View Full Version : crazy idea for animal plastic cages..Would this work

11-05-16, 08:40 AM
I need to get my boas in larger cages(currently they are in a rack).
So since my son needs a 2 thousand dollar bridge:eek: I will need to buy the caging by saving a little here and there.

My idea is to buy a t8 or t10, then the next year buy another and attach them to make one really nice big cage for my female.
This way she can have the room now and even more later.

Im pretty handy with rigging things together and think I can make this work.
A couple questions.
I was thinking AP cages were sent unbuilt is this right?
Do they use screws and caulking/silicone or pvc glue?


11-05-16, 08:59 AM
Powerhouse cages here in Canada make cages that fit together. 2 4x2x1 with a large cutout. I'm sure there is a way of attaching the two together.

11-05-16, 01:19 PM
AP cages assemble with screws, the sealer is just for the edges to make them water tight. I can't say I've ever considered attaching two together, it would probably work but it might be just as easy to do a custom build. A place with huge melamine cages is boa master, will be heavy but you might be able to get a prebuilt cage and save some money with Mark. Shipping isn't as bad on those as you'd think.

11-05-16, 10:12 PM
You could easily glue 2 AP cages together side-by-side and use a hole saw to open up access between them. Alternatively, buy one T8 or T10 now, then sell it to use the $$ toward a larger size later when you need it.