View Full Version : Hello from California!

08-04-16, 01:58 PM
Hi guys. New to the site and excited to be here. Recently started working at an exotic veterinary clinic and have found I am falling more and more in love with reptiles of all sorts. Already caved in and got myself a beardie. X3 I do hope to continue to grow my family of animals (already got two chihuahuas, two Betta fish boys, and the new beardie with a pacman frog in the works) and I hope to learn more about the wonderful world of snakes. They truly are fascinating and I hope this place can help to educate not only myself, but my husband as well who is just a tiny bit leery of snakes. Lol!

08-05-16, 07:27 PM
Welcome to the Forum!

FORUM RULES (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules) :) :) :)

Can't wait to see some photos of your pets! I bet working at an exotic vet is interesting!

EL Ziggy
08-05-16, 07:44 PM
Welcome and best wishes.

08-05-16, 08:46 PM
Welcome... What part of California you from?

08-05-16, 11:15 PM
Welcome... What part of California you from?

Thank you everyone. I'll definitely try and get some pics of my babies up soon.

I'm from the Bay area, originally from Riverside county. Definitely miss SoCal for sure. :sad:

08-05-16, 11:24 PM
Recently started working at an exotic veterinary clinic

Welcome! I am envious :) I would love to work for an exotic vet...I am currently a CVT for a small animal clinic (cats and dogs and the occasional pocket pet, no rabbits or guinea pigs though)

I had 2 beardies, Sid and Nancy...Nancy passed away earlier this year and I had to rehome Sid when I had to escape a bad situation but he is living with my good friend and her daughter is IN LOVE! So I know he's in good hands :)

08-06-16, 10:23 AM
Welcome! I am envious :) I would love to work for an exotic vet...I am currently a CVT for a small animal clinic (cats and dogs and the occasional pocket pet, no rabbits or guinea pigs though)

I had 2 beardies, Sid and Nancy...Nancy passed away earlier this year and I had to rehome Sid when I had to escape a bad situation but he is living with my good friend and her daughter is IN LOVE! So I know he's in good hands :)

Working there is a blast! And my vet is so knowledgable about reptiles its awesome. X3 I'm envious of YOU. I wish I could get my damn certification already. DX

Aw, I'm sorry you had to rehome your babies. I was in that boat too with my cats and had to get them rehomed; hoping this doesn't happen again any time soon with all of my babies that I have now. I'll be so distraught. :(

Albert Clark
08-06-16, 10:28 AM
Welcome and best wishes! Can't wait to get back to NoCal. Monterey, Salinas Valley.

08-06-16, 06:46 PM
welcome1 it won't be long and you'll be teaching us with all the experience you'll be getting on that great job.

08-06-16, 06:54 PM
I wish I could get my damn certification already

I've heard from several people that California is one of THE hardest states to get licensed in...so you have my sympathies! I am currently looking into transferring my license over here to Montana after I get settled...shouldn't be too awful bad...famous last words lol.

08-06-16, 08:01 PM
I've heard from several people that California is one of THE hardest states to get licensed in...so you have my sympathies!

So I've heard, but I've been getting 75% and above the VTNE practice tests so I don't feel like its too hard. The only thing most folks get hung up on is the laws. I AM the law. B]

But seriously though, I'm not worried. Been getting ready for several months now and I won't be eligible for the test until next summer, so I'll be fine. XD

dave himself
08-07-16, 02:55 AM
Hi and welcome :)