View Full Version : Winter time heating

11-21-16, 08:13 AM
Hey guys,

I live down south (Louisiana), and our winters aren't too brutal by any stretch. However, the place I'm currently living in doesn't have the best insulation, and due to personal circumstances I won't be around as much as I usually am to control the thermostat. On top of that, my roommates are stingy when it comes to using the heater. My milk snake and gopher snake are only on heat pads, and belly heat shouldn't be an issue, I'm more worried about ambient temps. So what do you all do during the winter? Or at least those of you who don't just crank up the heat in the whole house?

I was thinking of getting some low wattage nighttime bulbs and leaving them on 24/7 throughout the colder periods of the winter. Does that sound like a safe bet?

11-21-16, 08:20 AM
Bandit, both of those species would do fine with ambients as cool as the low 70's provided they still have a hot spot. Winter is a bit more harsh here but I only have to offer UTH.

11-21-16, 06:35 PM
Alright, sounds good. Thank you.

11-21-16, 07:15 PM
I live in an area where it gets quite cold during the winter months. I keep my house thermostat set at 68 degrees and never change it. I don't do anything additional to my snakes heating. They seem to spend a bit more time on the hot side, but that's ok. They still thermoregulate like normal, eat good and pretty act the same as during the summer. As long as their heat source is at a consistent temp then they should be alright.

11-21-16, 07:22 PM
Sweet. Thanks. Their heat pads stay consistent so it seems like they should be good then.