07-05-16, 01:04 PM
Hello all. I'm a 23 year old grad student who hopes to own a monitor someday.
It will likely be several years before it I will be able to provide for one, so in the meantime I've been doing lots of research into the care requirements and behavior of these lizards.
So far, I am most interested in Savannahs, Black Throats (I have been told that the african monitors would suit me best), Water Monitors, Argus Monitors, and I enjoy the fantasy of having a tame Nile. Monitor tame, though even in my inexperienced state I feel that the "tameness" debate can be a little silly at times. I'd be happy to talk about the further.
I've been researching these guys for a couple months now, and I've loved reptiles for as long as I can remember. Right now I'm in the grips of an obsession and I'm learning everything I can.
It will likely be several years before it I will be able to provide for one, so in the meantime I've been doing lots of research into the care requirements and behavior of these lizards.
So far, I am most interested in Savannahs, Black Throats (I have been told that the african monitors would suit me best), Water Monitors, Argus Monitors, and I enjoy the fantasy of having a tame Nile. Monitor tame, though even in my inexperienced state I feel that the "tameness" debate can be a little silly at times. I'd be happy to talk about the further.
I've been researching these guys for a couple months now, and I've loved reptiles for as long as I can remember. Right now I'm in the grips of an obsession and I'm learning everything I can.