View Full Version : Hello from California!

10-03-16, 02:47 PM
I have had a 35G aquarium for about 15 years. My last fish recently passed away after having it for about 12 of those years. I think I would like to change it up and try a corn snake instead of restocking the tank with fish. I here to do some research and get advice on how to set up the tank properly for a reptile.

Anyway thanks in advance for any help or advice you may want to give.


10-03-16, 09:26 PM
Welcome... I don't own a corn snake but I am sure they can help you here...
You might want to search corn snake care sheet on the web to get the specifics like temperatures and humidity...
What part of California are you from?

dave himself
10-03-16, 10:36 PM
Hi and welcome :)

10-04-16, 07:00 AM
hello and 36255

10-04-16, 10:28 AM
welcome to the forum. let us know when you get your new snake.