View Full Version : Please help.

08-12-16, 07:29 PM
My snake is around 3-4 years old, it's recently stopped feeding. I've just woken up at 2am to notice my snake upside down in its cage eating it's self. I've now got it out the cage and it's acting very strange. It cannot keep its self up. Keeps biting random things, squeaking (not hissing) it also keeps rolling over and opening its mouth :(. I've tried feeding. Checked temperature. Cage was recently cleaned etc...

Primal Rage
08-13-16, 03:07 AM
Neurological symptoms can be from a variety of factors. I would think that common sense would tell you that your animal needs to see a vet ASAP. Also, given the very limited info you provided what kind of answers or replies do you expect here?

08-13-16, 04:11 AM
Take the animal to a vet ASAP, this is nothing you yourself can do anything about.

Albert Clark
08-13-16, 05:31 AM
Yep! Emergency exotic vet visit. Period.

08-13-16, 09:19 AM
A few things can cause this that I know of and I am sure there's lots more.

-contact with or inhalation of harmful substances (cedar oils, vapona, bleach, etc.)
-heat stroke
-different types of cancer

As others said, time to go see a vet ASAP.

08-13-16, 09:58 AM
-contact with or inhalation of harmful substances (cedar oils, vapona, bleach, etc.)

First thought seeing that last line in OP's post.

08-14-16, 02:35 AM
What did you use to clean your snake's enclosure? First thought is chemical toxicity from a cleaning or disinfecting agent.

Please let us know how it worked out.

08-14-16, 03:47 AM
Manor vets in Birmingham are exotic specialists and have a branch in Edgebastion that you may be a ble to get too....

Sounds like neuro issues that can come from a number of things, but this isn't the time to guess what it could be.. Please let us know how you get in in the vets..... Good luck!!

08-14-16, 01:13 PM
What species is it?

And yes-vet, now...