View Full Version : This is going to be fun...

11-17-16, 05:08 PM

She was not happy about getting the first two at the vet haha. Have to clean her mouth and two of these every 48 hours. Waiting for her culture to see if we can keep her on this antibiotic or not.

Poor Lily!

11-17-16, 05:09 PM
Oh no...what's wrong with Lily?

11-17-16, 05:25 PM
She pushes and her mouth is messed up.

Her hiding just now after I got home and cleaned her mouth. I think she's just done for the day!

11-17-16, 06:00 PM
She's pushing up against the enclosure I'm assuming? I'm sorry she's messed up and injured. Looks like you caught it before it got too out of control. Let's hope those Baytril shot do the trick. I feel bad for the big girl.

11-17-16, 07:34 PM
My vet tells me she's almost always been successful treating mouth disease as long as people bring them in early and fix any environmental issues leading to nose rub or improper temps. I had a pretty nasty case of mouth rot that was successfully treated a month ago with batryil shots and maxigard for a antiseptic. Hope that boosts your confidence!

11-17-16, 07:34 PM
Poor girl... Is there anyway of preventing this from happening or stopping her in the future? This maybe a stupid question, but i've noticed my JCP rubbing a lot in the mornings and the only thing I can think to do is let him out for a while...

11-17-16, 07:39 PM
Poor babe. Do you know why she rubs?

11-17-16, 08:15 PM
My vet didn't seem overly worried. She said if she doesn't respond well enough she might do surgery on the area to open up or cut out part of the abscess. She seemed to expect that it wouldn't be needed though since it isn't that bad. She examined her mouth and the two spots above the teeth are the only areas.

I'm almost positive her cage is the problem and causing the pushing. It's just not big enough. I'm waiting on her 8ft to arrive and it should be here by the end of the month or early December. The other issue is that she try's to escape when she poops in it. If I don't notice right away she might go a few hours before I clean it. The infection is guaranteed to be from her pooping dumping her water and then pushing her face through the dirty water trying to get out. I have a dog bowl to try this time for the water.

I've covered the front of her cage to prevent strikes at the glass since she did that too. She's not in a high traffic area but she would strike if you walked by and hit the glass pretty hard. Overall her pushing went down after that but once she poops she tries to escape.

11-17-16, 08:41 PM
Poor girl, hopefully the bigger cage helps. Retics seem to be the most prone to pushing that I've seen.

I had to give injections to my 3'-3.5' boa and she wasn't fun, near the end of her course when she was being extra spirited she bucked the needle out one time. That really freaked me out. So I definitely feel your pain there (in spirit not physically because a 3' boa isn't gonna do much of anything haha).

EL Ziggy
11-17-16, 09:44 PM
Aww, poor baby. I'm sorry she's gotta go through that and I hope she's all better soon Riddick.

11-18-16, 01:40 AM
Maybe use a covered water bowl (with a hole in the lid for access) to prevent spillage?

11-18-16, 06:12 AM
Poor baby :( I hope she gets better soon!

I went through something similar not too long ago--4 weeks of injections.

dave himself
11-18-16, 07:43 AM
Poor girl I've seen loads of people having this problem with their retics some said a smaller viv was better, others a larger I've heard that many different stories it's hard to know what to believe. Keep us posted on how she's doing and hopefully the bigger viv will be the answer :)

11-18-16, 07:00 PM
So yesterday she was already so irritated that I didn't want to mess with it too much to clean it plus it was pretty swollen. Today the swelling was down so I cleaned it up a bit better. I'm really happy with the way it's looking already.

Before the cleaning tonight.

And after. Still some puss left but it's looking a lot better already. You can see that the swelling went down better in this picture. Gets her second round of shots tomorrow. Should be fun.....

11-18-16, 07:07 PM
Oh and her enclosure is shipping out the week after Thanksgiving!

dave himself
11-19-16, 01:52 AM
That does look a lot better Riddick :) hopefully giving her the shots goes OK and I've no idea when thanksgiving is being a thick Irish man :D

11-19-16, 03:42 AM
That does look a lot better Riddick :) hopefully giving her the shots goes OK and I've no idea when thanksgiving is being a thick Irish man :D

November 22nd Dave

dave himself
11-19-16, 04:18 AM
November 22nd Dave

Cheers mate :D

Albert Clark
11-19-16, 08:45 AM
Wow, i guess what i want to say is this is bittersweet. Sorry for the medical issues but happy you caught it early. Par for the course and it comes with our hobby and keeping of these amazing animals. Hoping for a speedy recovery.

11-19-16, 09:25 AM
Glad to hear she's responding to treatment and doing much better.

11-19-16, 10:34 PM
Swelling is down tonight and the pus seems to be almost gone. It drained more overnight by itself after I got that thick layer off yesterday. Her mouth can almost completely close again just a little gappy in the front still. Gave her the second round of shots tonight. The first one was a little too shallow so you can see a bit of a bump in the area. But the second was perfect. Definitely takes some practice getting it right on a squirmy snake. Only gave shots to horses before and they always stood still and patient.

dave himself
11-20-16, 03:14 AM
Glad to hear she's on the mend for you mate :) and thanks for the update :)

11-20-16, 03:27 AM
Nice to hear she is getting better, no-one likes to see their pets suffering.

Albert Clark
11-20-16, 02:03 PM
Great job rid! Just to add some help make sure to keep the ambient temps boosted a few degrees and keep the snake hydrated too. Once off the antibiotics get the L.B. acidophilus for replacing the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill off along with the bad bacteria. It will help with digestion. If you aren't alreday doing that. Good Luck..

11-20-16, 07:57 PM
I'm sure you're already aware, but snakes don't make pus, their abscesses are solid masses and are not able to reabsorbed. If the vet has not already done surgery to remove the abscesses they need to do so or the issue won't fully go away.

11-21-16, 03:44 AM
I'm sure you're already aware, but snakes don't make pus, their abscesses are solid masses and are not able to reabsorbed. If the vet has not already done surgery to remove the abscesses they need to do so or the issue won't fully go away.

Great piece of information, thanks for sharing

11-21-16, 04:08 AM
Not much to add but still wanted to wish you/her best, hope she'll recover soon!

11-21-16, 10:51 PM
I have no idea what to call the nasty masses but puss haha.

I have decided to stop treatment with the antibiotics. I do not like the damage it is doing to her scales and the swelling it is causing. After reading more about the antibiotic I am not willing to continue to risk the more dangerous issues it can cause especially after the reaction I'm already seeing on her body. According to the culture it is resistant in multiple ways. After talking to a few different people I am going to try an enzyme treatment it should be here in a few days. Until then I am only washing it out with water. I've heard from a few that have used it and only took one treatment for them. It has not spread and she has no RI so this treatment should work just as well for her plus be less stressful.

dave himself
11-22-16, 02:18 AM
Thanks for the update Riddick keep them coming fingers crossed everything works out ok ;)