View Full Version : We have a name!

09-25-16, 12:37 PM
I finally decided on a name for my little Sunset...he will be known as Aleister :D He is still super sweet and such a busy curious little guy. I fed him a week ago today for the first time and he ate like a little champ! Always so nice when your newest acquisition eats for you :) I snapped some pics of him eating, and some pics of our handling session a couple nights ago.





09-25-16, 12:41 PM
And a couple of us just hanging out :)




09-25-16, 12:54 PM
Aww! Congratulations Aleister :D

09-25-16, 12:57 PM
aliester is a sweet little guy. it sounds like he's off to a good start.

dave himself
09-25-16, 01:31 PM
Aliester sweet name :) for a cute little guy TR and it's always good to see them eating for the first time in their new home

EL Ziggy
09-25-16, 01:43 PM
Congrats on the successful 1st feeding TR. Aleister is quite the handsome serpent. :)

09-25-16, 01:57 PM
Congrats! I've found the only snake that refused to eat immediately was my albino checkered, I don't remember that far back for my ball python, but he's the only other one that has given me trouble. Of course, outside of his first meal and switching him to rodents, the garter hasn't given me trouble, either.

I would definitely not have handled him before eating though, they should always be allowed the allotted week + 2 days of digestion to acclimate, regardless of how calm they seem. Snakes hide their stress really well, so you won't know if it's too much until it's too late. Once you're sure he's eating and keeping food down, and appears otherwise healthy, then you can handle. I usually give them one meal, or 2-3 in a row if they refuse their first meal.

09-25-16, 02:24 PM
I didn't handle him until Thursday so...that gave him 4 days? And I didn't handle him before eating...he was left alone for a good almost 2 weeks, as after I got him I had to make a trip to Idaho...then got back on a Friday, fed him a week ago, then didn't handle him until 3 days ago..

09-25-16, 03:21 PM
Ah ok I might have gotten the timeline wrong. I assumed you fed him today or yesterday, so when you said a couple nights ago I thought it was before he was fed. lol Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Albert Clark
09-25-16, 10:20 PM
Aleister looks amazing! Congrats.

09-26-16, 05:40 AM
great looking boa you have there,nice tail contrast and nice and red already

09-27-16, 12:58 AM
Great name for a handsome boy :D

09-27-16, 03:01 PM
nice tail contrast and nice and red already

His breeder loves his tail! His parents are gorgeous and saturated with orange, I can't wait to see how he colors up as he gets older :)