View Full Version : Albino boa
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 09:51 PM
Hey whats up everyone I'm new to this forum so hopefully my pictures will show to show my buddy it's my male khal albino boa he's about 7foot eating on around 360g rats.
08-27-16, 09:54 PM
That is one beautiful boa! =D
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 09:59 PM
Thanks :).I'm working on a nice cage for him even tho he doesn't need it I'm building a 5foot long 3feet wide and 5 foot tall cage for.ill eventually poet some pictures of his new cage when it's done
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 10:02 PM
Thanks :) I'm working on building him a new cage even tho he doesn't need it but I want to build a cage that's gonna brighten up my room it's gonna be 5 foot long 3 feet wide and 5 foot tall.ill eventually poet some pictures when it's done
08-27-16, 10:15 PM
You sure he's 7'? Gorgeous boy, though, we don't see enough boa constrictors around these parts. :P
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 10:20 PM
Thanks pinkness :) and I'm almost positive he's about 7ft because I'm 6'1 and his shed is a decent bit longer then me.
08-27-16, 10:23 PM
That sounds like an epic enclosure for sure! Why do you want to go so big?
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 10:24 PM
Thanks minkness :) and yeah I'm pretty sure he's about that because I'm 6'1 and his shed is a decent bit longer then me.i all definitely be posting more of him.and the picture of with me in him he's stretched out pretty far behind me
Does it show yen's ur messages when u reply to someone because it won't for me and I've been sending more then one of almost the same message.well I recently got out of school for being a Carpenter and I love building stuff so I might as well build something crazy looking to make my room look cool and I'm sure he will enjoy it.i got some good ideas like making a couple shelf's as he gets higher with all kinds of branches.i want a big plastic tub to fit in the cage flush with the floor so it looks like it was ment to be there.i also want to build a draw hide kinda system like I'll have a nice hole drilled in the floor to where he can hide in the draw with a heat mat connecting to it.
And he's currently the only reptile/pet I have so I have alot of room to also thing about getting a retic soon
Are yens able to see what u reply when u post a thread because I have no idea if my messages are popping up that I'm posting sorry for the newbieness
Now it's working idk what I did wrong but thanks minkness :) and yeah I'm sure he's about 7 foot if not 7 foot because his shed is longer then me and I'm 6'1.the reason why I want to build him such a big cage is that I want something that makes my room looks like a part of a rain forest lol plus he's my only reptile/pet I have.when I build the 5*3*5 I want to put like two shelf's located in different spots so he can sit up high.with all kinds of branches and plants.i also had a good idea to have a draw built where I have a hole cut out in the base of the cage to where he can go into the draw.ill have a heat mat on it.and I went the plastic tub for his pool to sit flush with the floor so it looks more natural
But I have been wanting to get a new snake and was thinking of getting into the giants.ill still have room if I build that crazy cage if I do get a retic or a burn idk which one I want yet
08-27-16, 10:58 PM
You don't really get a notice. Just give it a minute to refresh to avoid the multiple posts. I'll work on trying to gwt these merged for you though.
Also, that sounds really awesome. I hope he uses the whole space!
08-27-16, 11:29 PM
Now it's working idk what I did wrong but thanks minkness :) and yeah I'm sure he's about 7 foot if not 7 foot because his shed is longer then me and I'm 6'1.the reason why I want to build him such a big cage is that I want something that makes my room looks like a part of a rain forest lol plus he's my only reptile/pet I have.when I build the 5*3*5 I want to put like two shelf's located in different spots so he can sit up high.with all kinds of branches and plants.i also had a good idea to have a draw built where I have a hole cut out in the base of the cage to where he can go into the draw.ill have a heat mat on it.and I went the plastic tub for his pool to sit flush with the floor so it looks more natural
Shed's aren't a reliable way to measure them. My 6.5' boa gives me 8.5' sheds on average. He once gave me an 8.5' shed when he was 4.5'-5'. On average, his sheds are ~30-40% longer than he is. Your boa is probably closer to 6' than 7', even accounting for the fact you're 6'+, he looks smaller than my 6.5' boy, or at least of similar size.
Also, I don't think a 5'x3' is all that big of a cage, 5' of height is a lot, but as long as you split it into different levels you should be fine.
08-27-16, 11:35 PM
5x3x2 would be larger than even average. So the 5x3x5 angle is pretty unheard of outside of some zoos.
I'm sure it will look awesome, I just hope that the snake uses the 5 feet of hight since most are ground dwellers anyway.
Can't wait to see the finished product though!
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 11:41 PM
Well he's about long as me and that's with him not being completely straight with him having some coils.but etheir way I'm not that worried if he's 2foot or 20foot as long as he's healthy. and I don't stretch out his shed's I let them dangle I thought that was always the most accurate way to see how long he is sense that just came off of him in one peice and no tears
Serpent guru
08-27-16, 11:43 PM
He seems like he likes climbing alot tho like when I let him out he will climb up my dressers and tv and my elk rack and just chill at the highest point he can.
08-27-16, 11:48 PM
Maybe because he's at what looks to be a proper weight and tone he is more likely to use his body than just hang out on the ground.
Looking forward to more pics of him!
So neat seeing someone with just 1 snake with the same passion as those of us
Also, Tsubaki is the person to go to about burms or retics. She's even got me interested and I have no space for one! Lol.
08-27-16, 11:53 PM
5x3x2 would be larger than even average. So the 5x3x5 angle is pretty unheard of outside of some zoos.
I'm sure it will look awesome, I just hope that the snake uses the 5 feet of hight since most are ground dwellers anyway.
Can't wait to see the finished product though!
5'x3' is fairly average, maybe not those exact dimensions, but 4'x2's and 6'x2's are the most common dimensions used for mature boas, so a 5'x3' is sorta in the middle. I personally like something a little bigger than a 4'x2' for my 6'+ boas. 5' of height is definitely way out there like you said! Even my 3' tall enclosures are above average. haha
Well he's about long as me and that's with him not being completely straight with him having some coils.but etheir way I'm not that worried if he's 2foot or 20foot as long as he's healthy. and I don't stretch out his shed's I let them dangle I thought that was always the most accurate way to see how long he is sense that just came off of him in one peice and no tears
Just the simple act of shedding stretches the skin, you don't even have to do anything to it for it to stretch.
That's a good mentality to have! Too many people are worried about getting their boas as big as possible as fast as possible, at the detriment of the snake's health. :/
08-27-16, 11:57 PM
Yeah, I am looking at doing either 5x2x2 or 6x2x2 for my small male hypo and my female hog island when she's full grown. Right now my big boy is in a 3x2x1 and it's a bit small for my preference so will be getting him his full size cage at some point early-mid next year. I was going to build it myself, but I lack the tume, energy, or knowledge, so I'm just gunna buy a premade PVC.
08-28-16, 12:03 AM
Building the cages isn't so bad, but when all you have to do is buy PVC and either not have to put it together or spend 15 mins screwing them together, it's hard to go homemade. haha
I am hoping to have 2-3 more cages by end of next year, since at the moment Tirel is really the only one even remotely close to large enough to take up any space in a 4'x2'. Sanji may be close behind, though, he's exploded in growth lately. After being on one size of mouse for 1.5 years he's gone up 3 sizes in the past 6 months.
I honestly think there's some gain to providing a little extra room, even if they sit in one place during the day, they will use it during the night. haha
Serpent guru
08-28-16, 12:11 AM
Thanks minkness that means alot I definitely have a very high interest in snakes always have.i definitely will contact that person whenever I figure out how to do it sense as u can tell I'm still getting a little used to this site haha.i have looked up a decent amount of stuff on them but it's always good to get some facts from a person that has I like having convos about snakes and reptiles in general
Serpent guru
08-28-16, 12:16 AM
I honestly thought about buying a PVC one which there very good cages by all means I mean alot of them are flame retardant.but imma carpenter so it would be pretty silly for me to buy one when I could make one in a day.but who do yen's get ur PVC cages from?
08-28-16, 02:03 AM
fantastic looking boa, I love albinos, I've got one similar in length to yours
08-28-16, 10:19 AM
beautiful boa. anxious to see more pictures of him.
08-28-16, 10:26 AM
I got mine off craigslist and have no idea of their maker, which sucks because I really like them! I may end up going with Animal Plastics though because they are cheap. Just not sure who I feel about putting them together since I don't really have a ton of time to do. Soooo, I may look at going with another maker buuuut....we'll see. I have other financial projects at the moment and more research to do lol.
I have way too many to have too large of an enclosure for any one snake. And I'm short, so I can only stack so high before it's too much of a hassle. XD
Serpent guru
08-28-16, 12:34 PM
Thanks richardhind and macandchz :) I definitely will be showing him off alot more in the future those two other pics are a little bit older with the one I posed in with him.those are the best pictures I had from him sense I got a new phone and didn't back up all my pictures on here.minkness how many snakes do u have and what kind are they Im pretty curious to see what everyone got lol!?
08-28-16, 12:37 PM
I honestly thought about buying a PVC one which there very good cages by all means I mean alot of them are flame retardant.but imma carpenter so it would be pretty silly for me to buy one when I could make one in a day.but who do yen's get ur PVC cages from?
I got my PVC enclosure from Animal Plastics, they'll even do a lot of custom sizes, so I'll probably end up getting a semi-permanent retic enclosure for River from them. I was able to put 2 4'x2's together in under 15 mins each, the only thing that takes time is allowing the sealant to cure, but you'd have to treat the wood in a homemade enclosure for the same amount of time.
Serpent guru
08-28-16, 12:52 PM
Ow waw I didn't know they did custom size cages and I always did hear nothing but good things from animal plastics.i can see u have a crap ton of snakes bigsnakegirl785 what's ur favorite species to work with?
08-28-16, 02:51 PM
Yes, I have emailed AP to see if they will do the 5x2x2 for me. If they do, I am thinking of getting 4 depending on price as I will be adding 2 active, semi aboreal snakes to my collection. They are just babes right now though so it may be that I make a few other orders first.
I generally hate putting things together thiugh, so other than the larger, custome sizes, I am thinking of going with boaphile for the 4 foot cages for my BPs.
I do like the option for dividers's all in the air right now haha.
To answer your question about what all I have....
3 BPs (trying to sell one though), 2 boas (an almost asult hypo mixed male and a baby pure hog island female), 5 western hognoses, an irian jaya carpet python, a spoted python, a cape gopher, 2 kings (male hypo brooks and a male 'MBK' of unknown origin), and a rough scaled sand boa. I also have 6 crested geckos, 2 gargoyle geckos, 5 leopard geckos, and a tiny house gecko I recently caught and may just release soon.
I have 2 other snakes on the way. 1 is a BP one is a surprise and may turn into a breeding pair if I'm lucky.
Then I also have it planned out to obtain 4 garters in the future from a forum member and possibly others.
My collection is always changing and growing as I really like all reptiles and not just one specific kind.
I also hope to add a breeding pair of red eyed crock skinks, breeding pair of abronia graminea, and an ackie monitor.
08-28-16, 03:04 PM
Beautiful snake! I'd check out Jay Gonzalez if you want a retic...I have two breed by him, one sold by him, and another from one of his friends lol
I know the surprise:p AP will do that size for sure. I just ordered a 5ft by 30in from them along with one of my 8ft retic cages. I hate my boaphiles....they are flimsy and bend too easily. I expect they will warp sooner rather than later. I'd go with ap they don't take that long to put together and the quality is much better than the boaphiles.
08-28-16, 03:31 PM
Haha, you do know the surprise! Keep your fingers crossed a female comes available with him though!
Also, I really appreciate your experience with both!
I am not terribly fond of the dual front door that AP has and prefer the single drop doen door of Boaphile. But if they are flimsy and otherwise not ao great, I guess I will have to overlook doors lol.
Besides, I'd like them all to match. I have 3 mystery enclosures now I love so they can fill in the 'holes' so to say lol.
Also, if AP does custom sizing, I wonder if they would do smaller caging as well. Been wanting front opening enclosure for my male leos and my male hoggies. All of which should be in a 10 gallon equivalent. But my female hoggies should be in 20 L sized enclosures.
Nothing works the brain like planning and bugeting wall to wall caging! Ahaha!
08-28-16, 09:58 PM
Ow waw I didn't know they did custom size cages and I always did hear nothing but good things from animal plastics.i can see u have a crap ton of snakes bigsnakegirl785 what's ur favorite species to work with?
Yup, debating between an 8'x4'x2' and an 8'x4'x3' for my retic until I can either build something larger or possibly convert a room if I could get someone experienced on that to help....If for some reason she stays 12' or smaller, maybe even 13', these could work for life, though.
Eh I don't have all that many, compared to many others in the hobby, within the actual herp community it's not uncommon for people to have 20-30+. haha
My favorite are by far the boa constrictors, I like their body build, feeding habits, and variety. They may grow slow, but that just makes it feel more rewarding when they do finally get big.
Also Minkness, AP has choices for both sliding and drop doors.
08-28-16, 10:50 PM
AP doesn't offer drop doors, just swing doors, and from the looks of it only on the sides.
Also, I have a very soft spot for boas since they were the snake that I first fell in love with many many maaaaany years ago. It feels amazing to finally have not one, but . However I don't know just yet that I will have more than 2 simply because I enjoy so many more other types and look forward to experiencing them.
Serpent guru
08-29-16, 08:05 PM
I'm really surprised boaphiles cages are like that I figure they would be amazing.because I bought a thermostat from him a while back that I still use for my boa and it works perfectly!!!!!!!I'm pretty jealous minkness haha that would be amazing working with all of the animals u have!!!!and bigsnakegirl785 and yeah even tho this is my only snake but I couldn't agree with u more my buddy which his name is sizzle never bit me and is always happy to come out and eats amazing.i named him that because when I was at a reptile show the first time I held him he hissed at me lol.and I just found his container he was in when I toke him home because my power went out last night and all today and got bored so I started looking around in my closet. he is actually het not good at all with boa morphs I know alot of them but I never heard of the morph blood.
08-29-16, 09:56 PM
Oh man....sizzle is a GREAT name for a snake! I may have to steal that lol.
Serpent guru
08-29-16, 11:32 PM
Haha go for it lol!I honestly had no idea what to call him when I got him lol but figured sizzle sounds like a hiss almost.
09-02-16, 11:46 AM
Yes, they do offer drop doors. I have 3 T25's with them. Just have to request them.
AP doesn't offer drop doors, just swing doors, and from the looks of it only on the sides.
Also, I have a very soft spot for boas since they were the snake that I first fell in love with many many maaaaany years ago. It feels amazing to finally have not one, but . However I don't know just yet that I will have more than 2 simply because I enjoy so many more other types and look forward to experiencing them.
09-02-16, 11:54 AM
Ooooh, thanks!
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