View Full Version : Is this scale rot?

12-21-16, 11:18 AM
My boa constrictor just shed today. It was a perfect shed, no problems, all came off in one piece. She has a small spot on her face that I thought was retained skin. I sprayed some water on it to help it come off but when I pealed back a loose piece it looked like her actual skin was under the scales. I think she might have pulled off her scales? I have a link with a few pictures but the forum wouldn't let me post this with a link, I tried a few minutes before posting this.
EDIT: I'm new here so I don't know if you could pm or send links through pms but if so, send me a PM if you want the link to the pictures.

12-21-16, 02:45 PM
It sounds like a superficial injury but it's very hard to know without pictures. For mainly anti-spam reasons, nobody can post pictures until they have 5 posts here. Feel free to PM me a picture or link if you'd like more help.