08-03-16, 11:34 AM
Hello everyone, I'm a female from Huntsville, Alabama, and I just wanted to introduce myself and get some advice :)
First, let me say, I've always been fascinated with snakes! When I was little, I ruined the "S" encyclopedia from eating peanut butter sandwiches while repeatedly studying the snake pictures! hahaha So I harbor no bad feelings toward snakes despite having been bitten on Saturday!
I was weed-eating in a very grown up back part of my yard, and there were probably 4 foot tall weeds and lots of vines all around. When I got done, I scooped up huge armloads of weeds and just walked a few feet and tossed them over the fence. (Looking back, I guess that wasn't a good idea!) Apparently, I picked up a little pit viper in one pile and hugged it nice and close in the process! YIKES!!! SO anyway, I came in the house and suddenly I had this overwhelming taste of copper in my mouth and I started feeling sick. Then I noticed my chest was burning real bad and I just thought I had been stuck by a briar, but I found two bloody, dripping puncture wounds about 3/8" apart under my shirt. I'm a girl, so it was in a delicate place on my chest, or I would include a pic. Anyway, I still didn't realize I'd got a snake bite until the next day. (I've realized I must be pretty dense, so no comments on my stupidity please :)
Next day, I noticed the terrible bruising, (about 5" wide of nasty purple, blue and yellow mottled bruising around the 2 puncture wounds), and went to the doctor--exhausted, achy, sick to my stomach, excruciating headache. I could also feel the blood pumping in my left hand and arm when I was trying to sleep. The doctor confirmed it was a venomous snakebite, and she gave me antibiotics. Its been 4 days and the headache is finally going away, and the bruising isn't spreading anymore, so apparently I didn't get a huge dose of venom, which leads me to think it was a copperhead.
So, I need help trying to find the snake. I want to relocate him if I can do it safely. My dogs are out in this area sometimes, and its just too risky to have him this close to us. The place where this happened is fairly close to my swimming pool, where there is a nice food supply of frogs coming over for a swim. Also, the edge of the concrete around the pool has been a nice haven for black snakes and rat snakes in the past, and I usually just leave them alone and watch where I step :) But now if a copperhead has moved in, he has to go. Any advice on how to find him and catch him safely?
thanks, and sorry this is kinda long
First, let me say, I've always been fascinated with snakes! When I was little, I ruined the "S" encyclopedia from eating peanut butter sandwiches while repeatedly studying the snake pictures! hahaha So I harbor no bad feelings toward snakes despite having been bitten on Saturday!
I was weed-eating in a very grown up back part of my yard, and there were probably 4 foot tall weeds and lots of vines all around. When I got done, I scooped up huge armloads of weeds and just walked a few feet and tossed them over the fence. (Looking back, I guess that wasn't a good idea!) Apparently, I picked up a little pit viper in one pile and hugged it nice and close in the process! YIKES!!! SO anyway, I came in the house and suddenly I had this overwhelming taste of copper in my mouth and I started feeling sick. Then I noticed my chest was burning real bad and I just thought I had been stuck by a briar, but I found two bloody, dripping puncture wounds about 3/8" apart under my shirt. I'm a girl, so it was in a delicate place on my chest, or I would include a pic. Anyway, I still didn't realize I'd got a snake bite until the next day. (I've realized I must be pretty dense, so no comments on my stupidity please :)
Next day, I noticed the terrible bruising, (about 5" wide of nasty purple, blue and yellow mottled bruising around the 2 puncture wounds), and went to the doctor--exhausted, achy, sick to my stomach, excruciating headache. I could also feel the blood pumping in my left hand and arm when I was trying to sleep. The doctor confirmed it was a venomous snakebite, and she gave me antibiotics. Its been 4 days and the headache is finally going away, and the bruising isn't spreading anymore, so apparently I didn't get a huge dose of venom, which leads me to think it was a copperhead.
So, I need help trying to find the snake. I want to relocate him if I can do it safely. My dogs are out in this area sometimes, and its just too risky to have him this close to us. The place where this happened is fairly close to my swimming pool, where there is a nice food supply of frogs coming over for a swim. Also, the edge of the concrete around the pool has been a nice haven for black snakes and rat snakes in the past, and I usually just leave them alone and watch where I step :) But now if a copperhead has moved in, he has to go. Any advice on how to find him and catch him safely?
thanks, and sorry this is kinda long