View Full Version : Possible health issue

12-14-16, 02:35 PM
I don't have any experience with corns, but I've been asked about this snake. Is this normal or are we looking at a serious health issue? The snake looks good overall, but I'm very concerned about the distention just in front of the cloaca area. I didn't feel any bumps, body in general is the same thickness until it gets to just before the cloaca.


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

12-14-16, 05:54 PM
This is fairly typical of a snake that's been overfed over a long period of time, obesity is a surprisingly common problem in reptiles. Fat doesn't seem to be deposited in the tail so the snake develops these obvious 'hips'. Obesity can open the gateway to any number of diseases (e.g. fatty liver disease) so it's something that needs addressing sooner rather than later. I'd recommend slowly increasing the snakes activity (while avoiding over-handling and stressing) and reducing his feed.

12-14-16, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the response. We were worried this was going to be an immediate medical emergency. We have a vet appointment set for tomorrow morning to make sure.

12-15-16, 04:33 AM
Great, a physical examination is always your safest bet. Hopfully it's only fatty deposits and nothing more sinster turns up for you. Let us know how the examination goes!

12-15-16, 08:25 PM
I was just informed the snake is fat but otherwise in good shape.

12-19-16, 01:53 PM
Cat001 is right of course. Overfeeding can cause that to occur and it's very hard to get rid of. Often times even once the snake becomes of normal weight the "hips" remain. Not a candidate for breeding due to a very high chance of becoming eggbound if it's a female.