View Full Version : Rare Morph Info

11-30-16, 10:35 AM
Hey guys,
I have a Pastave fem and a Pin-Mojave male. In a couple years I'm looking to breed them as well as get a fem Super to breed him to as well.
Now on WOBP in the genetic wizard one of the mixes comes up with a Super Pastel Pin Mojave(aka Super Jigsaw). I was wondering if any one had info on that specific morph seeing as all I can find are 3 pics and some with other genetics.

11-30-16, 12:01 PM
What specific info would you like?

Albert Clark
11-30-16, 08:23 PM
They are also called Killer jigsaw blast. There aren't many around so it would be a great project. Tried to get some pictures posted but have been unsuccessful.

12-01-16, 12:04 PM
How uncommon is the morph?
Is there any where to find one?

12-01-16, 12:12 PM
How uncommon is the morph?
Is there any where to find one?

Try Brian Gundy, he as a YouTube page and also the Evil Morph God, Kevin McCurly who is the worlds No1 person when it comes to morphs


12-01-16, 12:51 PM
How uncommon is the morph?
Is there any where to find one?

It's pretty uncommon because most people don't breed these genes for a combo like this. You'd have to ask breeders, look at expos or check classifieds regularly.