View Full Version : Bad experience with PAM

12-16-16, 07:40 PM
I have always been leary of provent a mite due to the occasional horror stories but I had pretty much chalked them up to maybe the person didn't really use the product correctly. I sprayed the boxes and paper toweling for less than 1 second per box with PAM. I let it dry with the lid off for well over an hour, put in fresh water, and introduced the hatchlings. One can no longer crawl, I found it upside down and all it can do is twitch, another one looks less bad but is very twitchy. The third one was hiding so I didn't want to bother it right now. Bottom line is while I've used the product without issues, based on my experience I won't be getting this stuff anywhere near hatchlings snakes again.

12-16-16, 10:17 PM
My Reptile spray states "Not to use on reptiles 12 weeks and under" but your right about PAM... It says nothing about using it on young animals... Do you have a mite problem? I don't use it as a preventative, only if I have them... That really sucks! Do you think the damage is permanent?

Albert Clark
12-17-16, 12:52 AM
Sorry to hear this ps! I hope it's just a exposure and they recover soon. I would certainly call the 845 number on the back of the can and speak to a rep. They have been very forthcoming and helpful in the past. I think the first 24 to 48 hrs is a crucial time frame for the animals survival. Certainly rinsing them off and putting them in a untreated enclosure will help. Good vibes coming your way from me that they make it.

12-17-16, 04:41 PM
One of them seems to have recovered a little bit, the other one still cannot right itself, I suspect it will have neuro issues even if it lives. Sucks but I hope this can help someone else avoid issues. If you're going to use PAM with very young snakes, I would certainly let it sit overnight to make sure there couldn't be the tiniest hint of vapor left. I have quite a few animals coming and going so I had thought of periodically using PAM just to make sure. I've decided instead that I will keep a few colonies of springtails for food and use predatory mites instead. I'll just dump a group in the egg/shed boxes from time to time.