View Full Version : Fogger or mister

12-23-16, 01:47 PM
Hi everyone got a build going on and its fairly big. Made out of wood to house a atb. Originally i was going to go bioactive but decided against going fully bioactive and instead just throw in a couple potted plants to help with humidity and so its easy to replace, change without disturbing the cage too much. I'm lazy- i don't want to spray down the enclosure twice a day to maintain the needed humidity and to water the plants... In your opinions what would fit my needs better, fogger or mister?

Do foggers do a really good job of creating humidity as we all know misters do?

12-25-16, 01:01 PM
Disclosure: I have no experience. Just an accumulation from Google.

Misting: Gives water droplets.
Fogging: Keeps humidity high.

My take from this is that if your animal is relying on drinking from the droplets, then keep with the misting. (I recall someone (Roman?) may have mentioned that they eventually may figure out how a water bowl works). Otherwise, fogging will help with maintaining proper skin condition and function.

I hope someone with experience in high humidity animals will respond. I have none myself, but may consider one or two.

Added Detail: Foggers do not appear to be as easy to maintain. I recall a number of places specifying they need to have separate enclosures and water sources. Blech to me. (If true)

12-25-16, 01:45 PM
Get a mister. Thats my vote by experience.

12-25-16, 02:44 PM
Get a mister. Thats my vote by experience.
Bad experience with a fogger?

12-25-16, 03:19 PM
Whats a atb? I'm not sure by any means what a fogger and a mister is for... I use a humidifier in my snake room and then on really dry days I'll kick in a fogger I have... Between the two of them I can get the humidity up to 80% when it's only 30% out side... But I think they are right, when it comes to droplets to drink from, than a mister seems like the way to go....

12-25-16, 03:20 PM
I would say ATB is an amazon tree boa

12-30-16, 01:04 PM
Exactly Martin- Amazon tree boa.

I'm interested in a mister because i don't have luxury of a snake room. My Living room and or bedroom houses my snakes and for that reason i choose to keep their enclosures at the appropriate temperature and humidity rather than sitting or sleeping in a sauna lol

12-30-16, 01:39 PM
Bad experience with a fogger?

Personal preference more than anything else, really. Also, a lot of arboreal snakes (but I am not sure about ATB as I haven't kept them personally) can and will drink droplets created by a mister. Maybe someone with experience can post about that.