View Full Version : Snake died

09-19-16, 10:28 AM
One of my boas under as a yr passed away a couple days ago no reasion well taken care oif i lost apython like that about 20 yrs ago any ideas,thanks bill...

09-19-16, 06:34 PM
Only way to know is have a necropsy done. Best way is to keep the body in the fridge, it should last 3 days before you can send it in. You most likely don't still have the body, but if this happens again that is how I would handle it, especially if you're trying to find answers.

We can give you a multitude of guesses, but none of them could be right.

I'm sorry for your loss, though, if you have any other reptiles I would clean out the snake's enclosure and any equipment you used with it and store it away for 6 months to a year just in case it was a disease.

09-20-16, 11:45 AM
sorry to hear about your snake.

09-22-16, 11:12 PM
Am I the only one semi-curious why this is in the joke section?

09-22-16, 11:14 PM
You know....I hadn't even noticed that =/

09-22-16, 11:43 PM
i came off as insensitive, I apologize. Please give a run down of previous temps, behaviors, cage conditions ect. Thanks.