View Full Version : Gecko MIA

02-25-03, 08:35 AM
My golden gecko escaped last night. The latch on the new cage I built for him a few weeks ago came out somehow and the cage was an inch open this morning...and of course, no Wee.

I really want Wee back and I would be devastated if a cat or my dog got to him....

Does anyone have any ideas on how to catch him? Unless he crawls down to the floor and under the door he is pretty much contained to one room....but that room is full of snakes, lizards and mice and tons of supplies. I looked but its a joke, and I had no luck.

I am planning on using a flashlight late tonight to see if I can spot him but if anyone knows anything I could attract him with or whatever let me know. thank you


02-25-03, 09:49 AM

Sorry to hear about your gecko... When I was younger I had a house gecko that ALWAYS got out of his tank. Everytime he did, I would put a red lightbulb in my room, stay up late at night and wait for him to come out of hiding. Most times this worked, (with a lot of patience) and when it didn't I got a small "Critter Keeper" and put some crickets inside. The movement and chirping of the crickets (I thought) would attract a hungry gecko. I always ended up catching him several times (and he'd always get out). I even changed his name from "Spock" to "Houdini" Try these techniques and see if they work... good luck!

02-25-03, 09:50 AM
Thanks! I will try the cricket suggestion. I thought about the heat source thing as well but since I already have two 100 watt red bulbs in there and countless heat pads & tape, he will find plenty of sneaky places to wamr himself without having to rely on me. *L*

i hope I can find him


02-25-03, 10:20 AM
I'm sorry to hear that your gecko escaped... I really hope you find him...

Good luck

02-25-03, 01:35 PM
Dust the crickets so he gets it on the bottem of his feet and can't climb out.

02-25-03, 07:12 PM
?? I am not sure what you mean Rebecca. He is already out of his cage, so I am not sure how that would work. And I would think it would be extremely stressful to prevent him from being able to properly use his toe pads and climb.

thanks for the replies guys.

02-25-03, 11:19 PM
That method is great! I just got a mourning gecko back tonight (one of the two got out of the cage when it was time for crickets... :P) And I set up a lamp and a tiny cage with crickets in it... got him about an hour ago :)
Dan Conner

P.S. Rebecca means put a cage with crickets in it on the ground, and put lots of cricket dust in the cage, wtih the crickets, so he gets it on his feet, and they temporarily cant climb out, and will give you time to get him... Yeah!

02-25-03, 11:20 PM
It would only be TEMPORARILY, he gets it back in a few minutes...
Dan Conner

02-26-03, 12:23 AM
Oh I didn't understand what she was saying....

Well in any case I got him back tonight!!! He was just sitting up on the wall looking down at me when I went into the dark room a few hours after I shut the light off. 24 hours of freedom. LOL

thanks guys for the replies

02-26-03, 06:35 AM
Excellent! So glad to hear a happy ending.

02-26-03, 07:52 AM
LOL!! I just got the Subject of the post! Gecko .. MIA LOL! .. omg i am so stupid but right now i find this so funny!!!!


02-26-03, 08:52 AM
Woohoo!!! Glad to hear that you found your gecko! You must be pretty happy now :)

02-26-03, 10:12 AM
That's great! :D

02-26-03, 11:40 AM
I am totally happy. That little brat must have been just itching for a run around the room. If I thought he could get enough water Iwould probably let him live loose since the room never drops below 75 at night but alas he had to be caught instead. :)

Thanks everyone!


02-26-03, 11:50 AM
great news! glad to hear you got the gecko back -

One suggestion incase this happens in the future or for anyone reading this post and may have a gecko escape. Just to add to some of the other methods people suggested, in your case you had a room full of heat sources, try putting some calcium powder or other form of powder naer the heat sources.. when you can check you can then look for trails/tracks in the powder that way you can figure out what heat sources the gecko is frequenting and be able to set up a sting operation to find him/her ;)
just my two cents.

02-26-03, 12:03 PM
Well I didn't try that but at 8 pm last night I shut all lights off and stayed away from the room until around 12 i think it was...then just took a high powered flashlight and burst in and scanned the walls. lol

:) Marisa
Maybe Steve Irwin will hire me to hold his flashlight. ?

02-26-03, 08:16 PM
Good idea, Geck-co... Never thought of that one, gotta try that! (Will be losing some, don't you worry... anything remotely like house geckos are supposed to be mini-houdinis... lol)
Glad to see a good ending!
Dan Conner