View Full Version : Skin Infection?

09-05-16, 07:06 AM
Hey Guys.
When I took my Striped-Spotted Python out of his cage today, it seemed that there was red patches or dots or blotches under his ventral scales. Now, I highly doubt that mites could be the case as the area is generally clean (spot cleaned as often as necessary, complete cage clean every month or so) and he has never been infested with mites previously. However, I did try and force him into a warm water bath (to which he actually hated and started to hiss at me because I forced him in there). I also believe that it could possibly be some substrate stuck under his scales; I use a red-coloured tanbark-like mix (reptile approved etc) which gets extremely dusty, so it may have somehow gotten under the scale flaps. I will be taking him to a vet as there are also damaged and discoloured scales along his back and I want to ensure that this isn't anything too serious. Any advice or tips would be helpful. I may try and post pictures if anyone is interested.

Thanks !

09-05-16, 07:49 AM
Definitely post pictures if you can. It will give us a better understanding of what's going on. Taking to the vet is a good idea if you're not sure what the issue is or how to treat it.

Albert Clark
09-05-16, 07:52 AM
Wow! Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can post a picture of it for us? Then, let us know what type of enclosure he's in and what are you heating the enclosure with? Most of all, give us the temperatures, humidity percentage, and set up arrangement.

09-06-16, 06:31 AM
Hey guys.
So I just took a few photos of both the skin 'problems' I mentioned. The top left is the section of discoloured and flaky-looking scales, top right and bottom left are the small patches of red on his ventral scales and the bottom right is a patch of discoloured and rough scales. (Excuse my nails, I had picked off all my nail polish previously haha). The very last photo is the current set up; I just changed his substrate and replaced it for paper towels and I moved his bowl after I took the photo away from under the heat lamp. I know that both light bulbs are currently exposed and that is a big no-no, but I will be purchasing a new setup soon in which the lamps will be outside of the cage.

His current temps are:
Roughly 30C from 9am to 7pm, then roughly 25C from 7pm until 9am. This is the cooler side of his cage. His hotter side ranges from 32-33C during the day and 26-27C during the night. I currently don't have a hygrometer that works, as it broke not so long ago.

Thanks for all the help everyone. It's really appreciated.

Albert Clark
09-06-16, 11:52 AM
Are you using a thermostat, heat panel or heat mat? The ventral scales could be a early scale rot at worst. The dorsal scales look like something is there that can be wiped away? All speculation on my part. I hope it's something minor.

09-06-16, 02:31 PM
Almost seems like water blister damage, but i'm not sure.
Would need humidity levels, and do you spray the enclosure?

09-06-16, 04:37 PM
I use only a heat lamp, no underfloor heating systems.
I do use a thermostat which also controls the temps ensuring the tank doesn't get too hot or cold. And no, I can't wipe anything off his dorsal scales. It's literally just a patch of discoloured scales, no idea how it came to be but my best guess is a heat lamp burn imo. And the tank isn't very humid, I don't spray it at all - the only thing that could make it humid would be the water bowl being under the heat lamps, but still that shouldn't be humid enough to cause any water/humidity related problems.

09-06-16, 07:08 PM
often times the reddish discoloration on scales near ventral aspect/scutes is due to septicemia. prob should see a vet. could be nothing, but if a bacterial issue (like septicemia), then you gotta have the right meds.

09-07-16, 06:05 AM
I called my local Vet and they dont actually treat reptiles, so she's referred me to a specialist doctor like 20 minutes away. I will make an appointment for Saturday so hopefully this can get sorted out! Will let you guys know what the Vet says.
Thanks for all your help!

Albert Clark
09-07-16, 10:43 AM
often times the reddish discoloration on scales near ventral aspect/scutes is due to septicemia. prob should see a vet. could be nothing, but if a bacterial issue (like septicemia), then you gotta have the right meds.

Yep! Absolutely could be something worse than scale rot. Thank you for delving deeper. Definitely a exotic vet for the win win.

09-09-16, 07:17 AM
Hey everyone!
Great news. The vet said that the red patches on his scales were only slight abrasions, most likely from moving against a rough surface (such as the natural climbing branch in his cage or the previous substrate, which was quite course). And also, those rough patches on his scales are most likely nothing, but to be safe he's given me a chlorhex c solution to apply to his scales once daily just to kill off any bacteria or fungal infections that may occur. He also recommended me to bath him in a diluted solution of it plus warm water once to twice a week, just to be extra safe. I also grabbed a veterinary grade disinfectant to use when i clean out his cage. Poor baby was completely manhandled at the vet today :')

Thanks for all your help and support everyone! All his scale issues should clear up after the next shed, so Monty will look good as new!

Happy herping !

09-10-16, 03:46 AM
Give him a normal bath before you give him a bath with any diluted substances in it, so he can drink as much water as he wants before its 'contaminated'. I hope he clears up fast.