View Full Version : Tsubakis Boas, an update topic.

10-17-16, 12:16 PM
Here i will post the random phone pics that never really make it onto the forum because they're just single snapshots.. :D

Here's one to start off with, Lillith (Suriname Redtailed BCC) looking good! Doing great in general, eats well and the scab of her little injury came off clean. I think a few sheds and she is in tip top shape!

10-17-16, 12:18 PM
Lucifer (Suriname Redtailed BCC) LOVES his paper towel rolls, even though he doesn't really fit in them. It's adorable to see him try though.. He does have fitting hides, just prefers the smaller ones. He seems to be doing great :D He had a little pink blush going on this morning.

10-17-16, 12:18 PM
she's a very pretty girl.

Trevor Flink
10-17-16, 12:19 PM
What types of boa are they bcc? Also they are adorable.

10-17-16, 12:21 PM
lucifer is just like a kid-they give up the expensive toy to play in the box.

10-17-16, 12:23 PM
Abaddon (Suriname Redtailed BCC, rescue) yesterday evening.. She looked very dry and her eye still looks swollen, i gave her a bath and she looked a bit better after that. She is active and responsive enough will try to feed her tonight.


10-17-16, 12:24 PM
lucifer is just like a kid-they give up the expensive toy to play in the box.

yes he is, spoiled little brat :D

she's a very pretty girl.


What types of boa are they bcc? Also they are adorable.

BCC Suriname all 3 of them, ill upload some Nicaragua snaps next.

Trevor Flink
10-17-16, 12:26 PM
Abaddon's red on her tail is amazing if you breed her I would probably buy one of her offspring.

10-17-16, 12:27 PM
My little clown Renji! (Superhypo Nicaraguan) He is a grumpy little thing but he has his good days and is my biggest clown :D

When he's hungry and I open the drawer.


Haha! I love this picture! Had to slide him out of his tube because i had to clean it, he was very insulted and gave me this look :D

10-17-16, 12:28 PM
Abaddon's red on her tail is amazing if you breed her I would probably buy one of her offspring.

Thanks Trevor, I do live in the Netherlands though. And they get well over 5 ft :D

10-17-16, 12:29 PM
Aizen (Motley Nicaraguan het T+) is so gorgeous, he goes from nearly completely black to this depending on the time of day.. He's still incredibly aggressive but i love him anyway.


Albert Clark
10-17-16, 12:30 PM
They all look so healthy! Nice pics. Grats.

10-17-16, 12:31 PM
Rukia (T+ Nicaraguan) taking a bath, the stuff on her head is just dirt :D She is growing up incredibly fast, when i got her she wasn't even half the size of Renji.. Now she is twice his size :D In her light phase on this picture!


Trevor Flink
10-17-16, 12:33 PM
Thanks Trevor, I do live in the Netherlands though. And they get well over 5 ft :D
It would be a couple years till they breed I am going to guess and probably by then I could handle a bcc. But if you lived in the USA i promise you I would buy one of their offspring.

10-17-16, 12:37 PM
Thanks Trevor, the Nicaraguas are very small boas they might be something for you on a shorter term :D

Trevor Flink
10-17-16, 12:39 PM
I could probably afford a whole Nicaraguan setup (depending on their final cage size)by the next expo.

10-17-16, 12:43 PM
Renji is only 3ft and he is 6 years old, Aizen is a little over 3ft and 5 years old.. So both can be considered fully grown. Aizen is a mean ******* but Renji is usually fine (he has his moods).. Rukia has calmed down greatly since she was a juvenile.. Should be doable to find a more docile specimen :D

Trevor Flink
10-17-16, 12:54 PM
If I am right does a Nicaraguan boa need a 4 ft cage full grown? Or any 4-7 ft snake.

10-17-16, 12:57 PM
A 4ft cage would be fine for most dwarf localities.

Trevor Flink
10-17-16, 01:00 PM
A 4ft cage would be fine for most dwarf localities. Thanks for the info. I hope I get enough money to add another dwarf boa to my collection, either that or a viper boa.

10-17-16, 01:01 PM
Sounds nice Trevor.

Found another one of Rukia I took recently but never shared, she's going into shed :D Even with conservative feeding, she has become very girthy looking girl!

10-17-16, 01:05 PM
-gives Rukia 'the look'-.....

10-17-16, 01:08 PM
Thanks love, you're still not getting her <3

10-17-16, 01:57 PM
It's a good thing you live so far away! XD

10-17-16, 01:58 PM
Yes I think it is :D

10-17-16, 02:10 PM
Of course if you doing decide to breed the BCC's I expect you to do so before the UK cuts itself of from the world so I can just drive over and pick up one of the babies so you have somewhere around 2 years :). They really are lovely

10-17-16, 02:16 PM
That's going to be cutting it tight though! i estimate the 2 smaller ones to be a year old tops.. :D Thx Danny!

10-17-16, 02:20 PM
Damn. Well there goes that plan!..

10-17-16, 02:42 PM
Great looking boas
That motley Nicaraguan is so dark and just fantastic looking

10-17-16, 02:46 PM
Sorry Danny, hey maybe we can still work something out by then :D

Thanks Richard, I love his looks!

10-17-16, 07:21 PM
Abaddon greedily accepted food, twisting, turning and rolling around her tub. Will upload a picture tomorrow, phone is too glitchy to even try. Hope she eats it! Offered her last and let her be. :)

10-17-16, 10:35 PM
Lilith is so clean looking, a classic Suri. I love how her saddles fade the further down her body you go.

Abbadon's eye looks kinda cloudy, think it's blind?

Haha! I love this picture! Had to slide him out of his tube because i had to clean it, he was very insulted and gave me this look :D

Lol Nymeria's looked like that a few times when I lifted the lid off her tub. She's barely big enough to sit on the handles anymore so when I open it she falls right off. haha

Also I know what you say about Rukia. My Nymeria's the same way, but she's younger so she could fill out even more. She's all muscle and taller than she's wide though so her girth is nice and healthy, we've just got some naturally stout girls. Hopefully that makes for better litters for us. :)

dave himself
10-18-16, 01:40 AM
All beautiful boas Tsubaki but the red tails are my favourites, hopefully Abbadon will have eaten for you :)

10-18-16, 05:40 AM
Quick pic of a very happy Renji :D he squeezed some poop out of the rat .. ew..

10-18-16, 05:51 AM
Lilith is so clean looking, a classic Suri. I love how her saddles fade the further down her body you go.

Abbadon's eye looks kinda cloudy, think it's blind?

Lol Nymeria's looked like that a few times when I lifted the lid off her tub. She's barely big enough to sit on the handles anymore so when I open it she falls right off. haha

Also I know what you say about Rukia. My Nymeria's the same way, but she's younger so she could fill out even more. She's all muscle and taller than she's wide though so her girth is nice and healthy, we've just got some naturally stout girls. Hopefully that makes for better litters for us. :)

Yeah lets hope they give us better litters haha! I do like the stout look.

Lillith is absolutely gorgeous, and so are the other 2 suris imo. They're so different from each other! Lillith is the more classic beauty, rose coloured, cherry tailed with thin saddles and a clean look.. Lucifer being a pale parchment colour with broad irregular saddles and a more of a vermilion tail. And then Abaddon with the connected peak saddles cherry tail and high contrast.. They all have a lot of charm in their own way!

I don't think Abaddons eye is blind, Think it was just the ointment I put on her eye combined with flash photo and harsh LED light that made it look a bit weirder than it is. The eye itself looks alright in real life, pupil responds fine and she reacts to movement on that side. In fact the swelling has gone down a bit overnight! A work in progress though, her scales look dull in some places to me still. Her belly scales probably need a few sheds to clear up, and her eye isn't 100% yet but I think she will get there.

All beautiful boas Tsubaki but the red tails are my favourites, hopefully Abbadon will have eaten for you :)

Thanks mate! Abbadon did eat for me, don't think i ever saw a snake more excited about a dead rat.. Not even my retics, she rolled around with it enthusiastically was very funny to see.. Look how weirdly she contorted!

She looked pretty good this morning with a full belly, without flash so you can see her eye looks fairly good now. The swelling is not gone completely, but it has reduced a lot. Her head is showing the more traditional arrow shape now, I'm pleased it seems to start to heal with just a little help while she's only been here so briefly! Makes me feel positive about her future! I wouldn't want to be stressing her out by dragging her back and forth to my vet (3,5h drive)


dave himself
10-18-16, 08:44 AM
That's brilliant news and the difference in her in a few days is amazing your doing a grand job with this girl I can't wait to see what she looks like in a few weeks at this rate

10-18-16, 09:05 AM
Thanks Dave :D, I can't either!

10-18-16, 11:21 AM
I wouldn't want to be stressing her out by dragging her back and forth to my vet (3,5h drive)

It would at least get her used to traveling for her forthcoming trip to England ;)

10-18-16, 11:47 AM
I asked her but she said she doesn't speak English, so she'd rather stay here :D

10-18-16, 12:16 PM
You have a beautiful crew. I love the Nics personally, especially that female. Wow. I must go look for the story of Abaddon and how she came about.

10-18-16, 12:33 PM
Thanks Goddess, Abaddon is a snake that only came into my possession 3 days ago, her previous owner wasn't very nice to her... Abaddons topic (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/boa-constrictor/113365-alright-one-more-i-guess-b-c-c.html)

10-20-16, 10:07 AM
Adaddon seems to be digesting very slowly, gave her an extra comfort heater (Always on 28C) that stays on day and night to see if that will help. She might need that until she is feeling better, don't want a regurge. The other 2 red-tails had similar sized prey and their bulge is as good as gone, hers is very much visible. Just look at this picture taken 15m ago.

10-20-16, 10:32 AM
It turns out Lillith has mites! I already knew there was a realistic chance they had mites, the store told me they had a mite issue and they are recently brought in wild caught animals... Yea I was counting on it.. I treated Lillith and Lucifer the day they came in, today was the day that technically the first eggs could have hatched, and yes! With a magnifying glass I found one of those bastards, smaller than a grain of sand he was.. Couldn't find anything on Lucifer but since they came from the same enclosure I'm not going to risk it... Time for treatment no2!

Lillith right before treatment, her little scab seems to be healing well. I don't think it's very bothersome and it will fade with time as well.

During treatment, she HATES being sprayed.. Pictured turned out cute but she was actually trying to bite my phone :D

10-20-16, 10:33 AM
Lucifer looked good, had a nice little rainbow shine going. Sad I had to interrupt him to give him a spray too, he was cool with it though.
With flash
Without flash

dave himself
10-20-16, 05:57 PM
Mites are total pain in the rear I remember the first time we got them we wanted to napalm the house :D. And hopefully Adaddon will OK at least she getting the best care she can ih your hands :)

10-21-16, 12:35 AM
I get them occasionally on new animals, Aizen came in with mites too. And Loki did too a long time ago.. Mites are the worst thing about snake keeping!

10-23-16, 07:06 PM
Abaddon left me a nice birthday gift.. She regurged the rat fed to her the 17th (It's now the 24th).. It was partially digested, but I could still see what it was. Smelled absolutely putrid! My earlier feeling of her not digesting properly was true, giving her some time to recover and will try something easier to digest next time. Perhaps a rat pup or quail chick. Not sure what caused it her prey was small, redtails stomachs are pretty sensitive though.. She has 4 temperatures to choose from, as I provided her with a slightly warmer option.. She choose the regular hotspot. Basically the second warmest hide. Didn't handle or touch her, only checked once. She didn't seem bothered, was out in the open and I saw her bulge hadn't changed and slid a regulated heat mat under her tub for more options. Ugh just got home from a nice birthday party, cleaning this almost makes me rethink my stomach contents whereabouts myself.. :|

dave himself
10-23-16, 11:07 PM
Ah mate that's a pity hopefully given time and another try she'll keep the next one down and Happy birthday Tsubaki :)

10-24-16, 01:26 AM
Thanks Dave!:D

I agree it's a pity, wish she would give me a stool sample to look at..

dave himself
10-24-16, 06:59 AM
Goodness knows what's going on inside him with the abuse he took before he came to you :(

10-24-16, 08:42 AM
Yea, I just hope I can get her back to health again. Giving her 99% privacy now. Open the tub once every day for water, that's it!

Albert Clark
10-24-16, 02:38 PM
Man, sorry about the dilemma with Abbadon! Hope she can fight it off. On a lighter note, Happy Birthday and enjoy. Best Wishes.

10-24-16, 03:35 PM
Hope you can get her back to normal. Keep positive thought that maybe it was just a little too big of a meal this go around as she obviously wasn't cared for properly prior to you. Maybe your thoughts on a smaller food item will stay down. Best of luck and Happy Bday!

10-25-16, 04:00 AM
Thanks both, she was looking very dark this morning when I changed her water. She was again dull and quite calm (didn't come up to see what I was doing), hope it's just an upcoming shed. Bought a few rat pups, should be easier on her stomach! Everyone else is doing great :)

dave himself
10-25-16, 09:14 AM
Hopefully she is going into shed and maybe you'll get a poo with it ;)

10-25-16, 06:49 PM
Sorry about the "gift"

They are sooo pretty. So are you going to be shipping babies international? :D

10-25-16, 07:20 PM
I hope so too Dave. Not much has changed, I peeked through the front of the tub when I checked on the others, doesn't seem like she moved at all. No interest in the warmer area either, she stays in the cold side.

Thanks Trailblazer, think shipping international would be quite expensive though! :D

10-25-16, 07:27 PM

dave himself
10-25-16, 11:05 PM
Sounds like she's going into shed especially with her hardly moving I'd take peek and see if dulling down just to put my mind at ease

10-26-16, 03:18 AM
Sounds like she's going into shed especially with her hardly moving I'd take peek and see if dulling down just to put my mind at ease I took a peek this morning, she was laying a bit odd.. I touched the paper she was on and she struck at me, was good enough for me so I let her be.

haha, good luck with that! :D

dave himself
10-26-16, 07:31 AM
I would have been happy with the strike to :D

10-27-16, 03:21 PM
Rukia shed, she is growing so fast! :D Such a pretty girl! She hasn't tried to bite me in a while, I really think she put her angry days behind her! Those white flecks are water drops.

In other good news, Abaddon is 100% sure in shed she is blue all over. She also pooped a tiny bit today and peed everywhere so I had to clean, couldn't find anything weird in her stool. Gave her a soak while cleaning her tub, she does not like baths.. She actually gained a few grams of weight since she came here, which surprised me a lot. Didn't really take time to take pictures of her, wanted to put her back asap. You can see the blue hue on her belly!

Lillith was being a grump, a pretty grump though! She didn't actually strike, she has not struck at me once yet. She does always threaten though!

10-27-16, 06:27 PM
Nice pics! Glad to hear about Abaddon, I think she's got a good outlook. :)

10-27-16, 11:59 PM
Thanks BSG! I think the regurge might have been because she hadn't been cared for in a while, maybe hadn't eaten for however long. Think she was well cared for at some point, then it just stopped for whatever reason(new owner maybe don't know her history). The guy talked Very big and cool, yet hit hit her in the head with a box for .. well.. Basically giving him a "look", took me a lot to remain calm and talk seriously to him after that..

12-12-16, 11:36 AM
Ok update on the boas, like i said in her own topic Abaddon is doing great, check that topic out for the full update.

First of all, Rukia is growing like a weed. She's becoming a very girthy snake! At around upper-arm thickness at a length of nearly 4ft. She technically was ready to breed this year, but I prefer to wait a year longer. She has become quite inquisitive, always comes to see what I'm doing. :D

Lillith is doing great, eats like a champ and grows fast! Picture is a little out of focus but I did not want to risk distracting her.

Lucifer is also doing great, no complaints!

Aizen and Renji did not come out of their hide, they just pulled their food inside haha! I'll take some pictures of them next time they actually come out of their tubes.

12-12-16, 10:04 PM
Thanks BSG! I think the regurge might have been because she hadn't been cared for in a while, maybe hadn't eaten for however long. Think she was well cared for at some point, then it just stopped for whatever reason(new owner maybe don't know her history). The guy talked Very big and cool, yet hit hit her in the head with a box for .. well.. Basically giving him a "look", took me a lot to remain calm and talk seriously to him after that..

Sorry the reponse is late, that's very strange for sure. :no: I've seen and met a few people who thought you had to "dominate" a snake...

Everyone is looking good, too! I'll be reading Abaddon's thread next. haha

12-13-16, 08:08 AM
Thx BSG, and he definetly thought dominating was the way to go. Weirdo..

12-25-16, 07:39 AM
Update on my Nicaraguan Trio, They're eating well, shedding well. No issues besides Aizens extreme aggression.. It has caused him to slam his face into, well, everything really. He now has a little bump on his nose. The vet told me to wait to see if it clear on its own, otherwise she's going to have to drain it. Don't expect it to be a big problem, it's not sensitive and doesn't restrict him from eating.

Renji let me hold him for a picture, love it when he's in a good mood :D
He's been doing great lately.

Rukia is a good girl most of the time now, still cautious with her because if she does strike it is with little to no warning. She let me hold her for a while and then got tired of me so I put her back.

Aizen needed a bath because he had been laying in his own filth overnight, you can see the little bump on his nose on the picture, it doesn't look all that impressive but I'm keeping my eye on it. This is as close as I can get to him without him spazzing out. I don't mind some personality, but he is taking it to the next level. He can't be hooked with one hook properly because he becomes stiff and flops off the hook, so I have to tail him.. Which causes him to test my dodging skills :P

Updating my red tails later :D

12-25-16, 08:48 AM
And here are the redtails, all doing great. Lillith was in shed, i usually do not handle snakes in shed but she had made a big mess of her tub so she had to come out. Even in shed she is very pretty! :D Lucifer shed recently, he had a tiny patch of stuck shed that I took off but the rest of it came off in one piece, I blame it on the mite treatments.

So first off Lucifer, He is such a pretty boy. And incredibly well behaved for a wild caught snake! Easy going, slight nervousness when I move too much but that's it.

Here he is taking a bath for the little patch of shed, he preferred to be on my hand in stead. Baths isn't his favourite thing in the world.

Such a pretty boy, he's visibly growing!

And back in his clean tub!

Had the bath up for Lucifer anyway, so figured why not put Lillith in it while i clean her tub. She's in shed, can't hurt. Every shed her little scars clear up more and more.

Slightly more nervous to handle than Lucifer, but very well behaved in general! And that for a wildcaught snake! She is obviously bigger than Lucifer.

And then third, she can be updated here now as she has no issues left. Abaddon is doing great, she sheds in one piece.. And always eats and keeps it down as well. She is growing like a weed, must faster than the other 2, she probably just had been lacking food. She isn't as aggressive as for example Aizen, but as soon as you pick her up she gets very nippy. Not that hard to avoid though, she doesn't put much effort in actually getting you. But it is still funny out of the 3 redtailed boas here, the capture bred one has most attitude!

12-25-16, 03:23 PM
Thats a beautiful collection, I'd be well proud of them

12-25-16, 05:32 PM
Thanks Martin :D I am!

12-25-16, 05:48 PM
All gorgeous boas! Rukia and Lucifer are my faves. :P

Also yay on Abaddon, that's fantastic news! She's going to grow fast now that she's getting food in her. ^.^ In the few stories I've seen people post of malnourished/"stunted" snakes, they tend to hit a rapid growth spurt once they start eating normal meals.

12-25-16, 06:00 PM
Thanks Bsg, I hope she'll grow quickly too. :D They're all great snakes!

dave himself
12-25-16, 06:16 PM
They're all beautiful but I don't even have to tell you who my favourite girl is :). I'm just so pleased to see her doing so well
now thanks for the updates

12-25-16, 06:28 PM
Thanks Dave! :D She is pretty cool, didn't plan on getting her (just sort of happened, she needed help) Now I'm questioning what to do after she's made a full recovery... Do I keep her? Answer seems simple....But it does mean I have to scrap something of my most wanted list to make room for a 3rd suri long term.. Tough choices..

dave himself
12-26-16, 03:41 AM
Looks like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place mate :(, I personally haven't had to make those kind of choices in almost 4 years now and I really don't envy you being caught in this position

12-26-16, 04:37 AM
Yeah, it's not easy. I'm horrible with rescues that fit my interest, always have issues rehousing them even though they were never meant to stay. (Like that possible sunfire superdwarf, she's probably staying, even though it most likely means not being able to house a SD female that suits my male)

I think the best thing I can do, is keep her unless she can go somewhere I know she'll be cared for properly.. It's not about the money, she already cost me more in vet bills than I can ever get for her.. But I really do not have an adult enclosure for her planned.. I would have to rethink my entire snake room and drop some future plan. Getting the 2 first red-tails in there was easy, Xenas planned enclosure gets cut in half and they each get one half. I just simply don't have the space for another without cramping them.

dave himself
12-26-16, 06:28 AM
We stopped taking in rescues because our old house was full of them lol, we had tubs and vivs everywhere :eek:. Now we'll just house one for a few days now and again until it's picked up. We're a bit like you mate we become to attached :(

12-26-16, 06:45 AM
Yeah I totally understand that... I usually don't take the rescues home either, they stay at the zoo. However,.. Sometimes they come to me directly or one needs special care. Abaddon came straight to me, she needed more care because of her open wound and her torn belly scales. She looks alright now, all her wounds are closed and fading. She eats good, she behaves normally. If I find her a place to stay that is trustworthy she can move, otherwise I need to make some new plans.. Even if she stays.. She looks pure and scale-count makes sense, i have a certificate from an unknown breeder stating she's F2 Surinamese.. But still.. I Doubt I'll ever breed her.

dave himself
12-26-16, 07:48 AM
She's absolutely beautiful boa I'm so glad she pulled through :), but now as you say it's that thing of trying to find her a good home or having to reshuffle everything around to fit her in. It will work itself out mate, it always does :)

12-26-16, 08:49 AM
It'll work out, one way or another :D 'She'll be fine no matter what.

01-04-17, 11:29 AM
Abaddon moved away today, to a perfect home. A bit unexpectedly soon.. but yeah.. New owner had been looking for a mate for his male for ages, following updates on this girl.. Barely gave me a chance to even say would be willing to part with her, he already decided if I ever sold her he'd take her in.. She wasn't 100% but.. Eats like crazy, scales healed, no other issues than a little underweight left, so Id say a good 99%.. He has enough experience as well, he could handle anything. She is going to be fine, with his enthusiasm it was easier for me to let go too, rather now than later when i get really attached. So in my mind it's now very simple.. I did not have room planned for another long term Suri, and she has a loving home...I still get updates too, best possible outcome, without me having to change/drop future plans.

Anyway , Aizens nose is healing just fine. Swelling was down a good 50% today, like I thought it probably won't be an issue. It's barely noticable anymore, pic from today.


01-04-17, 11:45 AM
Great ending to the story knowing you nursed her back to health
I just love the colour of aizen .Black and Tan is just great with the iridescence,glad his nose is healing well tsubaki

01-04-17, 11:56 AM
Thanks Richard, Aizen does look amazing. He even let me look at his nose without exploding with anger (once) so I'm impressed:D

01-04-17, 01:42 PM
Her colours are amazing, she looks in great condition, I'm sure her new owners will love her.

01-04-17, 05:27 PM
Lillith was being pretty, and a little annoyed hence the glove. Few "daylight" pics l, and one in her tub. I love this animals looks so much :D

Showing off her nice pinks.

Soft pink sides, picture a bit washed out but gives the idea

I love her belly, the speckles are beautiful.

Nice tail!

01-04-17, 05:59 PM
And a sneak peak of Luci ♡

01-04-17, 06:15 PM
Mmm I put a post here in this thread that didn't get posted... must of closed my laptop too soon at work :)

You have some wonderful snakes Tsubaki. Good that you found a new home for your 'rescue' and wonderful job on getting him back on her, ehh, feet :)

My rescue snake (MBK) is in his 2nd shed now, healing up from someone who kept him in an aquarium with his fish (at least it seemed so). He was suffering from massive over hydration and malnutrition. Lets see how he comes out of this shed and I can put some before and after pics up.

All but 2 of my 19 animals (excluding fish here) are rescues... they come from all over the place. We have some challenges to actually part with any of them ;)

01-04-17, 06:38 PM
I'm sorry to see Abaddon leave the forums, but glad she's found a new home! Especially one that will keep in touch with you. :) Now Lilith will have to take her place as my favorite of your BC(C). :P

01-04-17, 06:58 PM
Thanks TRD, I hope your mkb recovers soon! I currently only have 1 rescue left, she's not 100% yet but she also has a very good chance at staying, really charmed me.

Thanks BSG! Pretty sure you mentioned Lillith being your favourite before haha :D I'm also glad she found a new home, still tugs on my heart strings a little..

01-05-17, 01:04 AM
Aizen shed last night, will put up a fresh picture soon. He looks great! Could've noticed him going into shed with his double chin, but i didn't! He shed in one piece without misting, gives me confidence about their husbandry :D

dave himself
01-05-17, 08:01 AM
Mate you did the right thing with Abbadon it was the perfect outcome for you and the best you could have hoped for, for her. I know you'll miss her, but like I said before she'd won my heart over and I'll miss seeing her pics

01-05-17, 08:19 AM
Thanks, I think I did the right thing as well. :) I hope I'll get update pictures!

Aizen in a fresh skin.

His old skin, it's about 6ft long. :)

01-05-17, 09:57 AM
Those colours are amazing, he is a stunning snake

01-05-17, 12:56 PM
Thanks Martin! :D glad his nose is looking better and better every day as well.

01-29-17, 10:43 AM
So here an update on (nearly) all that is boa in my house. My T+ (Rukia) was in deep shed in her hide so I left her alone.

Renji shed last week, all coloured up and looking great! ..He also seems to have started eating again, he quit eating in October but he ate twice in a row this and past feeding.. Which is a surprise to me! Usually he stops around October and then doesn't eat until spring! Can't say I mind, maybe he'll stay on a good weight this time. Only took one picture, he was in a bad mood haha.

Aizen did not hiss at me when I opened his tub, he didn't even look up.. So I took the risk to take the first ever close up pictures! As you can see slowly but surely his nose is healing, I don't think it will need help to heal. Just takes a lot of time for the fluids to drain. Really hope he will calm down slightly for his own benefit.. If he keeps bashing his head against the tub I'm afraid he will permanently damage himself. He's a pretty boy, he was pretty light today giving him a nice contrast! Gotta love his all black tail, even in his lightest phase that tail looks dipped in ink.

Lucifer doing great, still no aggression or anything. The mites seem to be fully gone now! He was nice and grey today, also took a proper picture of his tail in some natural lighting.

Lillith was a bit grumpy but did not snap, she is eating well and slowly filling out a bit. (She was slightly on the thin side getting here) Just a pretty girl who is impossible to photograph with my phone, even in natural daylight it doesn't look right! Really need my dslr next time..

01-29-17, 11:30 AM
Man you're boas are impressive tsubaki

01-29-17, 11:35 AM
Thx Richard :D

01-29-17, 12:04 PM
Stunning collection, I can't pick a favourite they are all.......stunning lol

01-29-17, 12:22 PM
Thanks Martin :D I'd have a tough time myself!

01-29-17, 10:02 PM
Omg!!!! These are beautiful!!!!! I'm so happy for Abaddon's ending; it just seems so bittersweet. These babies are beautiful!!!!!

01-29-17, 10:20 PM
Thanks GyGbeetle, Abaddon's leaving was a bit sad can't say it wasn't, but I'm still happy she found a good home. Choices have to be made, sadly I don't have space to keep every rescue to come through, not even the pretty ones that really fit my interests :D (They're most often corns/ballpythons to be honest)

01-29-17, 10:53 PM
Thanks GyGbeetle, Abaddon's leaving was a bit sad can't say it wasn't, but I'm still happy she found a good home. Choices have to be made, sadly I don't have space to keep every rescue to come through, not even the pretty ones that really fit my interests :D (They're most often corns/ballpythons to be honest)

This is why I'm terrified to go into rescue. I was a cat rescuer for years, and when all was said and done, I had adopted out a lot, and still had 10 that I kept. Those were just cats. Snakes take up less room and I can see myself filling up every wall in the house with snakes. I don't know how you do it. And then there's the less happy side of rescue.... losing them in the bad way. I'm so happy she found a good home, and had such a great halfway house in between. What a lucky lady, and the lucky human that snagged her up

01-30-17, 12:15 AM
Yeah it's hard at times! Most of them are not in my house though, that helps. Only the special care animals like her (needed daily eye treatments) go home with me. :D makes it easier! The new owner is very happy with her, she has been doing great.

01-30-17, 01:06 AM
Hi tsubaki!
Short time lurker and decided to join :)
First off gorgeous snakes!
And if im not mistake , someone's a bleach fan!! Lol
And I might be wrong but I sense a supernatural fan in you based off the snake names I've seen

dave himself
01-30-17, 03:18 AM
Beautiful boa,s and I can pick my two favourites easily the surinames :D

David VB
01-30-17, 04:07 AM
Nice looking boa's :O

01-30-17, 07:43 AM
Hi tsubaki!
Short time lurker and decided to join :)
First off gorgeous snakes!
And if im not mistake , someone's a bleach fan!! Lol
And I might be wrong but I sense a supernatural fan in you based off the snake names I've seen

Thank you! I love both shows, :D

Beautiful boa,s and I can pick my two favourites easily the surinames :D

I never would've guessed :D........

Nice looking boa's :O

Thx David!

03-04-17, 03:45 PM
Renji was unavailable for pictures as usual, so I only took one haha :D I don't even know why I give him living space, he NEVER comes out of his tube haha!

Rukia was in a bad mood as well,she had to come out since I had to clean up either way..

03-04-17, 11:10 PM
Renji looks so goofy in that tube. lol I've tried offering tubes to a few of my snakes, but none of them would go for it.

Rukia is looking gorgeous as always!

Keep an eye on that bump. I'm sure you already know, but often the bumps can turn terminal...I think I remember you mentioning treatment for it, though.

Are these your DSLR photos?

03-05-17, 03:09 AM
Thx Bsg, his nose was very swollen in the beginning, to the point his scales looked to be floating from separation. It has healed pretty far, the vet thinks it might be scarring from his repeated head slamming into.. well everything. If anything changes for the worse or if it doesnt change at all ill take him to the vet. And yes, these were actually the first DSLR pictures I took, after not using that camera since 2013 :D

03-07-17, 10:01 PM
Thx Bsg, his nose was very swollen in the beginning, to the point his scales looked to be floating from separation. It has healed pretty far, the vet thinks it might be scarring from his repeated head slamming into.. well everything. If anything changes for the worse or if it doesnt change at all ill take him to the vet. And yes, these were actually the first DSLR pictures I took, after not using that camera since 2013 :D

Well, things are looking promising so far. :)

Dang, that camera has been out of commission for a few years. haha

03-07-17, 10:51 PM
Yeah it has, have multiple camera bodies, this is the best one though technically speaking :) Just the weight made me favor others before! Last pictures I took with it were the first pictures of Xena as a tiny little 2ft thing :D

03-25-17, 02:16 AM
Aizen shed and made a giant mess, had him in the cleaning tub and decided to put him in the sun for some snapshots. Hard to see his crisp markings in the direct sun but still like the pictures especially because they show his bright eyes. Mobile pictures, no time to get my dslr it wasn't warm enough to make him wait.. :) He was slightly less aggressive than usual, but back to his overly aggressive ways later that day.




03-25-17, 03:59 AM
I just love how dark he is tsubaki

03-25-17, 04:47 AM
So do I, thanks Richard!

05-02-17, 07:56 AM
Here's an update from today, was cleaning and snapped a few pictures. Nothing spectacular I'm afraid! I did realise I never shared my boas new housing. My snake room (still) isn't completely finished, but yet again they all grew out of their enclosures.. So when i found a deal on a bunch of nice sized PVC's that would last them for quite a while, I couldn't resist! They're all on paper because I can't find bedding I like, and it's just easier in the pvcs in which I'm using mostly UTHs at the moment.

Rukia en Renji (Nicaragua dwarves) were both in shed and in their hides. So sadly no pictures of them.. This picture is to give you all an idea what the pvcs are like. They're all the same size, same colour, same decor and all my boas are in one.

Lillith (WC Surinamese red tail female) was out in the open, she's growing quite fast and eating well. She is now on adult mice, when I got her she was eating hoppers so there's definitely progress. She should shed soon, she has been due for one for a while. She is quite calm and I can usually clean around her without her doing more than giving me a look.

The wound she had on her tail is looking better after every shed, it's completely healed and I think it will be hard to even see after she's grown a bit.

Here's a picture of her enclosure, as you can see it's nearly identical to other one.

Lucifer (WC Surinamese red-tail male) has been growing like a weed! When I got both red tails Lucifer was significantly smaller than Lillith. However Lucifer has caught up and is the same size as Lillith now. He is very squiggly and squirmy, not aggressive just all over the place haha. As a result it's really hard to take a picture of him. This picture gives a bit of an idea what size they are now.

When I put him back in his clean enclosure he immediately took off to rummage through the paper and I didn't get another photo opportunity haha.

And that's it for the boas!

05-02-17, 02:22 PM
The colour on them surinams are just so great,I quite like the look of them new vivs,look nice and smart

05-02-17, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the pics, Tsubakis! Makes me want one...soon, real soon!

EL Ziggy
05-02-17, 09:10 PM
Beautiful critters Tsubaki.

05-02-17, 09:44 PM
Thanks everyone! When the weather is more pleasing I'll be sure to take them outside for some proper pictures :D

Thanks for the pics, Tsubakis! Makes me want one...soon, real soon!
We'll I would be lying if I said they're not amazing additions to a collection :D

dave himself
05-03-17, 06:07 AM
All beautiful but do I even need to say it :D

05-03-17, 09:06 AM
Nope, but you're welcome to do so :D

dave himself
05-03-17, 10:13 AM
Those red tails are freakin gorgeous :D

05-03-17, 10:54 AM
Haha thanks for telling me that:D

05-05-17, 01:16 PM
Was checking on everyone, snapped some random phone pics.

Rukia just doing her thing, she loves that hide even though she doesn't really fit in it anymore.

Grabbed Lucifer to look him over, he was jumpy but good. His saddles looked very dark, think he's getting ready to shed.

Lillith was really nippy so I just let her go back in after checking her.



05-11-17, 07:35 AM
Rukia was inquisitive today, she's going towards a darker phase. She changes colour almost weekly, pretty cool to see.


dave himself
05-11-17, 07:58 AM
The redtails are getting better everytime you post them :Wow:

05-11-17, 08:50 AM
Wow that red tail is stunning

05-11-17, 08:55 AM
Thanks people, I cant wait until I can take them outside for some proper dslr pics!

05-11-17, 03:20 PM
Seeing as people are putting dibs on your snakes should you die Tsu can i baggsy the Suriname pair please...

05-11-17, 04:06 PM
I'm just throwing it out there again, I wasn't planning on dying anytime soon! I'll just take it as a compliment haha :D

EL Ziggy
05-11-17, 04:27 PM
You have an amazing collection of beautiful critters Tsubaki.

05-11-17, 04:48 PM
Thanks mate! :D not unlike yourself!

06-04-17, 11:33 AM
Lucifer shed and I had planned to take him outside, but stuff came up and I only snapped 2 blurry pictures of him; Still wanted to share them!.. Maybe somewhere next week I can take both red-tails outside!


06-05-17, 01:12 AM
wow that red tail is just sooooo amazing tsubaki

06-05-17, 01:16 AM
Thank you Richard :)

06-05-17, 09:05 PM
Beautiful! I cant wait to see more of your boas! How old is he?

06-05-17, 09:13 PM
He is estimated to be from 2016, but any more specific is no option as he's wildcaught :D Thanks!