View Full Version : Hello from Arizona

08-13-16, 11:46 AM
Hello there!
My name is Joe, over the last two years my daughters and I have been getting into snake keeping.
A little about us;

I have been intrigued by snakes all my life however my mom was scared to death of them so the only ones I got to interact with as a kid were the wild rattlesnakes, night snakes, bull snakes and king snakes that roamed the desert where I grew up. When I got into high school I was lucky enough to find a girlfriend who (along with her parents) appreciated these creatures for what they are and we were able to build a pretty nice collection of exotics. The list included everything from Scrub pythons, GTP's, Amazon tree boas, Argentine boas, Suriname red tail boas, Burmese python and African house snakes. All were tame enough to handle and we took them to classes to educate kids about them and let them get close enough to snakes most people only see in zoos. Unfortunately careers and college got in the way and life moved on. The snakes all went to good homes and I got out of the hobby.
Fast forward 18 years (about 2 years ago). My daughters (6 and 8 at the time) decided they wanted pets other than our dogs. We went to pet shops and researched everything they were interested in. After looking at all of the options they decided on snakes (wife not happy but she cannot say no to her girls). The rest is history.

We started with a female albino spider ball python and since our collection has grown to a total of;

1.0 Albino Black Pastel Pinstripe ball python "Menolo"
0.1 Albino Spider ball python "Ginger"
0.1 Black Pastel het Albino ball python "Jasmine"

1.0 Woma python "Stitch"
0.1 Woma python "Milo"
0.1 Woma python "Millie"

The Womas are still little babies, the BP's will be breeding size this year.

We have future plans to add a pair of GTP's and possibly BHP's if funds permit and we can make the room for them. We are going to try breeding the Ball pythons. I have been teaching my girls about genetics and the possibilities of the parings we have. They are very excited to say the least. We also have homes for all potential babies through friends and a couple local mom and pop pet stores should we succeed.
I will try to post pictures as soon as I am allowed per forum rules. Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to read!

08-13-16, 12:07 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. You'll find yourself in the company of nice and helpful folks here. That's a great collection you and your daughter have. Share some pics when you get a chance.

dave himself
08-13-16, 12:11 PM
Hi and welcome :)

Albert Clark
08-13-16, 12:47 PM
Welcome! It's always nice to have other experienced keepers on board.

08-13-16, 02:09 PM
More Womas!
And welcome.

08-13-16, 02:37 PM
Thanks, people. I will post pictures as soon as the forum lets me. It is telling me I have to have 4 text posts before I can post pics.

08-14-16, 12:36 AM
Here are our BP's

08-14-16, 12:37 AM
Here are our Womas

08-14-16, 12:39 AM
My daughters decorated the small temporary enclosures. Once they are big enough I will build 3 more to stack on this rack system.

dave himself
08-14-16, 03:39 AM
Nice collection you and your family have there Joe :)

08-14-16, 09:58 AM
Thank you!

08-14-16, 07:04 PM
welcome to the forum

08-14-16, 07:36 PM
Very nice snakes. I've got Woma jealousy!

08-14-16, 08:40 PM
Very nice snakes. I've got Woma jealousy!

Thank you, we got them from a breeder in CA. I would say the name but I don't want to get in trouble for advertising. I have to confirm with the breeder but I think these are from the same parents that produced a pattern less a couple years ago.

I know quality is kind of up in the air with womas as everything is in the eye of the beholder and there is no way (unless you live in Australia) to breed for locality specific bloodlines. It is my understanding that all womas in the US are essentially muts. Either way, I think they are awesome and I would not be surprised that, as they become more available we will not see more of them considered as pets. They are gorgeous, inquisitive, good eaters, very easy to care for as far as husbandry goes and they are about as easy as it gets. Needless to say we are super stoked about these little guys.

Future plans involve a pair of aru specific GTP's , some BHP's and possibly a pair of Amazon basin emeralds. In order to pull that off we will need to build a snake room as the laundry room will be tapped out with what we already have.

08-15-16, 02:06 AM
Welcome :D