View Full Version : My little rubber boa :)

09-25-16, 12:45 PM
Someone asked to see pics of my rubber boa, so I snapped a few pics of her before I brought everyone back up here to Montana :) Her name is Mimizu (Japanese for "earthworm")




09-25-16, 12:52 PM
mimizu is a cute little girl! how big will she get?

09-25-16, 12:58 PM
They don't get huge, she won't get much bigger I don't think...

In the Pacific Northwest, adult males generally reach an average length of about 21 inches, with the females slightly longer - on average 26 inches

dave himself
09-25-16, 01:59 PM
Never saw one of these before thanks for posting TR

09-25-16, 02:21 PM
Why are they called a 'rubber' boa?

09-25-16, 02:21 PM
You're welcome! They are a super neat little snake, very docile and like to just curl around your wrist and hang out :)

09-25-16, 02:22 PM
Minkness: That's a good question!

09-26-16, 05:38 AM
there well cool.not seen them before,do they feel like normal boas as the look a lot smoother

09-26-16, 12:01 PM
I want one of these. I still need to look up my states regulations about these guys.

RAD House
09-26-16, 12:48 PM
I believe they are called rubber boas because they look like they are made out of rubber. Such an interesting little species.

09-27-16, 12:51 AM
What a cute stubby face :D nice snake!

09-27-16, 03:17 PM
do they feel like normal boas as the look a lot smoother

She definitely has a satiny feel to her, if that makes sense? Very soft and smooth like my hog island boa :)

I still need to look up my states regulations about these guys

I did find this, not sure if that will be of any use? You can (and probably should) contact the F&W to find out *exactly* what the laws are...according to The Rubber Boa (Charina bottae) Information Portal (http://www.rubberboas.com:)

Q - What are my state laws regarding catching or keeping Rubber Boas?

A - Your best off asking your state Fish and Game department as the laws may change without my knowledge. As of the time of writing, CA allowed the capture of 2 boas with a current fishing license, except for southern Rubber Boas, and no sale of any sort; OR has very little restrictions regarding catching or keeping, but does not allow sale of wild caught; WA does not allow you to even pick them up; BC downlisted them in the summer of 2001, and it may be possible to capture one now; ID, NV, UT, and WY appear to have only minor restrictions and limitations. All states prohibit the sale of wild caught. All states but WA and CA allow for some avenue of breeding native boas. Again - first check with your local F&G to be sure what the laws are before attempting to catch one, or sell any offspring you have as I could be mistaken.

And then there is this:

California Laws Regarding Native Reptiles and Amphibians (http://www.californiaherps.com/info/herpinglaws.html)

09-28-16, 09:24 AM
Thanks :) Yeah that's pretty much the info I've found. I still have questions on whether I can buy a CB animal from someone out of state or not.

If I ever feel up to dealing with a WC animal, there's always that. Go figure you can capture and keep but not breed.

09-28-16, 02:36 PM
I would definitely look into getting a CB one, I'm not sure I would want to deal with one caught from the wild not wanting to eat, possible parasites, etc. I got mine from Welcome to Exotic Pets Las Vegas - Expect the best in Exotic Pets (http://exoticpetslv.com/) and they are located in Vegas

09-28-16, 02:44 PM
Yeah exactly why I don't really want to deal with WC. Thank you for the link :) Price isn't too bad for Rubber boas.

10-11-16, 03:20 PM
Just a fun fact: both CB and WC rubber boas will not eat until they have been brumated. After that, they eat pretty readily. So if you wanted to get a neonate, ALWAYS buy last year's. :)

10-13-16, 07:00 PM
I had some luck getting WC ones to eat lab mice after I washed them with soap and water. They will eat pinkie voles and deer mice much more readily than lab mice. One guy raises deer mice just for them plus catches a few voles now and then. He's kept them since the 60s, no issues with parasites etc.

10-13-16, 08:50 PM
Wasn't it a rubber boa that was documented to have lived for at least 57 years. I have to find that article/documentation. I remember reading a biologist's record of a rubber boa that was wild caught and released, then caught again and lived in captivity over that span of time.

10-13-16, 08:58 PM
Here it goes:

Life History of RAAB Female #1 (http://www.rubberboas.com/Content/raab1.html)

She may have been even older than I thought.

10-13-16, 09:02 PM
Just a fun fact: both CB and WC rubber boas will not eat until they have been brumated. After that, they eat pretty readily. So if you wanted to get a neonate, ALWAYS buy last year's. :)

Perhaps asking a hard question, but why is this?

10-14-16, 09:48 AM
My understanding is that they are born late in the year and don't/won't eat until early spring? This could be wrong but from what I've read that's what stuck out...I thought it was odd that they would go so long without eating right after being born but they are born so late in the year that they pretty much go straight into brumation, or almost.