View Full Version : Sunset boas

09-20-16, 01:12 PM
I've recently acquired 2 het sunset boas and was wondering if i breed them eventually, what percentage will be true sunsets and what will the others be?

09-20-16, 01:45 PM
sunset is a hogg island with a hypo columbian boa. So what is a het sunset? You'd have to have a hypo boa or a hogg island pair.

09-20-16, 02:35 PM
he says the genetics are Hypo x Hog, each of them, and if i were to breed them I would likely get 50% Sunsets. i wanted a second opinion and knowledge from people from experience, thats why im asking here

09-20-16, 02:39 PM
There is no het sunset.

It's a hypo x hogg island boa with the hypo showing through the cross. I'm not a boa morph guy so I COULD be wrong but I'm pretty clear on it.

At any rate, if they are both hypo x hog then when bred together the babies will all be 50/50 columbian x hogg and 50% of the babies on average will be hypo hoggs.

09-20-16, 02:49 PM
thanks for the info. ill post pics when i bring them home this week. they're only babies so itl b a while before i breed them and see the results.

09-20-16, 02:57 PM
I thought "sunsets" were the super hypo hogs and "het sunsets" were the hypo hogs. That's how I remember it and i'll admit it's a bit of a silly way to go about it...has this changed?

09-20-16, 03:03 PM
and what is your understanding of what a super hypo hog is? (just to clarify the genetic background please)

09-20-16, 03:07 PM
From what I remember when I was interested in the cross, the super hypo hogs were labeled as sunsets and the hypo hogs were labeled as het sunsets...which makes no sense to me because it's not really a het at all...but that info and methodology has hopefully been improved since?

09-20-16, 03:08 PM
I thought "sunsets" were the super hypo hogs and "het sunsets" were the hypo hogs. That's how I remember it and i'll admit it's a bit of a silly way to go about it...has this changed?

Could be it. It seems familiar.

and what is your understanding of what a super hypo hog is? (just to clarify the genetic background please)

So if a super hypo hogg is a sunset then these would be hypo hoggs you have.

Thus, the breeding would be like this: Note these are averages and things differ once it happens cause you know...mother nature.

25% super hypo hogg
50% hypo hogg
25% Columbian x Hogg (no hypo)

09-20-16, 03:09 PM
apparently not because the breeder labelled them het sunsets and said their abbies would be half sunsets. does this make any sense to you?

09-20-16, 03:10 PM
thanks you this helps a lot. im glad i have a better idea of what to expect.

09-20-16, 03:10 PM
If they're het sunsets then they are a hypo hog and the super hypo hog would be the actual sunset. How confusing to label a cross as a designer morph.

09-20-16, 03:16 PM

09-20-16, 03:17 PM

Hope the photo works, not the best one tho anyway

09-20-16, 03:19 PM

Hope the photo works, not the best one tho anyway
Didn't work.

09-20-16, 03:21 PM
any advice on how to post it successfully?

09-20-16, 03:26 PM
any advice on how to post photos successfully?

09-20-16, 04:10 PM
any advice on how to post photos successfully?

Photobucket is *usually* your friend as far as posting pics...for posting, you want to click the little "insert image" button next to the little earth looking button up above the message box here and then insert the direct link (if that makes sense)

as far as Sunsets go, this is per the breeder I acquired my sunset from:

"Yes, they are a cross between a Hypo Columbian Boa and a Hog Island. The result of the original pairing of a Hypo Boa to a pure Hog Island would be Hypo Hogs and normal appearing Hog crosses. Then two Hypo Hogs need to be bred together and that would give you 25% Sunsets (or also known as Super Hypo Hogs). The parents of your guy are both Sunsets (aka Super Hypo Hogs) and thus all babies are also Sunsets."

09-20-16, 05:11 PM

09-20-16, 05:25 PM
Thanks Chuck!

09-21-16, 08:28 AM
If they're het sunsets then they are a hypo hog and the super hypo hog would be the actual sunset. How confusing to label a cross as a designer morph.

How else do you sell a cross in a species of snakes that is well known for locale nerds?

09-21-16, 08:38 AM
How else do you sell a cross in a species of snakes that is well known for locale nerds?

Haha! :laugh: