01-21-17, 05:00 PM
Hi! I am so excited to have found a resource to help others with their slithery best friends, and obtain help with all the questions I have! All of our friends think we're crazy for loving reptiles and inverts so much. I have just recently become a "stay at home snake mom" as I like to call it. Having more time to spend with them has been wonderful.
A little backstory on how my passion for reptiles was discovered.. My fiance began working at a local pet store (no worries, they adopt\rescue\sell supplies. no "mom and pop" version of Pearland) and we proceeded to take on two adopted hamsters and a rescue bunny that had been dumped. Ironic how those mammals led to scaled babies! lol
We currently are proud parents of:
*Cheddar* a baby male Veiled Chameleon
*Aileen* 2 year old female Ball Python (Normal Het Albino)
*Pogo* Argentine Rainbow Boa (unsure of sex)
*Marilyn* ≤1yr old female Ball Python (Normal Het Pied)
*Drogon* ≤1 yr old male Ball Python (Normal Het Albino)
*New Guy* ≤1yr old male Ball Python (Super Pastel)
*Harriet\Big Girl* 2 rescue female Bearded Dragons
Now on to what I'll call the "Other" category..
*DeathStalker* Pink Toe Tarantula
*Rosie* Rose Hair Tarantula
*Mr. Krabbs* Asian Forest Scorpion
*have not named* Goliath Birdeater (TBlondii)
AND for the big finale, my newest baby girl which I need some help with naming..
*≤1yr old female Burmese Python (Granite)
Thanks for reading! Would love to know what everyone else has as well!!!!!
A little backstory on how my passion for reptiles was discovered.. My fiance began working at a local pet store (no worries, they adopt\rescue\sell supplies. no "mom and pop" version of Pearland) and we proceeded to take on two adopted hamsters and a rescue bunny that had been dumped. Ironic how those mammals led to scaled babies! lol
We currently are proud parents of:
*Cheddar* a baby male Veiled Chameleon
*Aileen* 2 year old female Ball Python (Normal Het Albino)
*Pogo* Argentine Rainbow Boa (unsure of sex)
*Marilyn* ≤1yr old female Ball Python (Normal Het Pied)
*Drogon* ≤1 yr old male Ball Python (Normal Het Albino)
*New Guy* ≤1yr old male Ball Python (Super Pastel)
*Harriet\Big Girl* 2 rescue female Bearded Dragons
Now on to what I'll call the "Other" category..
*DeathStalker* Pink Toe Tarantula
*Rosie* Rose Hair Tarantula
*Mr. Krabbs* Asian Forest Scorpion
*have not named* Goliath Birdeater (TBlondii)
AND for the big finale, my newest baby girl which I need some help with naming..
*≤1yr old female Burmese Python (Granite)
Thanks for reading! Would love to know what everyone else has as well!!!!!