View Full Version : Hedgehog owners!

12-08-16, 10:03 PM
I just got a hedgie less than a week ago. He's about 10 weeks and I love him. But I'm new to hedgies so I'd appreciate any tips and advice on how to be the best hedgie mom possible!

12-09-16, 03:04 PM
We bred them for awhile but we decided they were not at a point that you could get consistently friendly stock that produced consistently friendly offspring. There was always that 1 or 2 a litter that no matter what you did to work with them or help the new owners when they got to their new home they turned into a huffing ball of quills and would not get over it. Also the diet we feed is still evolving. The cat food diet is steadily being proven to not work well. They have a shorter lifespan in captivity than they do in the wild and I think most is due to diet. I highly suggest a more insectivorous diet than most have been relying on. Exotic nutrition makes an "insect-eater diet" that is a soft blend. Most of their products I dislike for fillers and such with their insectivore fare not containing a single insect ingredient but that one is good at least as a supplement to get them more variety than purchasing 1 or 2 species of feeder insect. Ideally I would feed them mostly on various insects, grubs, worms, etc.. you can buy from online sources for feeder insects. We used to order butterworms every spring and fall in large quantities because they keep well if they are shipped in good weather and it's both hot and cold here.

When I lost my best sow to a hibernation attempt (room temp was fine but she was too close to an outer wall) I decided to disperse my breeders to pet homes for however long they will live.

12-09-16, 04:13 PM
I know a lady that does hedgehog rehabilitation and rescue who could probably be a wellspring of information for you. Let me know if you'd like to get in touch with her.... You can PM me your e-mail address and I'll hook you up. Her name is Jennie. She's a nice person and great resource.

12-09-16, 06:43 PM
I know a lady that does hedgehog rehabilitation and rescue who could probably be a wellspring of information for you. Let me know if you'd like to get in touch with her.... You can PM me your e-mail address and I'll hook you up. Her name is Jennie. She's a nice person and great resource.

That'd be amazing! Thank you!