View Full Version : Norther Brown crisis.

07-09-16, 12:03 PM
We recently took in what we thought was a Garter. After some research and common sense as to he/she not looking the way usual garters do... we realized we have ourselves a Northern Brown! Now, we know nothing about northern browns. And our problem is....

Weve had him/her for 3 days now without eating. It shed today, which gave me some relief to the eating issue. Next I googled the best bedding for our little one (approx. 8-9inches).. and the people of the internet said cypress or coir...And as of today there is newspaper. I was told newspaper is possibly the worse to use for Browns!

How do I change the bedding just after shedding/still getting used to its new home? If even possible?

07-09-16, 10:32 PM
I'm not sure what you're asking? What do you mean how do you change the bedding? You take the snake out, throw away the paper, and dump in the new bedding. Since browns love to bury themselves, I'd make it an inch or two deep.

Browns are not suitable pets because they have a highly specialized diet that opens them up to parasites, and they don't really thrive in captivity. They eat almost exclusively earthworms, snails, and slugs. They do not eat mammals whatsoever, so don't try to convert it.