View Full Version : Movin on up!
EL Ziggy
07-14-16, 08:26 PM
All the carpets are growing well and moving on to the next prey size.
Chomper @ 1150g (
Shredder @ 800g (
S'ven @ 210g (
Trinity @ 405g (
Albert Clark
07-14-16, 08:53 PM
Nice! Way to go EL. They all look amazing.
07-14-16, 09:14 PM
Very nice. Every time I see Shredder.... I'm impressed. Who produced him?
EL Ziggy
07-14-16, 10:08 PM
Thanks guys.
@ Phassin- Nick Mutton at Inland Reptile produced Shredder and two of my other carpets with Trinity being the exception.
Ian of Oldham
07-14-16, 11:01 PM
Great pic love your Carpet.
2 Royals 1 Corn 1 Boa and a mad Cat
Very nice carpets and all are growing like crazy. Shredder appears to have the genetics to become a very large and beautiful jungle.
07-15-16, 03:43 AM
Thanks guys.
@ Phassin- Nick Mutton at Inland Reptile produced Shredder and two of my other carpets with Trinity being the exception.
Ah yea that makes sense. I was planning my next carpet to be purchased from him as well.
Nice :) Is Shredder really that yellow or is the camera playing tricks? Either way beautiful!
Shredder is a really nice specimen! Great pics.
dave himself
07-15-16, 09:22 AM
Beautiful carpets Ziggy how's they're temperaments, all the ones we've had in the shop have been a bit nippy although they've been hatchlings or sub-adults
EL Ziggy
07-15-16, 10:14 AM
Beautiful carpets Ziggy how's they're temperaments, all the ones we've had in the shop have been a bit nippy although they've been hatchlings or sub-adults
Thanks Dave. All of my carpets are really sweet. My male jungle (Shredder) is always primed for food so I have to be aware of that when I open his cage but once he sees there's no food coming he mellows out right away. I'd read heard carpets, especially jungles, were known to be a bit bitey when they're young but I was pleasantly disappointed :). My Bredli, who's supposed to be the most docile of the carpets, was a little nippy as a hatchling but he's gotten over it.
07-15-16, 11:40 AM
As always El, awesome looking snakes. I love all your your carpets but think I'm partial to Sven!
07-15-16, 11:56 AM
Lovely! Chomper is my favourite. I'd love a coastal.
EL Ziggy
07-15-16, 12:46 PM
As always El, awesome looking snakes. I love all your your carpets but think I'm partial to Sven!
Thanks Humble- S'ven is the smallest of the crew now and he seems to be growing slower than the rest of the carpets but I'm really looking forward to seeing him mature. In the end he'll probably be one of my larger critters.
Lovely! Chomper is my favourite. I'd love a coastal.
Thanks John- Chomper's actually my favorite carpet too. I was originally all about the jungles but I love me some coastals now.
07-15-16, 12:59 PM
Looking great Ziggy :) really jealous of that bredli lol
EL Ziggy
07-15-16, 01:22 PM
Nice :) Is Shredder really that yellow or is the camera playing tricks? Either way beautiful!
Pogie- That picture was without flash so that's a pretty good reflection of his colors. He's just about to turn one in a couple of weeks so he's got a ways to go yet before he reaches his optimal coloring. I'm really pleased with him so far though. :)
Very VERY nice!! It's hard to tell just going by photos. That is one pretty snake :)
07-15-16, 04:54 PM
Looking great E-Z!
07-15-16, 11:55 PM
Growing quickly and looking great, can't ask for more, lol. How do you determine it's time to move up the feeder size? I was feeding Bogey a couple large adult mice weekly until he got loose and cleaned out a tub full of breeders. He's been on medium rats for a month now. Rivers is taking weaned mice, those leave a visible bulge but aren't much bigger around than her middle.
EL Ziggy
07-16-16, 07:39 AM
Growing quickly and looking great, can't ask for more, lol. How do you determine it's time to move up the feeder size? I was feeding Bogey a couple large adult mice weekly until he got loose and cleaned out a tub full of breeders. He's been on medium rats for a month now. Rivers is taking weaned mice, those leave a visible bulge but aren't much bigger around than her middle.
Thanks TnB. I increase prey size based on the snake's weight and girth. I'm sure you know carpets can take pretty large meals but I usually give mine meals that just leave a modest bulge. My coastal weighed 1222g (empty) yesterday. He's been on medium rats for about a month. His last meal was a medium rat and a chick. That was about 156g total. He'll get a large in the next few weeks. They're about 180-200g each on the small end. My 800g jungle ate a 105g medium rat for his last meal. That was his first medium. I'll keep him on mediums and my 425g jungle female will move up from weaned rats to smalls. The Bredli weighed 218g (empty) yesterday. He's been on rat pups for a good while now. I've got a few more of those to finish off and he'll be on weaners. I placed a feeder order yesterday with all the larger sizes they'll need. I'm not planning on feeding any of my snakes anything bigger than a large rat but the coastal and bredli may eventually need jumbo rats or small rabbits.
07-16-16, 07:58 AM
Looking good Zig, can't wait for mine to grow up like that.
EL Ziggy
07-16-16, 08:58 AM
Looking good Zig, can't wait for mine to grow up like that.
It won't take long Blaze ;). My coastal was 85g when he arrived on 9/2/15. He's 1222g as of yesterday. My male jungle was 31g when he arrived on 9/22/15 and he's over 800g now.
07-16-16, 09:02 AM
they are really looking good. good care=good snakes.
07-16-16, 09:05 AM
It won't take long Blaze ;). My coastal was 85g when he arrived on 9/2/15. He's 1222g as of yesterday. My male jungle was 31g when he arrived on 9/22/15 and he's over 800g now.
Nice, I'm going to try and get a weight when I finally hold her.
07-16-16, 10:35 AM
+1 To Shredder beautiful carpet
Ian of Oldham
07-16-16, 11:44 AM
Well she looks like no need to get her weight pics look fab.
2 Royals 1Corn 1 Boa and a mad Cat.
07-18-16, 03:49 PM
Wow, looking awesome my friend! Awesome job! :)
EL Ziggy
07-18-16, 04:21 PM
Steve! How are you buddy? My girlfriend was asking about you this past weekend. I told her I hadn't seen you on the forum in a few and needed to give you a call :). It's great to see you pop in. How's everything with you and yours?
07-18-16, 05:44 PM
Steve! How are you buddy? My girlfriend was asking about you this past weekend. I told her I hadn't seen you on the forum in a few and needed to give you a call :). It's great to see you pop in. How's everything with you and yours?
Hey bud! Going well here! Darth is @2921 grams! Medusa is 1924g! Yeah been away for a bit, but not gone.:)
EL Ziggy
07-18-16, 05:57 PM
Hey bud! Going well here! Darth is @2921 grams! Medusa is 1924g! Yeah been away for a bit, but not gone.:)
Wow! What are you feeding those monsters these days? She-ra is about 2500g and SF is about 900g. I'm feeding them every 10-14 days. You gotta throw up some pics (please) :).
07-18-16, 07:27 PM
Wow! What are you feeding those monsters these days? She-ra is about 2500g and SF is about 900g. I'm feeding them every 10-14 days. You gotta throw up some pics (please) :).
Wow, yours are doing well! I will try to get some pics up soon. 2 of mine are in shed.
Hey ziggy. Noce to see an update on your snakes. They look great. Personally I think thats a bit too fast to grow them, but they do look great.
EL Ziggy
07-26-16, 09:44 AM
Hey ziggy. Noce to see an update on your snakes. They look great. Personally I think thats a bit too fast to grow them, but they do look great.
Thanks Frank. I probably feed my snakes a little more liberally than some for their first 2 years but I don't believe in power feeding at all. My coastal and jungles are currently eating every 7 days on average and the Bredli eats every 5-7 days on average. What do your carpets usually weigh at their 1 & 2 year marks?
Hey zig. Sorry man. Been at work alot. I honestly couldn't tell you weights, i do not have a scale that can work for my snakes. I can tell you it takes me 4 or 5 yrs to get a female to breeding size and a male 3ish. None of my snakes are ever "skinny" looking, they are just take longer to reach full size.
Personally I feel 5-7 days is kind of "power feeding." I am not calling you out or anything, I know you take fantastic care of your animals and put alot of thought into your work. I just have a new opinion on the matter after spending alot of time researching. I want my carpets to live 20+ yrs and to breed healthy etc. I feel like many of the leading breeders and hobbyists in our field have adjusted the way they feed.
Sorry- guess I should explain why I feel that is power feedong. On a 5 day schedule your snake is spending way more than 50% of its life just digesting. That is conservative. I offer multiple temp gradients (up to around 92* sometimes higher on a particular perch) and I try to create multiple humidity gradients. My juvenile carpets will camp on that 92* spot and it still takes over a week for a full bowel movement. My adult is much more active, but she will even take more than a week to fully dump her meal. I notice the same behaviors in regards to food- its cyclical. Eat-digest-relax- perch for ambush- then general activity and foraging. If I wait too long on the active stage the pacing and perching seems a bit frantic lol. Also, ill have a difficult time getting the rat in without the snake coming out for it. All this rambling to say. I wait until my snake is somewhere in the active phase, however long that may be. I realize nobody's setup is exactly the same and what works for a particular animal or group of animals may not work for everyone, but I am very happy with the regiment. My snakes are solid and healthy. Active, great display animals.
EL Ziggy
07-30-16, 09:48 PM
I'm always interested in learning Frank as I definitely don't have all the answers. I like to hear different keeping and feeding methods. How much and how often do you feed your carpets? My regiment has been every 5 days until they turn one, every 7-10 days until they turn two, and every 10-14 days thereafter. They usually eat 10-15% of their body weight per feeding. Would you adjust the feeding amount, frequency, or both? All of my carpets are under two except my coastal who just turned two but I got him as a yearling. He was a bit undersized when I got him but he's grown fast. I usually wait until after they've evacuated their last meal and they begin 'hunting' before feeding them again. The coastal gets really active and the other carpets just perch and S-pose when they're ready to eat. I don't have any breeding plans so all of my snakes are just pets but you're right I want to give them the best care possible. Any helpful hints are appreciated.
Im not a biologist or an expert, so instead of trying to reiterate what I am learning I'll point you towards the sources. I'll pm you in the AM with some links etc.
Im not a biologist or an expert, so instead of trying to reiterate what I am learning I'll point you towards the sources. I'll pm you in the AM with some links etc.
Hey my friend... Would you send me those links also? Thanks in advance...
HNR: Over Feeding | The Reptile Report (
Here is a page with links to 4 different interviews mostly about feeding. After listening to these I usually research the person being interviewed and his work directly. Its just interesting to learn about.
dave himself
08-01-16, 12:02 PM
Thanks Dave. All of my carpets are really sweet. My male jungle (Shredder) is always primed for food so I have to be aware of that when I open his cage but once he sees there's no food coming he mellows out right away. I'd read heard carpets, especially jungles, were known to be a bit bitey when they're young but I was pleasantly disappointed :). My Bredli, who's supposed to be the most docile of the carpets, was a little nippy as a hatchling but he's gotten over it.
Thanks for the info Ziggy I forgot I asked you about these lol we don't get to many carpets in the shop so my knowledge on them is pitiful lol
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