View Full Version : Answering "no post" notice...

06-23-16, 12:03 PM
I signed up to read. I'd had a boa when I was a youngster, and I know things have changed in the decades since - so I'm reading all I can. Have been making steps towards obtaining another, but that takes Time. I'm currently almost to the "roll" stage with my rodent-colony. Easier for me to grow them, than travel to the city every time I need some. I injured my hands, so building enclosure is gonna take a little longer than I anticipated. The stand for it is done, though.
I don't feel comfortable "giving advice" when I've been away from boas for so long. I can't write about my "experience" because I've not obtained the boa of my dreams, yet.
So here I am reading...

Albert Clark
06-23-16, 12:16 PM
Welcome Ol! Nice to have another voice here on the forum. As you stay here you'll change your "giving advice" mentality.

06-23-16, 03:05 PM
Welcome and i hope you find the answers to any questions you might have on the boards somewhere, if not i'm positive I'm positive someone here can answer any questions you might have. Glad to have a new face

07-03-16, 12:58 PM
olwolf-speak up whenever you feel comfortable. i know some of the comments i make are probably stupid, but when people correct me, it's a great way to learn. welcome.

07-04-16, 03:32 AM
Welcome!! If you want any help or just to chat boa's, feel free to shoot me a private message mate..