View Full Version : Always Hidden and Tense

08-11-16, 08:54 AM
So I have a female lesser BP. She's still pretty small, probably about 100 grams (I need to get a current weight on her). Not sure in age tbh as I got her from a kid. She's normally a fair feeder when I heat the rat fuzzy up enough, but she ALWAYS is in her hide. She hates to leave it. The few times I caught her out, she immediately went back in. And when I say few times...I mean like...3... And if I pick up her hide to check on her because I haven't seen her a while, she's tightly balled up and super tense. She doesnt strike and if I take her out, she just does NOT relax. So I really try to leave her alone other than food, water, and spot cleaning.

I have had her for several months, temps are good, humidity is good, Ihave her in a tank in a far back corner so she is least disturbed. I am thinking of putting her in a tub since I would like to thinknof breeding in the future since I have my lovely banana mojave male. But to me, these animals are pets first and breeders last and right now she's not that great of a 'pet'.

Opinions and suggestions welcome.

08-11-16, 09:05 AM
You could try a tub see if she feels more comfortable in one, my dwarf boas have calmed down significantly since they moved into tubs (Besides the newest one, but he might still calm down eventually). They still are usually in their hide in the tub, they're just very comfortable hiding. But when i try to clean their water they don't immediately hiss and strike any more, and when they have to come out i have a good 5 minute time-frame before hell breaks loose :D

08-11-16, 09:26 AM
Haha. Yeah. Was thinking of putting her in a tub and trying it out, but it will only work while she's small. Also, she doesn't hiss or strike or do any of that nonsense. She just hides and never seems to relax. And if I handle her, she won't touch food for several days. X.x

08-11-16, 09:40 AM
She won't ever be a good pet for you. I can pretty much guarantee it. That snake prefers to simply live it's life in isolation. I personally wouldn't bother trying to "work with it". It doesn't strike or give you problems so forcing it to be handled would just bring undue stress to it.

I have had a few of those and left them alone. They do tend to become better as they get some size on them but still tend to be quite nervous and don't make great pets.

08-11-16, 10:17 AM
That....is super unfortunate =(
