View Full Version : How much sleep should a Baby Ackie Get?

12-25-16, 11:32 AM
I really want to get a baby ackie this summer, but I am waking up at 4:40 AM and getting home at 5PM mon - fri. If I wake the baby ackie up at 4:30 with my lights, I have a timer and I feed it at 5, get home feed it and put it to sleep at 8:30, it gets 8 hours of sleep, is that enough? Would it be healthy to wake it up at that time. I feel like this is stupid but I just want to make sure.

12-25-16, 05:21 PM
As long as it has a place to burrow it should be fine, I run my lights 24/7. Whenever my monitor wants to sleep he just goes into his burrow.

12-26-16, 04:53 PM
You can keep them on a timer so it has a day/night cycle, just be mindful of the ambient temps.

12-27-16, 09:04 AM
You can keep them on a timer so it has a day/night cycle, just be mindful of the ambient temps.

Hadn't thought of that even though I use them regularly haha

12-27-16, 11:25 AM
Als, they don't sleep a solid 8 hours like humans do. Few animals do. It leaves them too vulnerable to attacks. So he's probably happily napping through the day as well. =)