on here are able to do. I'm pretty sure if I put him on the ground outside of his enclosure, I may never be able to catch him again. He is extremely fast.
I have a Pueblan Milk Snake. I originally planned on having him as a snake just to watch, but with the way he hid I started daily handling so I can observe him more. He is pretty chill with handling, he just musks on me alot.
03-18-17, 12:38 PM
he just musks on me alot.
I guess I'm not missing that, haha.
03-18-17, 02:56 PM
I definitely need to work at where you are working... :)
:yes: Lol! I know, right?
04-15-17, 10:29 AM
Dr. Coil is busy getting ready to shed again, so I get to update his photos. These are all since his last shed.
And last but not least, Dr. Coil and I getting ready for the NHL playoffs. Go Hawks!
04-15-17, 11:21 AM
Need an NHL sweater for the snake! OH NO!! No shoulders or waist to keep it in place! Damn evolution! It's the thought that counts I guess! :rolleyes:
Dr. Coil is busy getting ready to shed again, so I get to update his photos. These are all since his last shed.
And last but not least, Dr. Coil and I getting ready for the NHL playoffs. Go Hawks!
04-15-17, 12:44 PM
Need an NHL sweater for the snake! OH NO!! No shoulders or waist to keep it in place! Damn evolution! It's the thought that counts I guess!
Legs don't have shoulders or a waist, yet they can keep a sweater (sock) on...hmm, have to give it some thought. Regardless, I know where his loyalties lie.
04-15-17, 01:08 PM
Very nice snake. Very pretty.
04-15-17, 07:28 PM
Dr. Coil is busy getting ready to shed again, so I get to update his photos. These are all since his last shed.
And last but not least, Dr. Coil and I getting ready for the NHL playoffs. Go Hawks!
Beautiful snake! And very interesting. How big is he now?
04-15-17, 08:09 PM
I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to get a pair and see what I can do. I may have already mentioned this - I'm getting old so I've started repeating my stories. But, one of, if not the first snake larger than ring necked snakes I kept as a kid was a black racer. He was probably five feet long. I kept him in a little tent outside for several days before he got out. I've loved them ever since.
Great photos. He's a looker.
04-16-17, 11:09 AM
Beautiful snake! And very interesting. How big is he now?
Thanks. He's 490 mm (~20 in) long SVL. Was 250 mm (10 in) when I got him, so doubled in length since Aug.
I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to get a pair and see what I can do. I may have already mentioned this - I'm getting old so I've started repeating my stories. But, one of, if not the first snake larger than ring necked snakes I kept as a kid was a black racer. He was probably five feet long. I kept him in a little tent outside for several days before he got out. I've loved them ever since.
I hadn't heard that story, though I haven't been on here long. I do find the idea of keeping a 5 Ft racer in a tent amusing but also something I could easily have done as a kid. I will be watching your racer breeding project with interest. One of the addicting properties of this site is that it occasionally makes me think, "maybe I should find Dr. Coil a mate and try breeding them". But then my rationality takes over and I realize I don't have the space or experience to take something like that on. Racers are cool, beautiful snakes, I hope your project creates some interest in them.
04-16-17, 01:47 PM
I'm in absolute awe of his blue coloration. Keep up the awesome work
05-04-17, 07:32 PM
Tried to edit together a bunch of old videos and put it to music. Had no idea how to do this initially and the whole process taught me that I do not have a career in video editing, haha. Try to enjoy anyway.
05-04-17, 08:33 PM
Very cool, like a little indigo but more spastic. I have two southern racer eggs that are set to hatch the 25th.
05-05-17, 04:14 AM
Great vid! That snake's getting a lot of exercise trying to get out...I love the tail stands while reaching up the sides to the top. But I do wonder if you papered up the sides whether or not it would calm down some.
05-05-17, 07:17 AM
Very cool, like a little indigo but more spastic. I have two southern racer eggs that are set to hatch the 25th.
Thanks. Yeah, he can definitely be a spaz sometimes. Are you a breeder of racer's or did you get the eggs from somewhere else? The are definitely cool snakes, IMO.
Great vid! That snake's getting a lot of exercise trying to get out...I love the tail stands while reaching up the sides to the top. But I do wonder if you papered up the sides whether or not it would calm down some.
Thanks. While I'll admit that he is an active snake, keep in mind that what you're seeing in the video is through the lens of the visionary director, Whistlepig. Haha. My thinking when making the video was to take a bunch of clips of him being crazy and set it to a quickly moving piece of music, which ended up being a very tedious process that I didn't enjoy. Most of the behaviors you're seeing aren't all that common, particularly the tail standing (which is probably what prompted me to grab the phone and start recording). Most of the time he spends active, it is just moving around the tank at a leisurely pace, digging through the substrate , or staring me down (none of which worked with the music, or so I thought).
jay's reptiles
05-05-17, 07:33 AM
Wow dr. coil is awesome. Very pretty and cool species of snake!
05-05-17, 08:36 AM
I just purchase a home that the previous owner had a pile of landscape timbers. I was clearing out all the junk and found her laying eggs. She was very small probably the reason only two eggs were laid. When she was done I set them up in vermiculite. That was back in march. I doubt they would have survived because it's been very dry and hot here in central Florida.
jay's reptiles
05-05-17, 08:41 AM
I just purchase a home that the previous owner had a pile of landscape timbers. I was clearing out all the junk and found her laying eggs. She was very small probably the reason only two eggs were laid. When she was done I set them up in vermiculite. That was back in march. I doubt they would have survived because it's been very dry and hot here in central Florida. I hope it all goes well. It might not be snake related, but my hen just hatched out 10 chicks, (These are not feeders btw) Just farm pets though.
05-05-17, 08:47 AM
Wow dr. coil is awesome. Very pretty and cool species of snake!
I just purchase a home that the previous owner had a pile of landscape timbers. I was clearing out all the junk and found her laying eggs. She was very small probably the reason only two eggs were laid. When she was done I set them up in vermiculite. That was back in march. I doubt they would have survived because it's been very dry and hot here in central Florida.
Cool. I hope all goes well and that you post some pictures when they hatch.
05-05-17, 08:57 AM
Cool. I hope all goes well and that you post some pictures when they hatch.
Sure I candled them a few days ago, nice red veins. Not much info on incubation time for racers but between 60 to 70 days would be my guess.
05-09-17, 06:29 PM
I candled one racer egg today, about 2.5 weeks to go.
05-10-17, 08:00 AM
Cool! Is that timeline based on when the eggs were laid or from something you see when you candled them? Looking forward to seeing the little racers. Looking back at some of Dr. Coil's pictures when I first got him, he's changed quite a bit. His blotches are barely visible now.
05-10-17, 08:36 AM
Cool! Is that timeline based on when the eggs were laid or from something you see when you candled them? Looking forward to seeing the little racers. Looking back at some of Dr. Coil's pictures when I first got him, he's changed quite a bit. His blotches are barely visible now.
Timeline. Little information is available about racer incubation. But my guess is by the end of this month. The light passing through is obscured now, so there's a little worm in the egg. Most people don't know that hatchlings have a pattern. Makes you wonder why they turn black. Absorb heat better or so they look like ninjas. Probaly why they're so fast.
05-25-17, 07:56 PM
Looks like Dr. Coil is finally gearing up for another shed, so it's time to post updated pics.
First in the spirit of May as the month of mother's day, Here's Dr. Coil and his mother**
The rest are just since his last shed.
**Given several assumptions and leaps of faith. Assumptions: 1) That I know the location where he was hatched (pretty confident in this one). 2) That racer's display nest site fidelity (some weak evidence for this).
05-25-17, 09:55 PM
Looks like Dr. Coil is finally gearing up for another shed, so it's time to post updated pics.
First in the spirit of May as the month of mother's day, Here's Dr. Coil and his mother**
The rest are just since his last shed.
**Given several assumptions and leaps of faith. Assumptions: 1) That I know the location where he was hatched (pretty confident in this one). 2) That racer's display nest site fidelity (some weak evidence for this).
Really looking forward to captive breeding of these guys, what great snakes. If I could only get another snake.......
05-26-17, 06:50 AM
Rumor has it that at least 1 and maybe 2 members of this site are interested in breeding racers. Maybe by the time their set up and producing, you'll be able to get another.
06-27-17, 07:13 PM
Time for more Dr. Coil pics. Since his last shed, he has officially lost all traces of his juvenile color pattern.
07-19-17, 07:44 PM
Time for more updates. His shed caught me by surprise this time. I was away a couple of days and didn't see the blue eyes, but he was acting weird and I was starting to get worried something was wrong with him, but then he shed today. So, the updates:
Just to give some size perspective his latest shed next to his second shed.
I love Dr. Coil! Really enjoyed going through your thread and seeing all of his pictures.
08-03-17, 02:46 AM
I've said it before but don't mind saying it again - incredible snake. Love the face - I'd have one in my collection in a heartbeat.
08-03-17, 07:21 PM
Thanks to both of you and thanks for looking!
08-05-17, 01:29 AM
How are the racers? Do you do anything special for his diet or is it basically just mice like any other? What kind of cage will you need for him as an adult?
08-06-17, 09:34 AM
How are the racers?
Well I obviously think they're cool. If you're looking for a snake to observe and is active during the day, then they are great for that. They can be nervous though, so if you're looking for something that you can spend a lot of time holding, they are probably not right for that.
Do you do anything special for his diet or is it basically just mice like any other?
For me, it's just mice. Racer's are difficult to feed when they're young. Some people feed them things like lizards when they're small. I cut up parts of mice to feed him and the whole process took ~ 5 months before he really started eating with no difficulty. Since then it's been easy, though I've never been able to just leave a mouse in the cage, it usually involves a little visual stimulation, like jiggling the mouse with tweezers until he notices it.
What kind of cage will you need for him as an adult?
That's a good question. I'm not really sure. Right now I have him in a 40 gallon tank. Not sure if I'll need something bigger. I wouldn't mind having a nice big display tank for him someday.
08-07-17, 05:10 AM
Looks like he's doing great. I still have plans to get a pair of racers.
08-08-17, 11:48 AM
Looks like he's doing great. I still have plans to get a pair of racers.
Thanks. I'm not sure about Alabama, but the next cohort of baby racers began hatching here in Southern Illinois just yesterday, so now might be a good time. Pretty consistent given that it's within 5 days of when I collected Dr. Coil last year.
09-02-17, 01:00 PM
Been a while since I've updated and I missed posting during his last shed, which is also when he moved to being a 1 year old. He started at about 10 inches and is now just under 3 ft. Anyway, the updates:
09-03-17, 10:58 AM
Nice pictures :D he looks great
09-04-17, 01:37 PM
Nice pictures he looks great
Thank you!
09-14-17, 12:40 PM
Very cool to see his transformation. Challenging species for captivity that it looks like you've done really well with! Has he tamed/calmed down for you with age?
09-14-17, 05:57 PM
Very cool to see his transformation. Challenging species for captivity that it looks like you've done really well with!
Has he tamed/calmed down for you with age?
He's still a pretty nervous snake. To be honest, I rarely take him out of his enclosure, only when I clean it. He doesn't bite, but he just doesn't seem to like it very much. If people think it would help him calm down, I could take him out more, but it seems most on here don't think it does much. He seems much more confident and less nervous when he's in his enclosure and his I enjoy watching him.
The only other thing I've noticed as he's gotten older is that he has become a little more difficult come feeding time. Getting him to eat can be a pain at times. When I first try to fed him, he get's a little freaked out with more defensive strikes. But eventually he eats. I usually feed him two fuzzies and there's no hesitation with the second (must be the feeding mode everyone talks about). Other than it taking a little time, it's not too big a deal, great snake otherwise.
10-25-17, 08:08 AM
Time for an update. Still growing, still doing well, still fun to watch.
10-25-17, 08:47 PM
Well I obviously think they're cool. If you're looking for a snake to observe and is active during the day, then they are great for that. They can be nervous though, so if you're looking for something that you can spend a lot of time holding, they are probably not right for that.
For me, it's just mice. Racer's are difficult to feed when they're young. Some people feed them things like lizards when they're small. I cut up parts of mice to feed him and the whole process took ~ 5 months before he really started eating with no difficulty. Since then it's been easy, though I've never been able to just leave a mouse in the cage, it usually involves a little visual stimulation, like jiggling the mouse with tweezers until he notices it.
That's a good question. I'm not really sure. Right now I have him in a 40 gallon tank. Not sure if I'll need something bigger. I wouldn't mind having a nice big display tank for him someday.
Interesting information, I'm not really the holding type so that checks a box for me right there lol.
Also on your recent photos: THOSE BLUUUUUEEESSS !!!!!
Man that's a cool looking snake. Really excited about future updates.
01-28-18, 06:25 PM
Another general update to my pictures. Dr. Coil is doing well, was concerned when he stopped eating in November, but has started again this month. Figured it was due to seasonal feeding patterns.
DJC Reptiles
01-28-18, 08:08 PM
Beautiful snake!
01-29-18, 04:07 PM
Always good to see that the Doctor still available to make me feel better!
I'll be picking up my own version--an Eastern Indigo w/red chin--in a few months, so I guess I'm going to have to come up with my own catchy name.
01-29-18, 06:54 PM
Beautiful snake!
Always good to see that the Doctor still available to make me feel better!
Good to know he has that ability.
I'll be picking up my own version--an Eastern Indigo w/red chin--in a few months, so I guess I'm going to have to come up with my own catchy name.
That should be an awesome addition to your ever growing collection. Good luck with the name, though if you think Dr. Coil is catchy, might I suggest a little isolation induced insanity? That's what helped me with his. haha.
02-02-18, 03:13 AM
Always good to see that the Doctor still available to make me feel better!
I'll be picking up my own version--an Eastern Indigo w/red chin--in a few months, so I guess I'm going to have to come up with my own catchy name.
Not sure if this is catchy or not but you could call yours red beard or something of the sort. Lol Maybe he could be a pirate or a bandit. Hahaha
Or maybe Yosemite Sam. Hahaha
06-24-18, 08:15 PM
Time for some updated pictures. He's a bit over 3 ft long now, and always entertaining to watch.
06-24-18, 08:58 PM
Glad to see he's still doing well. I still have plans for a racer or two.
06-24-18, 11:07 PM
Very nice photos. I love how long that tongue is!
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