View Full Version : Feeding Problems with Sand Boa

09-05-16, 04:30 PM
My boyfriend and I just adopted our Sand Boa, Kwasi Lenny (Lenny), yesterday (9-4-16) and we're smitten. He's in a well ventilated tub, with calcium enriched sand, a heaving water bowl, and an undertank heater. The people at Pet Supermarket in Asheville (where we purchased him from) said that Sunday would be a normal feeding day for him, as he is a baby. We attempted to feed him a F/T pinkie yesterday and he wouldn't take. We shrugged it off as stress, and tried again today. He wouldn't take an F/T again today either, and my boyfriend did some research, decided that we should go buy a live pinkie, and went and picked one up. We put it in his tub with him, and he will not take at all. I'm trying not to worry too much as he's new to us and his tub, and he may be a little stressed, but I want to make sure I've covered all of my bases.

Any help for this new boa mommy would be much appreciated.

EL Ziggy
09-05-16, 05:07 PM
I don't keep sand boas but I'm sure one of the more experienced sand boa keepers will chime in soon. Generally speaking, it's a good idea to let new arrivals settle in for a few days before attempting to feed them. Make sure your temps and humidity are dialed in and wait a week before attempting to feed again. Is your uth regulated by a thermostat? Once the snake acclimates it should eat for you. If the snake refuses a meal wait another 5-7 days before trying again. Best wishes with the new critter.

09-05-16, 05:25 PM
Honestly, get rid of the sand. It's terrible junk and snakes don't need calcium anyway. Not like that anyway.

Use reptibark, sanichips, or shaved aspen (but NOT pine!).

Then, give it a week before offering a feeder again.

Leave it completely alone other than changing the water.

09-05-16, 06:11 PM
What Minkness said.