View Full Version : Billys new home

Ian of Oldham
07-12-16, 01:31 AM
Billy was in blue and just shed, so after he shed he then flitted to his new home and had dinner, then he had a good look around and went to bed, Night ,Night billy

07-12-16, 03:43 AM
Cool little snake and nice setup, I remember my first snake many years ago which was a corn just like this one... Wish I'd kept him tbh :)

07-12-16, 08:11 AM
billy is a very sweet boy. that looks like a very big dinner for little billy!

Ian of Oldham
07-12-16, 08:51 AM
He take them very easy, I put him on fuzzies but it just dose not fill him, but two fuzzies to to much for him so small mice is the order of the day.

Ian of Oldham
07-12-16, 08:53 AM
Cool little snake and nice setup, I remember my first snake many years ago which was a corn just like this one... Wish I'd kept him tbh :)

I have 2 royals 1 corn and 1 boa. billy was my first and he is fab, so laid back the viv is four high and still under construction.
Billy is in the bottom Betty is in number two Bonzo will be in three and Bubbles will be in the top has she will be the biggest, the top one is double the size of the others.

dave himself
07-12-16, 09:58 AM
Billy,s a good looking corn mate, we had one just like him and a female to, but we gave them to an open farm to make way for our bigger vivs :(

07-12-16, 01:08 PM
Gotta love the corns, full of character lol... My one was evil as sin but still loved the little guy! Haha

Ian of Oldham
07-12-16, 01:16 PM
Gotta love the corns, full of character lol... My one was evil as sin but still loved the little guy! Haha

My local Rescue has one that hate people but does calm down if you can get him before he gets you good fun who will win