View Full Version : Big snakes & little dogs
Ok you guy’s out there with the big snakes and the little dogs! Let’s hear your secrets… Please!
I know this is a ways down the road form me but I can’t help thinking about it. I keep seeing craigslist ads. SNAKE TO GOOD HOME. Puppy dog trained… So here are some of my thoughts on the subject…
#1 Pet my dog before I hold George so George will not associate the smell with food???
#2 let George smell my dog’s butt and visa versa??? Ha Ha No,no seriously any ideas on this subject would be much appreciated.
07-17-16, 12:09 PM
For me the only good way is to never let your dog near the snake and vice versa. Even the calmest snake someday can decide that this furry thing can be a good meal and attack the dog.
I personally am having medium-sized dog (around the size of labradors) and rather small snakes that will be no longer than 6ft, yet I'm still not letting them near each other to avoid unnecessary attacks on both dog and snakes parts.
Ian of Oldham
07-17-16, 12:09 PM
Just wash your hands after petting the dog. and O yes don't let then near each other that is alway a good one
2 Royals 1 Corn 1 boa and now a new rescue 1 Carpet. and a mad Cat
dave himself
07-17-16, 12:12 PM
We have have a small dog a Japanese spitz we just never let her anywhere near the snakes and since the snakes aren't being fed dogs they never associate her scent on us with food. She actually smaller than most of the rabbits we feed, hope this helps
07-17-16, 12:32 PM
I don't have large snakes or tiny dogs but I do have a cat who could technically be a danger to the snakes. General rule of thumb is wash your hands before doing anything reptile related which is a good habit anyway. Keep them separate, I bought my first snake a BP because he isn't a fast mover so if he got away from me it won't trigger a chase instinct. Instead the slow moving confuses and scares her but generally she isn't interested. She snuck up on me once when I had him out. She just sniffed him and sat down.
07-17-16, 01:12 PM
i never let my beagle around mac. it's better to be safe than sorry. you never know how either one of them will react.
07-17-16, 01:51 PM
I usually don't let the dogs near the snakes. But my dobie snuck up on me and was sniffing at Treasures face behind my back. (Treasure is about 4 feet boa), and right as I looked over my shoulder and was about to order the dog out, Treasure bit him on the nose....the puppy hasn't sniffed a snake since. Lol.
07-17-16, 01:58 PM
Always keep snakes and dog/cats separate, as well as any other predatory animal like ferrets, and prey animals. Never ever let your snake in contact with your other pets. Lock the pets out, take the snake out, but there should not be a way for a dog/cat/etc. to get to your snake. Other snakes, maybe, but there are still precautions when doing that. I wouldn't even trust one of my snakes out with a lizard tbh.
All of our pets are inherently "wild." Even the best trained dog will give in to instinct if it becomes afraid or wants to hunt, and even if cats aren't interested in the snake, give them one reason and they will be.
And make sure you wash as has been stated.
I have washed my hands until their chapped... Yea this is how I was thinking; they could care less about each other at the moment and maybe I should keep it that way...
dave himself
07-17-16, 08:51 PM
I'm not looking to cause an arguments but but I've never washed my hands after playing with my dog and I've never had a feeding response bite from any of my snakes :confused:
Apart from the one time I stuck my hand into Wilson,s viv without tapping him to lift out his water bowl :(
Any possible disease that the dog may carry would not be transmissable to your snakes. Furthermore, as you said, snakes don't recognize/identify dogs as food, specifically captive well fed snakes. Perhaps a starved giant in the wild may prey on a dog, but other than that, you and your canine friends are pretty safe.
I don't wash my hands if I pet the dogs/cat before I pick up one of my snakes. Never had a problem. As for the dogs and or cat intermingling with the snakes, nope. My little dog would kill a snake in a second. She has killed wild snakes in my yard along with other wild critters. So no, my snakes are never around my dogs and cat.
Now if I had held a rodent heck yea I'll wash my hands :) But as for the smell of dogs or cats the snakes don't associate the smell with food. At least mine dont.
EL Ziggy
07-19-16, 10:33 AM
My snakes and cat have minimal interactions. I've seen videos of coastal carpets eating cats and just wouldn't take that chance. I'm getting a puppy soon that will grow into a large dog and wouldn't want the dog to attack the snake either. Better safe than sorry.
Yea I think this is best, being nature enemies and all... My dog was going to try and jump up into my lap last night, when I was holding Fred... It was like he was oblivious to the fact he was in my lap... I push him away with my feet... I don't think he understands, poor little guy. He doesn't know it's for his on good... Oh well.
Ian of Oldham
07-19-16, 11:51 AM
Yea I think this is best, being nature enemies and all... My dog was going to try and jump up into my lap last night, when I was holding Fred... It was like he was oblivious to the fact he was in my lap... I push him away with my feet... I don't think he understands, poor little guy. He doesn't know it's for his on good... Oh well.
Dont understand y you have the dog and a snake out in the same room.
2 Royals 1 Corn 1 Boa 1 Carpet and a mad Cat.
Dont understand y you have the dog and a snake out in the same room.
2 Royals 1 Corn 1 Boa 1 Carpet and a mad Cat.
That's the only real way to train them to be calm around the snakes. Nobody should have to stop their dog from jumping on them while holding a does take some work but if done correctly there is no risk. Just have to set boundaries with the dog. Saying that...the prey instinct in some dogs is very strong and it may not be possible in all cases.
Dont understand y you have the dog and a snake out in the same room.
2 Royals 1 Corn 1 Boa 1 Carpet and a mad Cat.
My snakes have their own room, but I had him out to install his new hide and I had brought him out to the living room to show him to my sister-in-law... I went to sit down and my dog did not see him and started to jump into my lap, So I push him away and told him to go to bed; which he did... So Ya! they were in the same room...
Ian of Oldham
07-19-16, 01:41 PM
I have a Cat and when i get snakes out he is told snake out and then he goes into the bedroom, I do not have to take him as he know the routine. any cat, dog or snake can turn
in a second as they still have the hunt instinct.
2 Royals 1 Corn 1 Boa 1 Carpet and a mad Cat
07-19-16, 09:21 PM
That's the only real way to train them to be calm around the snakes. Nobody should have to stop their dog from jumping on them while holding a does take some work but if done correctly there is no risk. Just have to set boundaries with the dog. Saying that...the prey instinct in some dogs is very strong and it may not be possible in all cases.
They shouldn't even be allowed to have that option. If the dog can't get to the snake, there's no reason to train them not to get in your lap. You have the snake out, lock the other pets out or lock them in a room, it's not that hard.
They shouldn't even be allowed to have that option. If the dog can't get to the snake, there's no reason to train them not to get in your lap. You have the snake out, lock the other pets out or lock them in a room, it's not that hard.
I stand corrected. I guess the few dogs that alInhave seen that know better are a rarity. Screw trying to train your pet. Just lock em up. It's just that easy. :rolleyes:
07-19-16, 09:30 PM
I stand corrected. Screw trying to train your pet. Just lock em up. It's just that easy. :rolleyes:
You're having your snake out for what....15-30 minutes? You're telling me a cat/dog can't stand to be denied access to a room for that short amount of time? I keep my cat locked out of my snake room 24/7 unless it's a really hot day and I need to let the A/C in.
The safety and life of an animal is more important the small amount of discomfort an animal may feel. Dogs are often crate-trained, and when done properly, they can enjoy that time. Train the dog correctly and I don't see why locking it out of a room or in a room is so detrimental.
If were to lock up my dog he would bark until I let him out... better to tell him to go to bed, then he goes and lays down in his crate... Just saying!
dave himself
07-20-16, 06:57 AM
They shouldn't even be allowed to have that option. If the dog can't get to the snake, there's no reason to train them not to get in your lap. You have the snake out, lock the other pets out or lock them in a room, it's not that hard.
This is the only option available and here's the reason why in my opinion. I need the dog safe so I can give all my attention to the 14ft python I just lifted out of its viv and is now preceding to wreck my living room :D
07-20-16, 09:12 AM
Just don't allow them to interact ever, very simple. I don't care how much training you do if you let your small dog and retic interact you will end up with just a fat retic and no dog.
Ian of Oldham
07-20-16, 04:47 PM
This is the only option available and here's the reason why in my opinion. I need the dog safe so I can give all my attention to the 14ft python I just lifted out of its viv and is now preceding to wreck my living room :D
if you are worried about the living room then maybe you should not have the snake, remember that you picked the snake and he did not pick you
0.1.1 Royals 1.0 Corn 1.0 Boa 1.0 Carpet, O and a mad Cat., you cannot be posh and have animals.
dave himself
07-20-16, 09:02 PM
if you are worried about the living room then maybe you should not have the snake, remember that you picked the snake and he did not pick you
0.1.1 Royals 1.0 Corn 1.0 Boa 1.0 Carpet, O and a mad Cat., you cannot be posh and have animals.
I think your a bit quick to judge me mate considering the post I made was just having a laugh. Did you look at anything else I posted or had a look to see how long I've had large pythons wrecking my living room or how many others I'd picked to give them a helping hand ;)
07-22-16, 01:30 AM
Daves no newbie in the giant world
dave himself
07-22-16, 07:24 AM
Daves no newbie in the giant world
Thanks mate and Ian just made a mistake, if I had a penny for every time I made one those I'd be a freakin million. In fact if you were to ask Lisa I a bit of a walking disaster :D
07-22-16, 11:11 AM
Aren't we all mate
Ian of Oldham
07-22-16, 02:11 PM
Thanks mate and Ian just made a mistake, if I had a penny for every time I made one those I'd be a freakin million. In fact if you were to ask Lisa I a bit of a walking disaster :D
May be just may be I did not see the fun that you was putting in and I need to apologize over that, so I send my apologies.
0.1.1 Royals 1.0 Corn 1.0 Boa 1.0 Carpet and a mad Cat
dave himself
07-22-16, 03:19 PM
May be just may be I did not see the fun that you was putting in and I need to apologize over that, so I send my apologies.
0.1.1 Royals 1.0 Corn 1.0 Boa 1.0 Carpet and a mad Cat
Mate there's absolutely no need for an apology just forget about it, i have ;)
Ian of Oldham
07-23-16, 12:39 AM
0.1.1 Royals 1.0 Corn 1.0 Boa 1.0 Carpet. and a mad Cat
07-23-16, 10:20 AM
I have a couple of large boa's, and a yearling retic that is growing... Along with a tiny 3.8kg dog. My dog is ordered to her bed for the boa's as they stay on me or in my hands. On the other hand when my retic is due to come out, she's put out of the room completely.
It's not about the smell setting the snakes off, any sort of fast movement can cause a feed response.. More so in the retics case, and even though the retic is small still I've started this routine now to save issues down the line.
07-23-16, 10:22 AM
I also have an ackie monitor that the dog is fascinated by, however I know that fascination could turn in a second as she's half terrier.
When I get my snake room done, they will never see each other... Once the room is snake proof, I will let my guys wonder the room, one at a time, to get some exercise... My dog has never been allowed in there anyway... I just shouldn't bring them into the living room to show them off... No sense testing fate... I would hate for my little dog to lose an eye or something... It's not like anybody I know really wants to see my snakes anyway! and isn't that sad... boo hoo :sad:
dave himself
07-23-16, 11:59 AM
When I get my snake room done, they will never see each other... Once the room is snake proof, I will let my guys wonder the room, one at a time, to get some exercise... My dog has never been allowed in there anyway... I just shouldn't bring them into the living room to show them off... No sense testing fate... I would hate for my little dog to lose an eye or something... It's not like anybody I know really wants to see my snakes anyway! and isn't that sad... boo hoo :sad:
A very wise decision my friend :). And just you wait until George is around 10ft you'll have lots of people wanting to see him, there's something about big snakes that fascinates people ;)
07-23-16, 02:31 PM
You nailed it on the head in an earlier post Dave. When you've got a snake 10ft plus out you don't want any distractions or anything that might cause an adverse reaction.
Scares me how many people get lackadaisical when it comes to the basics of handling the giants.
07-24-16, 12:43 PM
I don't understand the people that get complacent with giants. Even at 10 feet the command alot of respect. Honestly the Giants are harder to work with than hots in my opinion.
dave himself
07-24-16, 02:17 PM
You folks have gave me an idea for what could be an interesting topic thanks :)
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