View Full Version : give this girl a chance, should I or shouldnt I?

12-14-16, 09:21 AM
Okay so Ive been known to take in hard luck cases. The iguana I took in last year did not make it as his kidneys had already shut down. But I have had many animals in the past that have had happy endings.

So I took in a baby boa constrictor, she is 79 grams and has eaten twice for me(fuzzy mice). But she is twisted up. She can right herself when put on her back which is a good sign to me..She mostly stays in a hard knot and has a mid range issue with muscle control and has a few small kinks..Its hard to know if an animal like a snake is suffering.. I dont think she would eat if she were that bad though.
Any thoughts or ideas? Does anyone know if the muscle control will improve as she eats and grows or am I just making her suffer needlessly.
Im thinking this may be an overheating issue from incubation but thats just an opinion based on no facts.I dont have much of a back story on this girl.

12-14-16, 09:33 AM
Well it's impossible to really have overheating during incubation since boas are born live.

Sounds like a genetic defect that just came with the baby. If the animal doesn't look to be in pain then I think you're fine as long as the animal is eating on it's own. However, a visit to a really good herp vet would be ideal here.

12-14-16, 09:36 AM
Boas give live birth so unless the mother was kept entirely too hot...and even then it's practically impossible...so it would have nothing to do with any kind of incubation temps. Many things can cause this including exposure to harmful vapours (vapona, bleach), heat stroke, something genetic, or other more sinister and less common causes, and most of the time it doesn't get better. It's hard to tell you how things will turn out when there's no way of knowing what it was caused by. Just be sure to keep it completely away from everything else that you have in a separate room to be safe.

12-14-16, 10:26 AM
I knew that, what a dope..I guess from all the cornsnake it just came out naturally..LOL Next years breeding has been on my mind alot..

Herp vet isnt going to happen. We are rural and Im sure the vet is who killed the iguana(antibiotics, no rehydration etc).
The best I can do is the same vet..