View Full Version : Couple new bebies - Children's pythons

12-10-16, 07:43 PM
Hey yall,

I've been waiting impatiently to attend our local herp show. I guess everyone else was too, the show was packed. I ran into a fellow with some japanese rat snakes that I've been interested, but I also saw that he had a pair of Children's pythons. I didn't want to add anything too big to my collection and these little micro pythons are too cool.

These will be my first foray into pythons. The breeder said I could keep these little ones pretty similar to colubrids just a bit warmer. His adults were maxing out on large mice to smallish rat pups so I reckon I'll be able to split a T8. I'm looking forward to working with them!

Here's the male :
http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n127/Humble308/IMG_20161210_135530696_zpshk5ikv6s.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/Humble308/media/IMG_20161210_135530696_zpshk5ikv6s.jpg.html)

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n127/Humble308/IMG_20161210_135606518_zpstqx0bdzo.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/Humble308/media/IMG_20161210_135606518_zpstqx0bdzo.jpg.html)
And the curious girly :

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n127/Humble308/IMG_20161210_135712175_zpsf0i55jtg.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/Humble308/media/IMG_20161210_135712175_zpsf0i55jtg.jpg.html)

Anybody else keep the smaller pythons?

Semper Fi,
Derek G

12-10-16, 08:50 PM
Very nice additions! I've looked into keeping these as well. I came very close to going to my local show as well, but wound up picking something else up instead (which I will post soon).

12-10-16, 10:51 PM
Very nice pickup, they look really tiny. I've been tempted a couple times at the Hamburg show, but always found something else I like more, lol. One reason I haven't been to any shows for a while now...
(I would have come home with the Jap rats as well if I were you, sterilite tubs and a heat mat are a great setup for those.)

12-11-16, 12:51 AM
Very nice pickup, they look really tiny. I've been tempted a couple times at the Hamburg show, but always found something else I like more, lol. One reason I haven't been to any shows for a while now...
(I would have come home with the Jap rats as well if I were you, sterilite tubs and a heat mat are a great setup for those.)

Thanks! Haha I totally get that, I'd had my mind set on a pair of beauty snakes or Japanese rats. I was blown away anyone had a one, much less a pair. I didn't pull the trigger as they were not the kunashir island variety which are supposed to get a bit bluer/greener. I think their blocky head just looks cool. To be honest I was also looking at some trans pecos rats, 2-3 diffrent pair of alterna, and maybe house snakes if I could find them. I'm not sure why these little guys won me over...I don't see them alot at shows, surely an interesting species.

Bandit I'm looking forward to seeing what you got!

dave himself
12-11-16, 02:29 AM
Congratulations on your new pick ups, beautiful wee pythons

Albert Clark
12-11-16, 07:28 AM
Nice additions guys!

12-12-16, 02:03 AM
Ha, I've looked at/been tempted by grey band kings, though I haven't seen any trans pecos rats or house snakes at the shows I've been to. Not all the Kunashir Island rats are the blue phase, but the green ones are stunning as well from the pics I've seen. I did see s green pair at the last Hamburg show, only time I've run across any like that. I was hoping for a woma python at the last show, no luck on that either. I came home with the fire bull, the tangerine Honduran that died months ago, and the Dumeril's boa the wife had to have. I suspect I'll end up with a pair of Children's or spotted pythons sooner or later, but my main focus now is getting the new enclosures set up and the current residents better situated for the longer term.
I'm thinking my Jap rats should be breeding size next year, they're currently partway through the color change now. Very metallic looking, somewhere between green and blue, hard to describe, like nothing I've ever seen or imagined, lol.

EL Ziggy
12-12-16, 10:10 AM
Very cute critters D. Congrats on the nice pick ups!

12-12-16, 12:26 PM
They are really cute! Congrats! :D

12-13-16, 10:21 AM
Thanks y'all! I've got them in some rubs right now. They are some tiny little things.

12-15-16, 02:06 AM
there are really cute,great pick up

02-06-17, 09:53 AM
Awesome. Currently trying to get one or a few myself.

02-06-17, 10:25 AM
They are so CUTE!!! Teeny tiny micro pythons. I don't think I've ever seen this in person.

Make sure to treat your newbies for mites. I know this is completely off topic. I caught mites at a local trade show and I'm regretting it. Regretting not sterilizing myself before coming home, not treating all my animals as if they had mites (we didn't purchase anything at the last show, but still brought home mites. Go figure).

Sorry to hijack the post. These babies are so cute.