View Full Version : The utlimate Big Snake Cage

02-24-03, 05:01 PM
This cage was donated to me to help house any large snake rescues that I get.





The builder of this cage thought of everything!

02-24-03, 05:02 PM
That looks pretty sharp! :)

02-24-03, 05:13 PM
yeah thats a really nice cage...whats going to go in it?

02-24-03, 05:39 PM
wow! nice pics! terrific cage!

Snake Lady
02-24-03, 05:42 PM
wow!! i love the cage!!

Lucie :)

02-24-03, 07:36 PM
That is the Ultimate Big Snake Cage. I wonder how much it would be if it was for sale. Which ever snake you're putting in there is a lucky one. Hope to see more pictures.


02-24-03, 07:43 PM
Just got a question for you, if someone wanted a customized snake tank, would the person who build that cage you got build other cages to sell? Im seriously thinking of going for a customized snake cage.

Thanks Paolo.

02-24-03, 07:59 PM
Impressive indeed,

I sure could use the plans for that beauty


02-25-03, 01:57 AM
i will make planes and post them i am usualy pretty good and making plase by looking at something i just ain't good a building them ...lol
all i need is the basic measurments


02-25-03, 06:34 AM
That is a really nice cage Snake!
Have you decided on whats going to go in there yet?

Paulo.... some places for custom cages...

I think that covers most of them :D

02-25-03, 07:17 AM
Thats one nice tank, what are the dimensions on it?

Here are a couple more:


Greg West
02-25-03, 08:14 AM
Thanks Edwin. Those other ones are good as well, buit shipping is a killer if you live in Canada.

the best cage design site if you had infinite amounts of money as the cages are really expensive is http://www.jworlds.net

02-26-03, 04:42 PM
the only afforable way to get a cage is to build one!

02-26-03, 05:08 PM
Not true.

Most of my cages are from www.herpcages.com

Doug Barr does a great job of building these. They are inexpensive and he doesn't rake you over the coals for shipping costs.

02-26-03, 05:12 PM
hmmm I will have to check it out I poped in but I am leaving work now so I will look when I get home....but I have searched and searched and searched and it hard to find good cages for a fair price..........specially when u can build them for next to nothging other than ur time!

02-26-03, 06:44 PM
You can build all the wood cages you want. I find it not worth the effort of building a wood cage. Too much is involved. Staingin sadning, sealing, painting, airing it out and redoing all that several times.

Easier for me to pick up the phone at get a nice cage delivered within a few days. Plus my wife don't have to hear me yelling and screaming everytime I screw up by making a cut too short or a joint doesn't fit together :-)

You can make these plastic cages yourself. There is another site online that sells pre-cut sheets and all you have to do is bond them together. It cost only a few dollars less though ($36 delivered for unassembled materials vs. $50 delivered for assembled cage), so to me it is still easier to order one.

02-26-03, 07:10 PM
Easier yes I agree....its a big pain in the arse to build but if you are wanting a custum cage.....I like to build myslef, and if you want to cut your costs over half its a whole lot cheaper to build!

I am working on a web page with alot of plans for designs if anyone has any they are willing to donate I will add them!

02-27-03, 10:52 AM
I think the build your own/versus buy depends on the size of the cage.
I am in the process of building my own 6x2x2 wood cage for my female BCI. I did a lot of research on cages and talked to a lot of people before making a decision. Here is what I came up with... for a large cage (bigger than 4x2x2) it is less expensive to build one. The cost of the cage plus shipping makes the plastics more expensive. That is if you have the tools and knowledge to do so. I already have the tools and a lot of supplies but I am still going to have to spend approx $180 to build the cage the way I want it. Now if I were willing to settle on a 4x2x2 or 4x18x2 for her I would have gone with a Barr or Boaphile for the cages because materials would have cost almost as much for the 4x2x2 as they did for the 6x2x2. Thats my .02 :)

02-27-03, 09:34 PM
well I have been pricing sweat tanks as in shoe box stands and most sites I have found that have the sizes that I am looking for want around 1000-3000 for them......I can build the same exact thing for around 150-300 depending on what material I go with thats what I am talking about!

Once I get the plans down to where I liike them I will offer them for sale on my site for alot less than others prices that people can afford, I will also offer the plans for free!

02-28-03, 09:27 AM
Very cool cage!