View Full Version : Hibernating a lizard

08-10-16, 05:44 AM
My Timon lepidus needs a few weeks hibernation over winter. My Norman reptile room is too warm for this to happen so is there anything stopping me putting him into a temporary enclosure (say a suitably sized rub) and putting him somewhere much cooler?

What considerations are there if I do this?

08-10-16, 05:59 AM
He's not the biggest lizard. It might squash him and I'd get bored sitting in a shed for a few weeks...

08-10-16, 08:23 AM
Danny, do you have an unfinished basement or a cool room with stable temps? Access to a wine cooler? I know with snakes they have to be "empty" and that it's best to use a smaller sized covered up rubbermaid and just offer water to be changed weekly or so. I have brumated multiple snake species but I am not well versed in lizard brumation as it is something I have never had to do (I've really only kept cresties and anoles as far aslizards go). Hopefully someone with the proper knowledge and experience can expand on that and/or correct what I have mentioned in regards to the species.