View Full Version : Question about water

01-09-17, 01:46 PM
All my enclosures have a water dish, and I use the filtered water that comes out of the fridge. But it comes out really cold, and last night our Burm was sitting in the cold water, and she was swaying back and forth. It was odd to witness and it freaked me out. Of note there was a cat sitting next to her enclosure too. But when my husband picked her up, she was like ice, so we warmed her back up in a bath and she was fine.

My question is, can I safely use tap water for the snakes? What does everyone else use for the water in their snake's enclosure? We haven't put any water back in. She's a very active snake as soon as the sun goes down; their is no doubt she is nocturnal. She tries to get out of her enclosure, and will sit in the water dish trying to get out.

Sorry if this seems like a dumb question

01-09-17, 01:59 PM
Tap water is fine. I like to store water in jugs so that it's room temp when the dishes get filled.

01-09-17, 02:27 PM
I only use tap water and put it in relatively "cold." Eventually it gets to room temp or slightly warmer if it is near the heat source. I never have a problem as the snakes hardly ever drink it/go near it--unless in shed or to make a mess lol.

01-09-17, 02:37 PM
Using tab water as well, I replace it every 3 or so days. My MBK seems to have a nose for it and every time right after fresh water goes in - he comes out and starts drinking without fail. Oh well, given his struggles he at least stays hydrated very well.

01-09-17, 03:04 PM
Do you just use milk containers for your jugs? What type of containers do you typically use?

I feel like such a moron for not even thinking about this before

01-09-17, 03:05 PM
Thank you for all of your experiences! I really appreciate the feedback.

01-09-17, 03:55 PM
I use distilled water for my bioactive setups so i save those jugs. Anything would work.

01-09-17, 04:59 PM
I use distilled water for my bioactive setups so i save those jugs. Anything would work.

Isn't that taking out all the minerals from the water? Do you reintroduce the minerals to the water from some powder form? Mammals who drink only distilled water would eventually die from it, can't imagine it is good for reptiles...

Oh wait... I read it wrong.

Anyway, then another question; I'm contemplating going to this bio-active stuff (some difficulties with convincing the other part of me with adding more bugs and all). Why is there a need for distilled water with them? The little critters too sensitive to the heavy metals potentially in our tap water or something?

01-09-17, 05:16 PM
You did read that wrong. That's ok. :)

Heavy metals and fluoride, which will gum up the mister and can harm the clean up crew.

01-09-17, 06:24 PM
Andy_G: do you have pics of your setups? What types of snakes go in there?

01-09-17, 07:59 PM
I have cresties in bioactive, no snakes yet. I can post a pic tomorrow though. Nothing too fancy. :)

dave himself
01-10-17, 03:34 AM
I'm the same here I use tap water :)

01-10-17, 04:18 AM
I'm the same here I use tap water :)

Another one for tap water here, but mines not too bad as I dilute it

01-12-17, 08:42 AM
A quick (but kind of old) pic. I've made some changes (ditched the african violet, added polka dot plants) since and the tanks have grown in a lot. Like I said, nothing too fancy.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v366/Andy_G/FB_IMG_1484231775228.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Andy_G/media/FB_IMG_1484231775228.jpg.html)

dave himself
01-12-17, 11:19 AM
Another one for tap water here, but mines not too bad as I dilute it

Yeah with whisky :D

01-12-17, 11:51 AM
Yeah with whisky :D

LOL 10/10 Dave

01-12-17, 01:27 PM
Those are beautiful vivs! Wow!!!! I wanted to make one of those, but I have large bodied snakes, so it would be wasted on them as they would crush it all. So fake plants it is for us :(

01-12-17, 01:29 PM
Yeah with whisky :D

:laugh: HAHAHAHA