View Full Version : Brooks Kingsnake Breeding Questions

12-20-16, 01:02 PM
Hey all,
I am an experience herper and herp keeper but a newbie on the breeding front. I am looking to breed my L.brooksi. I am wondering what everyone's weight ranges are for considering sexual maturity. I have seen a wide spectrum of what is considered perfect/or prefered weights. Any help would be awesome. IF anyone wants to suggest good Brooksi breeding resources that would be awesome also!!


Albert Clark
12-28-16, 07:34 AM
Hey pag, welcome to the forum. Gerold Merker is a great resource on breeding kingsnakes and i have taken alot of pages out of his books. He has authored material on grey banded kings among others. He breeds several species of kings. I recently purchased a pair of Northern Arizona Mountain kings from Gerold. Shoot him a email bc he is always willing to answer questions. gpmerker@sbcglobal.net

12-28-16, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the contact info Albert!