View Full Version : Amphibian Tank

02-25-03, 09:54 AM
I have plans to set up a tank for some Fire Bellied Toads. It probably won't be for awhile, but I have already started thinking about it. I was thinking a 20 gal. long tank with about 1/3 land and 2/3 water. I would have the land coming out of the back left corner with a waterfall in that corner, flowing into a stream that would empty into the pond area. I want to put it all together myself instead of buying premade waterfalls and stuff. I wish it was easier to explain what I'm thinking. Maybe I'll make something on my computer to show you! Anyway, does anyone have a setup similar to this? I'd love to see it and hear all about it. Thanks!

02-28-03, 07:56 AM

Okay, here's a rough idea of what I want to do. It's not to scale, it needs to be a little longer, but I'm working on that. The yellow/green circles represent bamboo stakes that will line the outer edge, as well as somewhat surround the top pool. I want to put a fogger in that pool and make it "private" by putting lots of plants around it. The green circle in the middle of the water is an island and the gray thing over my stream is a piece of slate used as a little bridge. (I know, I know, toads don't need a bridge, but I think it's cute!)

02-28-03, 08:08 AM
it's very nice idea!!!
i look forward to c some pictures!!
nice job!!