View Full Version : Baby retics

dave himself
08-28-16, 05:40 AM
Well I did the ball/royal pythons last week so here's the retics this week :) the pics aren't the best as these were a bit more lively, I think it's karma for laughing at Lisa trying to take pics of Jenny anyway here goes

Motley het/albino male
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/DSC_0624.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/DSC_0624.jpg.html)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/DSC_0625.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/DSC_0625.jpg.html)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/DSC_0627.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/DSC_0627.jpg.html)

Lavender super dwarf
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/DSC_0632_1.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/DSC_0632_1.jpg.html)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/DSC_0633_2.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/DSC_0633_2.jpg.html)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/DSC_0637_1.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/DSC_0637_1.jpg.html)

Thanks for looking :)

08-28-16, 06:02 AM
Right, so.. ill take both pls :D

dave himself
08-28-16, 06:07 AM
Right, so.. ill take both pls :D

:D have a look at part 2 it worse :D

08-28-16, 09:18 AM
Beautiful! I am not a big albino fan but i never seen a Lavender Retic i didn't like. They are by far my favorite albinos.

dave himself
08-28-16, 09:23 AM
Beautiful! I am not a big albino fan but i never seen a Lavender Retic i didn't like. They are by far my favorite albinos.

I never really rated them as much until I saw one in the flesh, but now I'm a big fan of them to mate ;)

08-28-16, 10:02 AM
that third picture should have the caption, "what do you mean you ran out of rats? I'm starving here!" beautiful pattern on both.

08-28-16, 10:09 AM
Is it just me or do retics have a look to them that implies conscious intelligence? Such a look to them...

dave himself
08-28-16, 12:00 PM
that third picture should have the caption, "what do you mean you ran out of rats? I'm starving here!" beautiful pattern on both.

Thanks MandD and their always looking for food :D

dave himself
08-28-16, 12:46 PM
Is it just me or do retics have a look to them that implies conscious intelligence? Such a look to them...

Retics are the most switched on snakes I've personally ever worked with and I'd also add the most stubborn and inquisitive to that as well

08-28-16, 12:50 PM
The motley from this thread and the platty tiger from the other thread are probably my faves.

As far as "personality," the only other snake I have that could beat the awareness of my retic is my eastern garter, and possibly my checkered, but he usually hides away.

Serpent guru
08-28-16, 01:35 PM
Wow those are some good looking retics!! especially the motley I'm a big fan of those :)!

dave himself
08-28-16, 02:02 PM
The motley from this thread and the platty tiger from the other thread are probably my faves.

As far as "personality," the only other snake I have that could beat the awareness of my retic is my eastern garter, and possibly my checkered, but he usually hides away.

Good choices BSG and as far as garters go I've had next to no dealings with them hardly anyone over here keeps them and I don't know why there beautiful snakes :confused::confused:

dave himself
08-28-16, 02:04 PM
Wow those are some good looking retics!! especially the motley I'm a big fan of those :)!

Thanks mate and that motley is way better looking than what I could capture on the pics