View Full Version : What Do You Clean Your Cage With ? Myths And Facts...

02-24-03, 01:36 PM
--- Here is a topic I have yet to run across,........

What do you clean your herp's cage with ?

What's your opinion on cleaning with basic 50/50 bleach/water mix or going the route of name brand disinfecting cleaners like QUAT/ESU cage cleaners/or FLUKERS............
What do you deam the best in eradicating molds, bacteria and smells.
Any pro's and con's of a certain cleaner you have found to be more price savvy ? last longer ? or does not live up to expectations.

02-24-03, 01:50 PM
I use vinegar, then hydrogen peroxide. For stubborn stains, I use diswashing liquid or diluted bleach.

Here are a couple links that someone gave to me, they are a really good read:

If you do a search for "clean" in this forum, you should find more information.

Hope this helps.

02-24-03, 01:51 PM
I use a squirt of antibacterial dish soap and a splash of bleach.

02-24-03, 02:14 PM
-- Edwin ! thanks for the links ! but I allready did the search and found the best link to be on page 12 CLEANING AGENTS.
The purpose of this post was I wanted to find out if anyone prefers store brands vrs. house hold cleaners like hydrogen peroxide or bleach, pros and cons :)

02-24-03, 03:07 PM
i yous 10% bleach 90% water and some dish soap never vinager
yes it may smell strong but if they can make our food with it it is fare from strong enuf that is what I say. but up above it says just to remove stains if you combin it whit somthing strong enuf it is probebly a great combination

02-24-03, 04:54 PM
Never use a 50/50 mixture of bleach and water! Way too strong!

If cleaning a cage that is in use I use 10/90 bleach/water solution and then rinse it out with clean water, dry and let stand for like an hour to air out.
If I am cleaing an old cage that just ast for a while I will go 20/80 bleach/water and do the same thing as above but let it sit longer to air out.

Never!@ I repeat Never! clean a cage with bleach then ammonia!
This mixture produces toxic fumes that can not only kill your herp, but you too.

02-24-03, 11:12 PM
Well, it depends by your definition of store brands.. I personally find that most of the stuff sold by pet stores do not really work that well, and are really expensive. However, if you are thinking of the stuff that is used by vets and zoos like Nolvosan or Microzid, then it is a different story. A lot of people swear by the stuff. I have used a generic version of Nolvosan before, and it is good, but just as great as vinegar and peroxide in my opinion.

02-24-03, 11:55 PM
I used bleach and water, rinsed twice and let it air dry.

02-25-03, 02:13 AM
ball pythons dont go squirting poop around so i mainly just wash the carpet and wipe down the cage with a wet cloth.

02-25-03, 06:29 AM
I use 10% bleach/90% water then rinse with lots of cool clean water.

BP5000: even though you BP doesnt go "squirting" poop around there is still liquid that will soak thru the carpet and get the cage dirty. A good cleaning at a minimum of once a month is needed!

02-25-03, 07:49 AM
yeah i know that gets pretty sick to see. i have watched it poo and it was nasty, i never had realized how much liquid came out. when cleaning the carpet i wash down the bottom.

02-25-03, 08:22 AM
I always use a 10% bleach, 90% water mixture ti disinfect items in the cage. For glass aquariums, I use antibacterial dish soap. Seems to work fine for me!


02-25-03, 09:37 AM
I use 10/90 bleach/water mixture. For some of the glass aquariums I use a product called simple green and it is non toxic and does a good job of removing poop off the glass in my gecko cages.

02-26-03, 04:08 PM
for my platic shoe boxes I use a not toxic anti bac dish soap and pop them in the dishwasher with that!

For my larger takes I use 10/90 bleach/water seems to work good......just rinse well and air dry!