View Full Version : My Retic is a Genius!

07-07-16, 02:37 PM
She is 1.5 years old and has figured out how to escape a rack system, a traditional glass terrarium with clips and all kinds of heavy things on top, and now she has figured out in less than a day how the sliding doors on her new Vision cage works. For goodness snakes, I'm so glad I got the optional lock for it! She doesn't understand yet why I can open the sliding doors and she can't but she's been obsessively trying to open them and studying the cage.

My boyfriend and I joke that we should send her to school to become an engineer.

What I really don't get is why she is always trying to escape. She's well fed, her cage is appropriately sized, temps are good, and she has two hides. I just don't get it! She craves freedom!

07-07-16, 02:41 PM
Retics are just like that from what I can tell. Luckily, my girl isn't an escape artist, but she's always on the move, looking around and checking things out. From what I hear, SDs are also a tad bit more on edge than mainlands, so her escape artist tendencies may just manifest from a need to expend energy. Retics have an insane amount of energy, they're like Energizer bunnies. lol Mine will tire herself out so much that she'll be huffing and puffing and have to sit still to catch her breath, and before her breathing even evens out, she's back to her antics, stopping and starting and huffing all the while.

07-07-16, 02:49 PM
I should start taking her out on walks. XD

I did buy her a dog puzzle and I'm going to fill it with thawed mice and see if she can figure it out how to get the mouse treats from the puzzle (lift a flap). I'm amazed at her ability to understand how things work. My other retic isn't nearly as smart.

07-07-16, 02:50 PM
lol that's just in a retics nature to be like that, all mine are the same way

07-07-16, 03:04 PM
PSychoSnake, she sound like amazing snake to have! <3 If she'll manage to solve the puzzle, please, make a video of her doing that!

07-16-16, 08:54 PM
Mine is really mellow; never even tries to escape... but he will fight me after holding him and is time to go back...

Now this is all my JCP thinks about... As soon as the light go out at night he goes into escape mode... go figure!

How long is your retic? Mine is about the same age as yours but he is only about 4 and half feet now... I want him to stay small as possible... His father was only 10 feet....

Ian of Oldham
07-17-16, 12:05 AM
Give him more time out and play that may help to settle down or he may want more.

2 Royals 1Corn 1 Boa and a mad Cat

07-17-16, 01:22 PM
she's just the adventurous type. love to see a video of her escape antics!

07-22-16, 08:09 PM
That's fantastic! Great idea with the dog puzzle and definitely keep us posted if she learns how to get the mice!

07-22-16, 09:02 PM
I recall reading some other post somewhere hear said that food too small may not get recognized as food. Reason why the OP's snake in that case was not eating. Or my memory is fuzzy.

Perhaps she will get one out then reject the rest?
Only a theory. Someone correct me.