View Full Version : Issues posting pictures

01-09-17, 06:56 PM
Recently, since i got a new phone I've had issues attaching pictures to posts. Usually i use the paperclip icon but it always says my pictures are too large and can't downsize. I'm not techsavy and I'm not sure how to change them.... So i tried the [img]picturecode[img] route and it doesn'tdisplay the picture, Judy shows some other icon in place of my picture. At a loss here.... Help a brother out!?

01-10-17, 02:29 AM
Same thing happened to me.

01-10-17, 12:35 PM
It sounds like you got a phone with a better camera and now your pictures are bigger files. This site has a limit on how big of a picture you can attach.

What are you using for "picturecode"? If you just see an icon it usually means what you have between the [img] tags is invalid. Did you upload your picture to a site like imgur?

01-10-17, 04:16 PM
It sounds like you got a phone with a better camera and now your pictures are bigger files. This site has a limit on how big of a picture you can attach.

What are you using for "picturecode"? If you just see an icon it usually means what you have between the [img] tags is invalid. Did you upload your picture to a site like imgur? Instagram.

01-10-17, 04:19 PM

I made a photo bucket account but I'd rather not use it. I would much rather use instagram or upload straight from my phone gallery

01-10-17, 04:19 PM
Apparently even photo bucket isn't working between the img tags

01-10-17, 04:23 PM
http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k109/Josh_Wilhelm/IMG_20170109_183305_063-1_zpsxx85lgii.jpg (http://s86.photobucket.com/user/Josh_Wilhelm/media/IMG_20170109_183305_063-1_zpsxx85lgii.jpg.html)

01-10-17, 04:24 PM
Got photobucket figured out. Apparently there's multiple links