View Full Version : Do you think this crested looks a little skinny or small?

Greg West
02-24-03, 01:15 PM
I believe he is about 6-8 months old, living in a 18 X 18 X 36" glass cage filled with sanseveria and fed mostly crickets. I got him for a friend and he doesn't know much about reptiles. To me he looks small / skinny, but I have never kept crested myself, so I am not sure how big they should be at this size. Here are 2 pics to see the size. Let me know what you think. Could it have anything to do with the temps of the cage? He told me they were mid 70s but i think they are higher than that? Any suggestions? he says he buys 40 crix a week and they are always gone at the end of the week, but we both know they aren't escaping from the cage.



02-24-03, 03:54 PM
mid 70's is right....higher than that will stress them...

He doesn't look starved....but I'm not the greatest judge on that...

he's a great morph though!!!


02-24-03, 05:14 PM
I find that males who aren't fully grown go through a 'lanky' stage sometimes. Just like human males, they can pack the food away and just keep growing more lanky and fill out a bit later.

02-24-03, 06:03 PM
He looks ok, it's a little strange that he's skinny if he's being fed that many crickets, they usually fill out very quickly on crix.
How much fruit is he getting in his diet?
Some males just don't eat much, either way I wouldn't be too worried about it for now.

Greg West
02-25-03, 12:35 AM
he wasn't eating much fruit, but when i visit I hand feed him. He phoned me tonight and said he finished his first dish of baby food since getting him, so maybe things are looking up. He seemed pretty active from what I saw, but wanted to see what others said as I have never owned one myself. What are there humidity requirements. Is too much humididty a bad thing?


Thanks for the responses.