View Full Version : Home Insurance

12-19-16, 02:43 PM
Ive been trying to find an insurance company in Canada (Montreal) that is willing to insure an apartment that has exotic animals (i.e, sSNAKESs!) and have been told by my bank and many brokers that nobody will insure me. I tried calling the Insurance Bureau of Canada and left a message. im waiting a response.
Has anybody else had this issue? and if so, have you found a solution.

On a side note: please dont tell me that i dont need insurance or that insurance is a scam. I already dont believe its necessary in my circumstances but my girlfriend insists we get one so im looking into it for her.

12-19-16, 08:13 PM
I've had renter insurance before, the form never asked about pets in my case. They are probably concerned about the liability of a large snakes, heaters, or animals biting a person may present them with.

12-19-16, 11:01 PM
I had the same as Pet up thwre, but we aren't exactly Canadians. Good luck!

12-20-16, 12:19 AM
I didn't have issues with insurance, tbh ours don't ask about pets.

12-20-16, 07:37 AM
When I had renters insurance they didn't ask about pets. Just value of all my stuff. For my house they didn't ask anything. I used the same company. I never brought up that I keep reptiles.

dave himself
12-20-16, 08:12 AM
Our insurance company wasn't interested in pets just the contents of the house and the usual stuff. Even our landlords only want to see the snakes to get there pics taken with them :D, they were more concerned when we asked about getting the dog :D

12-20-16, 07:39 PM
the companies i spoke to asked about pets, and when i mentioned the snakes, they had many more questions about them. they said they were worried about the snake biting or strangling someone and that they dont insure people who have exotic animals.
thanks for the responses im going to keep looking into it.

12-20-16, 09:10 PM
You should have started choking on the phone and said oo no, one's got me now

12-22-16, 10:41 AM
Ive been trying to find an insurance company in Canada (Montreal) that is willing to insure an apartment that has exotic animals (i.e, sSNAKESs!) and have been told by my bank and many brokers that nobody will insure me. I tried calling the Insurance Bureau of Canada and left a message. im waiting a response.
Has anybody else had this issue? and if so, have you found a solution.

On a side note: please dont tell me that i dont need insurance or that insurance is a scam. I already dont believe its necessary in my circumstances but my girlfriend insists we get one so im looking into it for her.

Good luck. I definitely think there's a market for insurance with "exotic" animals and if a company were to be okay with it then they'd have a pretty good market. I'm sure there's enough people who own houses and reptiles who'd love to be on the up and up and get insurance.

Albert Clark
12-22-16, 10:44 PM
Well, I think if you were a member of a local herpetological society and breeding the reptiles and or had a business vending would help the case in insuring them. As would being involved in a bonafide educational/ science program, lecturing and giving presentations at schools or community centers. Local herpetological societies are usually affiliated with colleges and universities and would qualify as educational programs and conservation/ breeding programs.

12-26-16, 09:47 PM
i have renter's insurance and the subject of pets never came up.